Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What is good for the Obama is good for gander

I honestly see a new dawn on America which is quite libertarian as America will no longer need to have any poor, any prisons or any licenses or passports.

Barack Obama as a late registered baby from a British Commonwealth has just posted a non document online as his passport to the White House. It would not be accepted anywhere in the United States if a normal person tried to use a document like this, so it certainly goes as a legal precedent that no one needs identification anymore which is legal.
All people will have to do in court is say just like Barack Obama as their defense.

Prisons can now be emptied as all crimes involving money which is almost all crimes no longer matter. Mr. Obama has laundered money, dry cleaned money, used 300 million in counterfeit funds to steal the American election and it matters not to the Justice Department, Patrick Fitzgerald US Attorney, the FEC or the IRS.
I had always been told that counterfeiting was very illegal, but as no one cares about Barack Obama accepting those funds and depleting banks it is the perfect solution in Nancy Pelosi can bail out everyone, make wards of the state in everyone in just having the Lebanese who printed up money for Barack print up a few trillion.
Barack can do the same in printing up a few trillion more and pay off all the US bills and the world will all be mahdi great.

Passports, just wave them away as you really don't need them anymore. Barack Obama didn't need a US passport to travel to Pakistan as they wouldn't allow Americans in, so he used an Indonesian one. All you apparently need to do now is just print one up for yourself on a tablet paper and declare it is Tutuland and away you can go.
You won't need licenses on your car. You can just hammer out a Bud Lite can and bolt her one the bumper.

I can see great steps in this bogus Obama world. Medications are expensive, so instead of real ones you can just get sugar pills as they will all be acceptable as Obama's bogus birth certificate is passing for real.
Need a doctor, hey you can be your own doctor and saw in new joints to doing brain surgery. We know you are a PHD as the diploma you got printed up on your website makes you one even if you attended college to be a plumber.
We can just do away with all that NASA nonsense too in no need to train anyone. Just toss in anyone to the pilots seat and all those NASA experts we don't need them either and just print up a bunch of diplomas that says they are engineers.

We won't have any more Al Franken being troubled with stealing ballots as Al can just print up his own ballots of 1 billion Minnesotans who will all vote for him and there won't have to ever be any recounts.

Heck, wars, wars don't happen, because we can just print up peace certificates and hand them out to all the dead Georgians the Russians killed and tell them they aren't dead either.

We won't even need government anymore as anyone can just print up what they want to be and what they have license to do and it will be one big Obama hap hap happy place.

So I'm figuring on printing up a bunch of Obama thangs. I think I will have a deed to the Playboy Mansion, print up Donald Trump adopted me and I have a license as a doctor to inspect Bianca's silicon hording implants, there should be that patent where it was my relative who discovered fire and spoons and I'm owed about 4 gazillion dollars in royalties in everybody using my relatives inventions and probably a bunch of "Ya buts" certificates for a rainy day.

Like "Yah but" I forgot it was illegal to write the Truth, but here is my "Yah but" license and now I'm head of Newsbusters earning the bucks off of Conservatives.

"Yah but", I want to be the guy who throws the White House Christmas tree light switch, here is my license that I can do that.

Barack Obama is showing the way with his financial backers in how the world should be run. Laws don't matter, Order doesn't matter, all that matters is you got yourself a printing press and can churn out whatever you like.

What a great Obamanation we live in and I would like to thank mahdi Obama and the 66 million people who solved all of this with just ink and digital.

Never mind that your new pacemaker is made in Bombay, your new cancer med is made in Mexico and the doctor treating your child was a pooper scooper last week, because we got all the certificates printed up just like Barack Obama in being made in America.
