Monday, January 19, 2009

Political Prisoners Freed, the first step

The two American Border Agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, have been freed from federal prison, but while I thank God and rejoice with them and their families, there are certain points in this which must be visited as these gentlemen are not free in the least.

First, I sometimes take a jab at Joseph Farah, of World Net Daily, but in the Ramos and Compean cases, it is his steadfastness for this story, supporting the families, which kept the name of Ramos and Compean on the lips of the public and Congress people, so enough pressure was created to force George W. Bush to at the least commute the sentences.
So a great deal of credit is deserved in this going to Joseph Farah. I frankly would suggest that perhaps he might find a place for Mr. Ramos and Mr. Compean to both work as investigative journalists for WND exposing the entire sordid drug, illegal human traffic and government corruption on the southern United States border as these gentlemen are experts and are in need of a job.

That brings the second point in this, as a commuted sentence is not a pardon. All a commuted sentence means is these people are guilty in the eyes of the law. They can not go hunting or keep firearms for defense, because they are felons in the eyes of the law. There will be no law enforcement jobs and convicted felons do not even have the opportunity to run for Congress with all the other crooks in Washington.
This is why I championed the pardon as these gentlemen deserve their entire lives back.

In that, I know politics is a strange mix of people making laws out of laws which do not exist if they very well please to do something. Perhaps as stated if Mr. Farah could provide a venue and some cover for Mr. Ramos and Mr. Compean to be journalists, then the state of Texas might just find a way to pardon these two Americans, at least enough to muddy up the water that they could buy firearms, gain employment as they see fit and run for office if they please, as I would thoroughly enjoy having these two fine people in Congress as they actually know which end is up.

This all feels inside of me like Admiral Chester Nimitz as Henry Fonda portrayed him at the Battle of Midway. When told he had taken out most of the Japanese carriers, Nimitz said he wanted that 4th one, and he got it.
I'm so pleased Mr. Compean and Mr. Ramos are free, but I view it as an act of total cowardice in George W. Bush not issuing full pardons to these Americans. It is unjust what they have been put through my John Sutton, the Bush cronie prosecutor, and it is the one act of pure torture which George W. Bush is guilty of in leaving these two Americans in prison as Political Prisoners of Mexican blackmail, making their wives and children suffer, suffer, suffer.

I believe in the Golden Rule. I believe in Karma as it's roots are no doubt Israelite in origin. I have seen things settle out and balance, and, in this, I see the way George W. Bush let these two American families languish. I see also that the morons of the Democratic party have been pushing for investigations and prosecutions of the Bush cabinet and want George W. Bush too in prison.
This is wrong as it will rip this nation apart and it criminalizes politics. That is bad for America as it weakens her, because today's prosecuted Republican will be a Republican President one day turning things loose like Democrat Andrew Johnson did on his enemies and ruining all who attacked his wife over adultery.

That is the moronic guide of Democrats in they never think beyond revenge that karma will come boomerang back on them one day.
In that, George W. Bush, might now face the entire Golden Rule coming home to roost, in he might face "doing his job" being prosecuted like Ramos and Compean.

Where will George W. Bush then turn? He gave no quarter to these two families. In fact, the Border Agents actually sent a representative recently to a school where one of the children was attending and said in front of him, "Yeah Ramos and Compean are bad apples, but we got rid of them".
In karma, George W. Bush and his people might just be facing the same abandonment as I doubt beyond stating this is bad and moronic to prosecute George W. Bush that I will be investing a great deal of time championing him or his people.
I did not appreciate the slap Vice President Dick Cheney gave to Gov. Palin a few weeks ago and I did not like his ignorant remarks that "no one knew this collapse was coming". The Europeans sure knew and even that Lyndon LaRouche was talking about the housing bubble imploding at least 5 years ago, so if LaRouche knew everyone knew.

In not pardoning, Ramos and Compean, there will be no clemency nor pardons for the Bush people. That will be fitting and will instead be championing the somehow complete pardons for Mr. Ramos and Mr. Compean yet.

President Bush still can do what is right in signing pardons for Mr. Compean and Mr. Ramos to practice the Christian Golden Rule. I do not buy they can not be pardoned, as Bush 43 is President and could pardon Hitler if he choose as even Gerald Ford pardoned Tokyo Rose and Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich.

Two Americans are freed political prisoners, but that is not enough. Lawrence Sinclair still has the marks of political prisoner upon his body and Jerome Corsi was made another political prisoner of the Barack Obama people in Kenya.

This has just started and the Golden Rule is watching and will repay.

President Bush, where does an entire nation go to be freed in your not upholding Constitutional Law in allowing a British subject to usurp the Office of the President of the United States.

agtG 220

Post Script: Mr. President, the Bible states Jesus told the two convicts, TODAY, you will be with me, it was not two months waiting in prison for a March 20th date your commute is torturing these families with.
Jesus Who created all did things in one day, immediately. It was not, Let there be light, two months from today.
This was a most unChristian thing to do Mr. President. I hope when you need help from Jesus that you don't hear, "Hi George, that cancer you got and need healing from, well you got your answer, but it will be 2 months before it takes effect."

It is a great deal of difference in your mercy Mr. President for others and what you would be expecting when it is your immediate need in begging Jesus a pardon from your sins. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Agents Sentences Only Commuted

March 20th