Wednesday, October 22, 2008

While child Obama plays

I would like Americans to ponder a question in, "If someone from the Middle East has broken vast laws in exposing currency fraud to funnel to you, $250 million, knowing the people you just took money from deal in human traffic, terrorism, money laundering of opium, diamonds and weapons,

do you think they did that all for free or are they going to want something from you in return?"

That is the saga of Barack Obama in the company he keeps as Americans who adore him have not quite figured out yet that the international mafia of Eurasia is funneling counterfeit cash to gain favors from America later when Mr. Obama has stolen the election.
President Clinton took the same cash bribes from Chicoms who were given all sorts of things like American nuclear codes, American missile technology, American spy satellite technology, all of which has nuclear missiles now targeting everything from Chicago to Los Angeles.

What do you think these Eurasians are going to want from America this time now that Obama has sold the American soul for his messiahship?

Do not make the mistake people of thinking this is some Obama problem that will not touch you. Everyone of you who voted for Bill Clinton and Ross Perot has dead US Soldiers on your hands to the dead on 9 11, because this maze all connects and when a blackmailed Bill Clinton over Saddam's bribes won't prosecute Saudi terrorists and lets them into the United is all about voting and paying in American blood.

I want to remind voters in this election that China is currently smacking around the Tibet intelligence faction for that little uprising before the Olympics. The pretty Peking girl is back with a whore's attitude in beating to death her john.

While you haven't been paying attention, Iran, who so many people in the Obama left claim because they hate George Bush has a ship sitting off of Africa. Big deal you say as this doesn't affect you in your Obama hamlet........
Well think again, as the pirates who were on that ship blew up a container on this Iranian ship to open it. Soon they had burns on their bodies, their hair fell out and they were dead.

That is called a chemical weapon. The was ship, the Iran Deyanat, was registered to carry almost 40,000 tons of cargo to the Netherlands. The Netherlands was a bogus address as the Islamocommunists are busy shipping weapons of mass destruction around the world.
Some think this cargo was for Africa. Some think it was destined for Hamas. The point is Iran is just like before in helping to ship chemical weapons from Saddam at the time to murder Christians in Darfur is shipping poisons which murder humans again.
To give you a real American Obama voter view of this, sugar is sold in 5 pound bags in your grocery. Take a look at the display sometime as you might see 100 bags stacked there in bulk.

What Iran just got caught shipping, that the United States is attempting to bribe in a $7 million offering to Somalia to get a look at that cargo, is 160,000 of those stacks of sugar which would fill an entire grocery store.
Human pesticide as that is what chemical weapons is IS just like Raid that you spray on bugs. A little goes a long way and Obama's negotiating friends just deployed 1 load of that. If you figure just 1 teaspoon to kill one person, that cargo would kill 3.84 billion people.

Still feeling secure as Obama plays with these fellow Marxist thugs?

Well, how about those Islamocommunists now pushing for a first strike on the Israeli state as they are destined to strike Iran over nuclear material.
Dr. Seyed G. Safavi, head of the Research Institute of Strategic Studies in Tehran is an adviser to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reaffirmed the Persians have a very vocal group advocating the strike.
These thugs of course want the talkative Obama installed as sanctions have no power and Democrats in Congress just killed a vote to blockade the Iranians.

The Islamocommunists have a ship off of Somalia with a terror cargo that could murder 4 billion people, has already killed pirates who blew open a container and these are the Isalmocommunists who according to Ghadaffi of Libya who are funding one of their own native Muslim sons for the White House.

It is my hope in God's Grace that He saves Americans from themselves and this Obama theft of the election process, but in noting the above America is now in debt to the central Europeans who are laundering this entire financial terror network's cash and is in debt to the Islamocommunists.
If Barack Obama attains the White House, they will require payment. The first people on the list are the American settler Jews in the Israeli state currently under attack by the secular Jews in that Olmert faction with George Soros representing the Europeans for the plunder of the resources under the West Bank.
If Obama crosses these thugs, they will just like in the stock market meltdown going on currently come for America not for cash but in a massive 9 11 attack for America blood again.

No matter the President, I might have a way out of this as solutions are not acceptable in either Israeli or American nukes lobbed at the Persians polluting the oil supply as the communists intend to which Iran will by cargo ship vaporize New York City.
Letterman's cocktail crowd might hide in Connecticut, but the radioactive dust is going to get them and it is a fact that rural states are going to close their borders and not allow millions of eastern seaboard refugees to invade their states as I have pointed out in policy papers the rural states do not have the infrastructure of water, food supply and housing to deal with numbers of fleeing people.
Houston almost melted down with New Orleans refugees and that was only 40,000.

I have advocated the use of pulse weapons in defensive postures for the Israeli Defense Forces. Fry Russian missile circuitry on the gound and one stops the attack in full.
This is not some high tech weapon which I speak that could fuse the 30 or so Iranian nuclear warheads they have built or acquired according to Dr. Khan's plans out of Pakistan. The device I speak of is Sam Cohen simple. For those who need refreshing on Mr. Cohen is a personal hero of mine, he is the father of the neutron bomb and is the scientific basis for President Reagan's Star Wars which proved the liberals all wrong as Star Wars does indeed exist on platforms of various fields.

What I advocate is using a M 1 Abrams tank barrel. The same bunker buster which the Americans invented out of necessity which is simply hardened steel, packed with explosives and dropped at speed so it drives into the ground and shoots through concrete.
Use this elementary system, if need be add an explosive charge to drive it into caverns and as the explosion moves forward have it unwind a magnetic coil which is charged. The breaking down of the field just like in an automobile will create a massive electronic lightning strike. In a car it is termed a spark plug spark, in these terms you know it as electro magnetic pulse.

As this little darling requires a name, let her be called Siren as she sings a sweet song. What the purpose of Siren is, is not to fry circuits, but to trip the matrix fuses of the Dr. Kahn cone shaped warheads and detonate said warhead in it's own bunker.
If the Islamocommunists want these warheads, then the policy should be to detonate them on their own soil in an effective means.
The benefits of this are that the United States will not have opened up the nuclear gennie tempting others to follow.
Barack Obama has indicated he desires to use nuclear weapons which will call for a nuclear retaliation by Islamocommunists. This solves the ignorance of Barack Obama at least on this issue.

Tinkering with Siren's electronic pulse would also make it an antipersonel device as interfering with an Islamocommunists central nervous system frequency would have the same effect as a phaser.

Barack Obama has brought this to America's door. I do not see Harry Smith, Keith Olbermann, David Letterman or anyone else who has insulted Gov. Palin's intelligence in coming up with a solution for their messiah's mess as usual in what they created.

A $250 million bill means Obama's funders are coming now. This is the best solution to attempt in dealing with this providing the Persian warheads can be located in acceptable numbers.
I really do not want to see my Statue of Liberty melted into a puddle of radioactive copper. I find these liberals disgusting for putting this nation into this position while mocking President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Americans have not 1/10th of a clue what these people have done to keep this from America's door. It can never be told what our friends in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and the Israeli state have accomplished either.

This is the best option to attempt as Mr. Obama is going to send in troops and when they get slaughtered in mass numbers he will go nuclear which will bring nuclear to America.
The Israeli state can not sit idle and will have to react as was the progession plan all along which will bring nuclear to America.

Tune up Siren, drop it from a B 1 platform and let these Marxist friends of Obama eat their own nuclear weapons. In theory, the concussion of this pulse might not even need detonators to trip but be so smashing to compress the uranium to create a reaction.

This sounds like something Admiral Thomas Moore would advocate in ending an American problem on foreign soil and dealing with an election thief in Obama if he is installed.

The policy is to keep America safe, American Soldiers from being fodder and American prestige from world condemnation as liberals are prone to do from Daschle to those French types who are not Normans.


What we have here is a failure to Hillarycate

I just loved the actor Strother Martin in movies as he was one of the most movie stealing people in the world. Some people could steal scenes, but in movies like The Wild Bunch, Rooster Cogburn and the Lady, Hannie Caulder etc.... you always were thinking about Mr. Martin years after the movie was over and the big stars won the Oscars.
Strother Martin is known in liberal circles mostly for the infamous line in Cool Hand Luke, staring the now deceased liberal Paul Newman. In that movie, Mr. Martin uttered he infamous line, "What we have here is a failure to communicate".
Apparently last evening when Hillary Clinton appeared on Nightline, the entire world missed what she was saying on ABC as Hillary appeared as a bobble head that I was surprised she didn't pass out from in being dizzy as she was shaking her head so much.

Cynthia McFadden, the shrewish ABC hater of Gov. Palin, was the propagandist cozying up to Hillary Hamrod Clinton. She has been relating how much Mrs. C is best buds now with the messiah.
People in the know, KNOW hateful McFadden is up to something more than hating Sarah Palin. McFadden is ushering in the Hillary era that when Obama ends up impeached or Phil Berg defunct that Hillary is going to have to be lily white to have a chance in not being lynched by the Obamaniacs.

Into this Mrs. Clinton sat. I was amazed in how the makeup Mrs. C now wears is more like a face mask hiding a woman who looks about 70. It is apparently very elastic until she gets too emotional as then these leather like creases show up in her face.
I sort of feel sorry for her as even Rush Limbaugh noted Hillary was a babe. She deserved better than her sexual assault husband and hirling lesbians for companions after Vince Foster. Her life would have been so much better if she just had a gentleman in her life more like Bill Clinton is now than what he was as a communist punk 30 years ago.

The bobble head Hillary though was most interesting as her head as wildly swinging in the negative concerning Barack Obama 99% of the time.
The only time it went positive was when she made a comment that "Obama looked presidential" and when she fake nodded like a 3 year old yes and then went into a massive negative head movement while she was trying to talk up Obama.
Some might say that Hillary's people read my blog concerning what they were doing at the Democratic National Convention in revealing no one there believed Obama was capable of anything. Some might say the Clinton people are hopeful my blog noticed Hillary last night to bring all of this up to the millions on the internet as a code from Hillary to her PUMA voters to vote for John McCain.
Some can say allot, but when Hillary is in Obama mode she doesn't believe a thing about him is presidential and he is capable of anything other than playing a presidential candidate.

So I'm inspired to see through the bull, but know Hillary is voting for John McCain as is Joe Biden.

I'll never feel lament for Mrs. Clinton as she is the most formidable of opponents. She is praise worthy in self inflicted defeat for the greatness of her prowess, but if she is ever allowed power again she is like Napoleon in Europe better hide their armies.
Mrs. Clinton though was not defeated as she spoke about herself, but the animation of bobble head was gone. She is a woman biding her time now and setting a stage. She believes in herself, but doesn't know for hope if her Lady MacBeth is going to succeed in the planned maneuver.

Hillary Clinton though has now positioned herself as Barack Obama's best buddy. That position had better not be respected by the Obama supporters as one does not keep Hillary close as close she is like a lionness striking in one blow. One keeps her caged, but caged and blackmailed.

For the sake of the Democratic Party which I do sincerely want to be kept as a viable party, it would benefit the PUMA voters to vote for John McCain and assist in electing him along with electing enough Republicans in the House to dethrone Pelosi in the disaster she has overseen and install Stenny Hoyer who is a Hamrod supporter.
It would also for Hillary's sake to save her from herself in being Electoral College voted into office in December instead of a problematic Obama that McCain be the President Elect. In this with Democrats electing midwestern Republicans like Norm Coleman over the disaster Al Franken will be in the Senate, it will tighten Hillary's grip on power in deposing Reid over the election disaster and allow her to cement her place as chief opposition to John McCain.

That sets up Hillary in 2012 in a clean election which she needs as she has wiped out all her opponents and honestly gives Hillary time to get together a policy which is not pure communism health care.
God rest his soul, but Teddy Kennedy's days are numbered and his capable wife is destined to replace him. A new selection is coming to the Senate on the right and the left which is going to change the political landscape. These are the people Hillary needs to advance and the time to advance a policy which is not 1917 Marxism.

I'm not selling out to the Hamrod society. I'm simply informing as always the Truth in which would be the best outcome for America, the PUMA people and Hillary, by her voters implementing an agenda that is for their candidate.

Do Clinton Democrats want 300 fawning Obama changlings working against them or do the PUMA want a reformed base which blames Obama for the disaster and looks to Hillary as the leader to take them out of the darkness.

Mrs. Clinton on Nightline in body language affirmed Obama is an empty suit. It now is the game to see if Hillary Hamrod Clinton can fill that suit in a very American coup.


The American of My Desire

The American of My Desire

We would like to invite you under this subpoena to freely partake of the American Fairness Doctrine. In it you will find the freedom to express yourself in progressive ways that are for the good of the whole.
You will become part of the whole under our all encompassing plan. Either to freely walk among the enlightened or to sojourn freely among the incarcerated as we the American people of Chicago are destined to be one nation under the messiah with liberty and justice for those who have been educated to our understanding.

Please feel free under US Marshal escort and our unifying bands of handcuffs to appear before us, the board of Chicago Thought Process as assembled by him.


William Ayers Charlie Gibson Charlie Rose Warren Buffett George Soros
Bernadine Dorhn Katie Couric Brian Williams David Letterman Jeff Rense
Chris Matthews David Axelrod Kate Snow Cynthia McFadden Kiran Chetry
Barney Frank Charles Schumer Bob Schieffer Chris Cuomo Bill Keller
Diane Sawyer Peggy Noonan David Gergen Mark Halperin Al Franken
Keith Olbermann Bill Maher Michelle Obama Tom Daschle Ron Paul
Arianna Huffington Alec Baldwin Tina Fey Chevy Chase Steven Webber
Steve Hildebrand Brett Blackledge Adam Goldman Matt Apuzzo Bruce Springsteen
David Brooks Harry Smith Chris Wallace Tom Hanks Al Gore Sean Penn

Welcome Americans to the new America, please stand and await your turn to come before your judge, jury and dispenser of Obama justice.
If you are found guilty of thought not sanctioned by this pristine body you will be fined all of your wealth and invited to a mandatory re education facility to create in your aura a being of satisfaction.
Appeals will not be heard as the noted one has deemed it necessary to remove former Justices, Scalia, Kennedy, Roberts, Alito and Thomas for infractions of "conservatism extremus" passed by the Congressional majority of Sir Nancy Pelosi and Dame Harry Reid.

Mr. Limbaugh, your name is first. We see you have stated you have "talent on loan from God". Mr. Limbaugh this is a blasphemous statement as his messiahship has never loaned anything to you. Therefore you have admitted to grand theft talent from the messiah and are hereby sentenced to the re education diamond mines of Arkansas for the next 40 years.

Mr. Limbaugh please. The court can not hear your mumbling with that duct tape across your mouth, so it will conclude that is your affirmative in agreeing to the theft. Next case.

Sean Hannity. Yes we see a most grievous charge against you. Not noticing Joy Behar's cleavage and dropping her a nice note saying how cleavage infested she is. This is a grave offense of sexism Mr. Hannity for the law states:
Thou shalt worship the Behar thy breasts and them only shall you serve.

What is that Peggy Noonan????? Oh yes Ms. Noonan has stated you refer to your Mother as Mom, so that is aggravated assault on motherhood which will gain you another 20 years to life for this breast offense.
Please Mr. Hannity as we informed Mr. Limbaugh, the duct tape is secure and anything mumbled in this court will be used against you. Next case.

Ann Coulter, Yes, we have here a most egregious charge which states you have broken the first Amendment to the Constitution which reads.
Freedom of Speech to only liberals.

This is an extreme offense and no you may not mumble this all sounds like George Orwell's Animal Farm in key words added to documents. For questioning the court in mumbles, you are sentenced to be a maid in the messiah piece corp with the title of reparation slave to Africa.

I see we have here, Sarah Palin. Oh my, my, failure to tingle Chris Matthews leg and tingling far too many Bill Maher legs seducing fine Marxists from the manifesto in their hope of an elitist tomorrow with Obama and justice for all.
You are charged with also failure to abort a handicapped child, Letterman cocktail crowd assertions you did not provide condoms to your children and being pretty.

Obviously you are corrupted in worshipping dirty oil and daring to want Americans free. You are hereby sentenced to 57 life sentences for..........for being a Mother, a Woman and reminding Joy Behar she will never be a Lady and Cynthia McFadden the same.
Salt mines for you at Salt Lake with all those crazy Mormons, Christians, Jews and other lunatics we have assembled out there.

Lame Cherry. Such a pest you are. Writing nice things about David Rockefeller being needed as a banker and noting that the Europeans and Chicago syndicate are rocking the boat.

Your worst sin is you deliberately misspelled words to confuse confused liberals to ranting rants causing caustic profanity to come from their lips and thereby getting in the way of their hating.

You're sentence to being an exile in France which is a nice country except for all those French ruining it. You will be an American without a country as we, the United People of Obamerica, have created a Demarxia of the masses. Next!

Michelle Malkin. It says here you are not acting all like a woman, an oriental, an Amerikan and are appearing as an image of Sarah Palin.
The nation can not have that sort of idolatry as it is written, Amerika shall not live by bread alone, but by ever posture of the Obama.

Just as FDR rounded up you orientals, you will be relocated to Internment Camp 4007 in Colobama outside Denver where you will be re educated listening to Whoopie Goldberg for the next 27 years.

I just received a note that is this is all getting tedious for the court. Charlie Gibson looking down his glasses at 60 million Americans is suffering eye strain, Jeff Rense needs to sell some gold, George Soros has to go drill oil on former Jewish lands now under Hamas, Peggy Noonan and David Brooks have to go recharge their Obama chips and Bill Ayers has a new erector bomb set to play with as he is holding auditions for another liberal Jewish girl to be raped in his apartment to reconstruct his Oliver Stone's new film, O the story of 69, the summer of love.

Therefore all of you Conservatives are hereby sentenced to life without parole, serving illegals, working for the benefit of others and dying on command in infanticide, invalidicide and geezercide.

This concludes the business of the Obama Court of Obamanism.
