His chirade of not coming forward with a valid birth certificate due to reality if he did produce one if it did exist in Hawaii, that it would be countered by some foreign intelligence group to blackmail him or throw the United States into an impeachment crisis nullifies any title of respect in President.
Heretofore, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama will be reffered to as Mr. Prime Minister, Prime Minister, hisself and the usurper.
Mrs. Michelle Robinson Obama will heretofore be referred to not as First Lady, but instead be addressed as, Mrs. Obama, herself, the wife and that Prime Minister's wife.
As Joseph Farah finally got on board with addressing the idiocy of Tim Russert calling all pinko communist states BLUE to hide they are RED and confuse the voting public in more liberal nonsense, this blog will refer to all Reagan states as BLUE STATES in their God given right of the right across the entire world is BLUE and every fascist and pinko commie nation from Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia and Mao's Chicomia all have RED FLAGS.
Mr. Obama today plunged even further into his fascist dive with Marxist red on top in announcing that he would decide if automobile manufacturers in who would lead them in true leftist liberal communist fashion.
So having had enough of this manipulation, this Lame Cherry says, "Enough! I will play by Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan American rules as the Constitution mandates".
There will no longer be any degradation for the noble title, President of the United States nor First Lady of the United States. America helped by European financiers and traitorous patsies have stolen the election and installed a British subject and his American wife as the Prime Minister's wife.
As Joe Biden agreed to this fabrication and usurption of the office, he will be referred to from this point on as, Mr. Biden, Mr. Prime Minister in waiting and Aaron Burr.
His lovely wife will be referred to as, his lovely wife or Mrs. Biden.
America is now controlled by pests. All of them should take a junket to Hollywood and star in The Pest Wing, as we are no longer a nation of Constitutional Laws nor Order. They are actors upon a stage of thieves facing a separation in God's judgment of His people from the chaff.
At this point, I believe the veddy British thing to pipe up and say is, "The President is gone, Mr. Obama is here, Long live the Prime Minister, pip pip".
Sorry for not being quite up to par on being a subject as my Forefather signed the Declaration of Independence and threw off being a subject for a Citizen and while I will use the terms, I'm not going to dishonor my kindred by ever being a subject for any Prime Minister again.