I have noted in a few blogs the reality of all the bad signs surrounding Barack Obama. Everything about him in America choosing him from a double dark moon in August to the numerous bad omens which surround him all portend to something very bad being associated with Barack Obama.
I might not have liked the sign either, but even the hurricane coming during the Republican Convention portended to a bad sign.
Ancient peoples or those "primitive" peoples who the Peggy Noonan types dislike for their droppin of 'g's to the patricians at Newsbusters have no idea how to deal with these realities in their lightweight worlds. The seer speaking of things and things needed to be done is discounted and disposed of, but the problem is the problem remains which will engulf as silencing the seer does nothing to stopping the events. All it does is leaves the patrician blind.
The reason for the lead up of this is the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church died of heart failure this past week and that is him pictured above with Vladamir Putin, next to his summer home.
That event at this juncture of time in leading the Church of Russia would portend of a sign, even in his passing. Heart failure would mean the heart of Russia will fail or die as a new cycle encompasses Moscow.
I would point out that Pope John Paul in his death very much seemed to set the stage for the lingering suffering of the Catholic faith and the start of what appears to be a short solid era of Pope Ben which as Patriarch Alexy II dying, seems to portend a coming end for Pope Ben as a new era begins.
Even Billy Graham in his fighting struggle of the traditional faith of Christians seems to be a sign of the current state of the Church in America in being encompassed by the life wicking sin of the world.
The continuing omens for America attached to Barack Obama show a period of a gelling cold where nothing is going to move nor get America out of the fix Mr. Obama's financiers have place America in. There are going to be a few very short term bright spots which are unexpected not associated with Mr. Obama's leadership, but nothing is going to deal with the stagnant dreary depressing freeze up of a pulverizing storm leaving the de fruited plain to shift for themselves.
The signs show a starkness in America continuing down the Obama path. Each nation will have it's own signs to interpret, Russia still needs to place it's religious leader into position, but it is interesting Metroplitan Kirill who has risen in the Orthodox Church is noted for trading in a monopoly of imported cigarettes in being Russia's largest distributor.
Kirill's past has upset conservative Orthodox for his international church relations in communing with the Catholic faith.
It is interesting this religion mixing is being strongly pushed by the undercurrent of the end times which appears to be setting events for the anti christ as much as Barack Obama being the ignition spark of the old orders suing the fires of the Indian monkey demon to restart an order extinguished by American firepower in Patton's 1945 3rd Army.
Perhaps if people invested a bit more time in watching the weather in not what the weather will be, but what the weather is telling what the coming season will be and the obituaries of noted people to read what their passing in events is speaking, it might just with the Holy Spirit's guidance be a much better predictor of coming events.
The Russians are an old superstitious people. It would seem they would know and view heart failure as a troubling sign for any religious leader to succumb to with a trader of cigarettes and mixing of religions waiting in the wings.
We now return you to Peggy Noonan's filthy mouth in proclaiming her good Pope Catholicness and that odd Newsbuster outfit of agnosticism.
Can't read the signs when you are blind to the Light.
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