The players need to be noted in Chambliss brought in Gov. Sarah Palin in the closing days and literally closed the deal compared to Martin campaigning from Obama's headquarters, putting Obama's name on everything, using Obama's crew and Obama dumping in huge amounts of money for this seat Democrats desired for the 60 vote margin against filibusters.
In the short story of the election, Georgians by a 16 point margin or landslide rejected Barack Obama and Democrats and chose Chambliss and Gov. Sarah Palin.
That is the message which this Georgia election is sending. Not one month ago the media and Obama supporters were lecturing this was an Obama mandate, America wanted change and it was a rejection of everything in the past 8 years, and yet, there is Sen. Chambliss trouncing Obama's choice and Georgia rejecting Barack Obama.
As I have noted before, Democrats continuously misread elections as much as John Zogby's bogus polling data. The facts are a group of mentally unbalanced people like Harry Smith or wet pantie women like Peggy Noonan in fetish voted for Barack Obama, along with a margin of Latino voters who thought that screwing over white people like a 70% margin of Jewish voters was the way to go in voting for Obama over John McCain.
Black voters perhaps have a noted psychopathy of an excuse for all the indoctrination they have been put through in voting for someone who looked like them would finally mean that they had arrived, but the fact in Georgia is telling in numbers of Americans have gotten over their psychopathy and are moving on in focusing on the issues of they don't like Democrats.
See when you have George Bush in the room, reminding you how you only like 90 minute wars and how gas prices went up, then Obama looked pretty good to ignorant people.
The problem is when Obama is in the room alone that the American people already have shifted to not liking this guy and detesting Democrats.
Democrats in Congress are opening up the floodgates of spending in billions of additional dollars. Queen Pelosi is upon her throne holding court handing out dollars for her voters. Harry Reid is insulting Americans telling them they stink and there sits Barack Obama...........
No black people in his cabinet, no Hispanics in his cabinet and nothing but a recycling of the Clinton years while running around pretending to be President.
Considering what pollsters and media have told America about an Obama "landslide" not one month ago, that landslide should have installed Democrat Jim Martin. Instead, reality is setting in in the first wave in Georgia and Georgia is cancelling the Obama mandate.
I have noted that Democrats by their actions know Mr. Obama has only about 90 days before America goes into turning their fury on the Democrats as mounting problems start developing. They understand how fragile this, but they have no idea how absolutely combustible this is.
As an example, like Mr. Martin having blacks draped around him like jewelry, advertisers in media have now concluded that Mr. Obama is the black sales product in they are featuring more and more black people in commercials. I will note for people in how you know chocolate ice cream is great in the first spoon, how nice it is in the first bowl, but when you eat a quart, you are satisfied, but if you try a gallon you just do not want any more, and, by that time you want something salty, that is what Barack Obama is.
Mr. Obama was the catharsis for racists. The right didn't want another spoon after the first taste. The left and those in Jungle Fever with him are in the process of reaching the second bowl phase and he is not even President yet. There is going to come a great deal of obnoxious minorities as I have noted loud talking Mexicans in stores speaking in Spanish to the too cool black people who will flex their presence in smirks, that as each of these Obama ambassadors insult and hurt people's feelings that there is going to be a massive erosion concerning Obama support.
To put it simply, without George Bush around to hate and only Democrats in control of Congress screwing things up and Barack Obama in daily idiocy not getting things solved, the same hateful people are going to turn it on Barack Hussein Obama.
Barack Obama was a glitch and is glitch. Idiot Americans who do not understand policy divorced themselves from George Bush. Mr. Obama is their psychological fling and when they wake up to their misery in 2009, the first targets of their wrath will be Mr. Obama and in 2010 they will take it out in Congressional elections on Democrats.
Mr. Obama's policies are all cotton candy. He has no investment like Ronald Reagan so anything he does is going to flow out the nation. Pelosi's plans are dumping money into union workers for asphalt and bridges which already exist. Democrats are creating nothing except one thing and that is more massive debt which is imploding.
I want to point out that for people who think things are bad in America, that China has closed tens of thousands of factories and is facing mobs daily. The entire infrastructure of Eurasia is imploding and those winds of used paper and junk metal are tanking prices for the bandits in America and the British Commonwealth.
This could according to my published plans be fixed and rectified in 6 months. Instead, Mr. Obama is going to FDR this thing to attempt to gain a voting block in the medical carrot before the horse, but with 60 million Americans now working to defeat him, all that is going to occur is a furthering of the FDR New Deal enslavement policy and that means Mr. Obama is going to be facing a real landslide defeat in 2012 unless as Mrs. Clinton is positioning and ousts him in the primaries if not before in the 25th Amendment.
The Obama Administration has already been cancelled in Georgia in the first wave of American reality. The slimy Blue Dog Democrats are sniffing at this wondering already and they will be the first to bolt off the plantation the first whiff they get tagging along with Pelosi and Obama will mean their defeat.
These electioneers can steal an American election, but it is not the same without George Bush being around to blame for voters. It will not be that long before the first disaster that people will think Bush 43 was not so bad and then turn on the media for being so hard on him.
Hate waves and euphoria orgasms only last on the crest and when the still quiet of reality starts in then people start having a back wash looking for someone to blame. David Letterman was all for going over and killing people until it lasted so long and then he blamed George Bush like so many twerps did, because the important people can not admit their faults.
The backwash is coming and it is coming faster than one anticipated. One perhaps advance sign might be in watching Oprah Winfrey's ratings, because if they start sliding then it means an under current is sweeping in the nation.
A whole lot of Democrats and minorities lost the day Barack Obama stole this election and it is given a whole lot more are going to loose as each day ticks along and people get fed up on a steady died of chocolate ice cream.