Sunday, January 18, 2009

10 Answers to Obama

In watching the people who claim to inhabit the "right" in America, I have seen Larry Kudlow, wet himself, equal to Obama, Noel Sheppard and his types at Newsbusters parrot the liberal talking points, most of the GOP in Congress rubber stamp all Obama and now people like Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin, just standing around bitching about it all.

Where is one of these people coming up with an answer to Birdie Obama to assist the people in Congress? I'm very serious about this as our Congress is made up of the biggest bunch of inept, untalented, uninspired Obama clones. None of them has had an original idea or a solution to fix anything, since their mothers put a nipple in their mouths at birth.

I have laid out a complete economic and security plan, which the GOP could have stolen as most do. Heck John McCain stole my cocktail crowd line and making everyone wealthy, so the children do pay attention.

In visiting history, the GOP must look to Lyndon Johnson's presidency to deal with Barack Obama. Obama wants things done and Johnson wanted things done. How Johnson accomplished this was compromise in giving the GOP the things they wanted for the things LBJ wanted.

In noting that light and Newt Gingrich in his Contract with America which Bill Clinton passed into law as only his legislative victories, I as a servant submit the following 10 Answers to Barack Obama that he must give to the Republicans for their assistance in his Marxist programs.

1. Birdie, Pelosi and Reid, have just given themselves 350 billion dollars. They are going to give themselves 850 billion dollars.
The GOP should hold out that his over trillion dollars is equally apportioned to each of the 50 states, for the states to either invest in projects or place in an escrow account for their later requirements.

2. The National Gun Welfare Act which bases itself in early American mandate law to acclaim that the US Government will purchase appropriate weapons and ammunition of the Citizen's choice if that Citizen can not afford said arms and ammunition.

3. A state opt out plan for the Daschle Obama communal health enslavement whereby states can join regional unions treating patients in a much more cost efficient and localized control of health care.

4. The National Service Act, which states that all may serve in the United States military providing they do not commit immoral acts. This covers all fornication and adultery from both heterosexuals, homosexuals, necrophiliacs and whoever, so Soldiers are not defined by sex, but by morals and ends "Don't ask. Don't Tell", and any other politicization of the UN military.

5. The National Recovery Act, which states that all Citizens earning under 20,000 dollars a year pay no income tax and that all other Citizens pay a flat rate of 15% under $1 million dollars and no more than 23% for all individuals or corporations earning more than $3 million dollars a year.

6. The National Energy Act, which states that all capped wells for National Security reason in the 50 respective states which amount to more oil reserves than are in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, will be allowed in the States 10th Amendment rights in having ownership in that oil, pump up to 45% of the capped wells for their own revenue, sale and distribution to the American market, Japanese and British markets, leaving 55% of the oil in those wells for "National Security".

7. The Joseph Act, the United States Government will purchase as 7 year supply of United State's agricultural production for a clean food supply in the event of a world food emergency. These stores will be housed in the 50 respectable states.
Conditions of the food will be no preservatives, no genetic hybrids, and, only food freeze dried, canned or in original grain forms.

8. The Pay what you Can Medical Plan, which states that poor people pay no more than 10% of their annual income based on a previous 3 year average in any medical costs.
Doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals will be given tax deductions for the people treated and thereby not costing the taxpayer one cent.
Poor people will be given one doctor visit for each year they do not visit a medical facility, thereby giving the incentive in self regulating the system in people building credits for not going to a doctor.

9. The Federal Welfare Act, for the trillions of dollars paid out to heat buildings, pay government workers to deny claims to poor people and the paperwork involved in running this behemoth, the entire agency structure of Health, Education, Welfare will instead be divided up to personal checks to people not earning more than 1 million dollars a year, so Citizens can fix their own problems.

10. The Foundation Realignment Act, states that all billionaire foundations now being use to employ family members of the rich, corrupt the United States system or corrupt a foreign nation in it's funding by involving themselves in public and private policy, will have the foundation money immediately confiscated and redistributed to the individual American Citizen in equal parts.
Stated foundations will immediately publish their entire net worth, and, immediately set plans to give away all wealth within a 5 year period to just causes benefiting individuals as in the John M. Olin plan which distributed all of his wealth in a timely manner, or said foundations will owe back taxes and have the foundation funds confiscated by US Treasury and in dividends divided equally to all American Citizens.

OK Republicans, this blog has done the work in a whopping half hour while I was watching television, doing errands and practicing medicine. You may now in Conservatives like Michelle Malkin, who while gorgeous, gets off far too frequently in complaining and not ever offering up a plan to fix the situation America faces, as the retiree Rush Limbaugh has been golf carting as of late, steal these 10 Answers to Obama.
Together you people can now please Americans, throw a giant monkey wrench into the works of the man with a monkey in his pants, and other things for the American good which I will not explain here as liberals should be surprised at the wonders of the implementation of the 10 Answers to Obama.

I must now go look at the number 7, and note in random chance that 3 followed by 14 in sequence produces a 21 when multiplied, 3 x 7. That of course will not make a great deal of sense as you are not seeing what I is seeing, but you have the 10 Obama things to play with.

Have fun.
