With Barack Obama announcing he will not be smokin' in the White House, it opens the door to more psychopathy of what drives Mr. Obama to smoke. Being blessed in my Lame Cherry breeding in preferring Bing cherries to cigarettes, I have never had a problem with biological chemical euphoria reactions due to depressants or stimulates of nature. In layman's terms, smoking does nothing for me and makes me wonder where is the smoked meat to go along with all this smoke flavor.
For Mr. Obama though all kinds of things are occurring in his addiction. I had an Aunt once describe to me in the most glowing terms of her love of cigarettes. She particularly loved the cigarette just after breakfast with morning coffee.
What she was stating in biological terms she enjoyed the combined calming effect of nicotine and the stimulant of caffeine which assisted her in coping with what she was face each day. A child gains comfort from a blanket, some adults find this in an eclair, some need an Irish Whiskey, some smoke a joint and some tie the rubber band around the vein and shoot up heroine, Mr. Obama though reveals many things about his smokin' in the Obama room.
Mr. Obama puts on a stoic public face, but his smoking reveals a hyper nature of great stress. Once again a majority of people would be having panic attacks in his psychological position, hisself though is medicating in vast quantities of nicotine to soothe the panic.
The manifestation of this stress is his twitching eye which also is a geyser of information literally that his workouts of basketball to the health spa are not dealing with burning off the stress which he can not get rid of or deal with.
It would appear that Mr. Obama unlike bubble brain Tim Johnson has no leaky arteries, veins or valves in his self medicating stress test or one would have probably blown by now in an aneurysm which can be quite newsworthy as arteries cut through brain matter like a pressure hose through cottage cheese.
That is the good news as in his genes from black Arab, Barack Sr. who had a thing for whiskey, women and nicotine that none of that got him. Stanley Ann was gotten by cancer of the reproductive areas and that does not seem to be a current problem for Barack jr.
What Mr. Obama will manifest in as this continues is neurological problems. The most common for him would be a heart skipping a beat to the rising cases of inflammation in diabetes or a high blood pressure condition.
As the entire government of the United States is now occupied by sloven bureaucrats who have no intention on saving Mr. Obama from hisself being a British subject and a usurper to the presidency, Mr. Obama is going to have worse medical conditions arising.
I will remind people that Mr. Obama has been playing at being President. President George W. Bush has been President and is President, taking all the flack, fixing all the problems while Barry stands around like Daunte Culpepper pretending he actually is playing the game.
Once Barack Obama is saddled with the real task, it is going to run from 5 am to midnight each day, real political problems his benefactors have not created will arise like terrorist attacks to the coming literal political meltdown, then somewhere in that the 10 year old Barry is going to come out and this nation is going to have real trouble.
For all the lies spoken of in George W. Bush being unsound, the reality is Barack Obama is a ticking psychological and medical time bomb that will only develop more problems as the pressure increases.
This blog begged David Axelrod to get Mr. Obama help, but that entire campaign crew could have cared less and just ramped up the Obama racehorse again, fed him some nicotine and shoved him out of the gates for another run. Barack Obama is not capable of an 8 year run at the White House considering all that is coming on the United States.
At least, he will fracture and turn into some zombie type tyrant blaming the world like Jimmy Carter. At middle, he will go into a meltdown both physically and emotionally becoming the pouting boy one witnessed when John McCain spanked him at the debates where America will have Nancy Pelosi as Queen, Hillary Clinton as Queen and Joe Biden as Queen's drone as the nation falls apart. At worst, America will have some sort of Woodrow Wilson or due to medical conditions an FDR funeral.
As America appears to be saddled with a British subject as our new Prime Minister, I would hope someone who cuddles up with Barack Obama would have him slip into the Mayo or Walter Reed for a battery of tests to check his plumbing out. I already espoused the need for some religious and psychological counselling from some discreet clergy and medical professionals all to try and make something out of our new Prime Minister so he doesn't go tits up, because in this we have Joe Biden whose brain exploded a few years ago and that is not exactly a senior citizen to be putting the 500 pound pack saddle on and sayin' "Gid up".
Such a wonderful eulogy for America this last chapter will be. Absolute humiliation, complete desperation and wafts of cigarette smoke coming from the White House balcony as Barack Obama lights up non stop trying to deal with his emotional, psychological and physical issues with fire on one end and a fool on the other.
My compliments to Peter Sellers in his Muppet Show character:
Cigareets en whaskey en wald wald women
They'll drive you crasee they'll drive ya insane
Cigareets en whaskey en wald wald women
With fire on one end and a fool on the tauther