Tim Carpenter, national director of the Progressive Democrats of America; OpenLeft blogger Chris Bowers, Roger Hickey, a co-founder of Campaign for America’s Future, John Aravosis, the editor of Americablog, Jonathan Tasini, who runs the website workinglife, Juan Cole, an anti-war blog called Informed Comment and propagandist Frank Rich of the New York Times are part of a growing group not quite getting Barack Obama's pendulum swingin away of each day in telling the world one day he is centrist, one day liberal and the next day he is protectin' your guns so no need to hoard them.
All of these liberals are like the drunk who marries the 50 year old Las Vegas whore and the more he looks at her the next morning he just keeps trying to convince himself he married the 20 year old virgin, but she keeps spitting up phlegm and cussing like a sailor as that itch in her crotch is spread to yours.
To help the liberal deluded, I will open the window on your honeymoon suite and shed some light on the Obama you just spent the night of bliss with.
Mr. Obama put Tim Geithner and Lawrence Summers in charge of money, because they work for the same nation rapists who just destroyed working people's retirement 401K accounts at the tune with the housing bust of 1 trillion dollars.
Mr. Obama with a feigning, "I don't like fascism" President Bush has just nationalized the American banking system.
Currently Mr. Obama is joining in the nationalization of the auto industry and dictating who will lead the private enterprise companies.
Into this mix the friends of Barack are getting billions in handouts while the auto industry unions are giving up all their retirement benefits and Mr. Obama is nulling the secret ballot for unions thereby the end of union worker control of unions and instead making appointed thug political control of billions of union investments.
Tom Daschle is head of the health rationing scam so all you liberals can die slowly without care and as he works for the Chicago agri chemical cartel which is poisoning America's babies and pets all in one swell frankenfood and preservative poison meal, there is a running population reduction program of food supply in Doritos politics.
Have another chip and see the doctor in 2 years if you can survive.
The Clinton clique is filling the appointments of the white Obama Administration. The few more white than black appointees like Susan Rice have the same robber baron history and are initiating the globalist plans to plunder Africa and south Asia.
Robert Gates the trigger puller like Zbigniew Brzezinski will handle a very covert and bloody foreign affairs policy which is in the process of disrupting nations armed with nuclear weapons and hundreds of millions of soldiers.
The reason Barack Obama is looking for all practical purposes as Bush 43 with a Marxist twist instead of a socialist twist, is because Mr. Obama is not a dyed in the wool leftist nor liberal as any globalist can tell you. Globalists only hide in left wing groups to attain power, control people and then go on their merry world venture ways of plunder, rapine and death.
I take this with great delight in bursting the bubble of the liberal pin heads above with adding this complete caveat:
The reason dear comrades in why Barack Obama will not place any liberals in his administration is for the reason is liberals are idiots and incompetent and only get in the way of a globalist world rule objective.
One does not put simpletons who believe leftist rhetoric into power positions, because they are simpletons who actually believe leftist rhetoric produced as propaganda by the brilliant minds to gain control of populations.
Think about it my leftist liberal comrades. You have just witnessed all the lies of Barack Obama and you are still making excuses for him. You can not even figure out if he does throw you one bone it will appease you as his financiers create a Sarah Palin for you to gnash your teeth over to herd you all back into the Obama booth.
You liberals should be proud. You have helped a British subject steal an American election, helped in destroying unions, helped in making America a real fascist state in the government controlling banks and auto industries........so how long do you think it will be before the ailing news industry gets it's government share of state run media?
Comrades you have just helped put into power the very ideals and dogma which you claim to be against and are proof of how inept you are in not figuring it out.
Get the point now why Barack Obama wants none of you near his takeover?
You liberals can't even figure out you have been had just like the Clintons had you in passing all of Newt Gingrich's contract with America, destroying the Democratic party so the Rhino GOP agents took over and you bought into a bigger scam with hisself, Barack Hussein Obama.
When Barry drafts all your kids and sends them to die in some war or serve in some hell hole to get raped, while Mexican illegals are here getting the vote and raping your family, just tell yourself, "Barry will come through with a liberal appointment as he just needs one more day".
As this blog pointed out, Barack Obama is an intelligence asset, backed by the world powers, created by the world powers and the world powers are going to eat you liberals up quicker than you ever dreamed, because they come for their own leftists first as you are the easy ones being against violence, unarmed and gathering around at your Letterman cocktail crowds or lining up at the welfare trough.
Have a nice 4 years comrades following your mahdi over the abyss.
Post script: Liberals ask yourself why is it Dick Armey was braggin' on Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Ask yourself why is it the big names like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly were doing lip service to McCain and real service for Obama.
Ask yourself if Sean Hannity's get Hillary campaign was more about getting Obama into office.
Ask yourself why Newsbusters was parroting the liberal talking points talking of McCain defeat for weeks.
Ask yourself why the Supreme Court you are cheering for stopping all those "neocon nutballs" as you refer to them lawsuits supposedly filled with Conservatives are protecting Barack Hussein Obama and admitted British subject?
Come on liberals, unlock the brain lock, see the picture as it is much closer than you realize in you just voted for Barack Hussein Bush jr who is leading you all down the same path the Clinton's did away from all your liberal policies.
Bill Clinton got you gays in the military and shipped all your jobs overseas. Barack Obama will hand you no more don't ask don't yell and destroy all your unions so you can work for overseas wages here.
The same money trough funds your boys as well as the boys you hate and that is why fascist Pelosi is backing him and why the CONservatives are aiding him while all you liberals are left out in the cold peeking in the window begging for one "liberal" appointment.
See why Prime Minister Obama has no respect for you as you people are so duncified you don't deserve any place at the table with Orwell's pigs.