In many ways, she reminds me of Allan Hale who portrayed the Skipper on Gilligan's Island. Mr. Hale would wear his Skipper hat in public and just loved for fans to come up and greet him.
Buddy Hackett is that same true personality in understanding the people are the ones who make them stars.
That little bit of goodness is necessary in these times as it seems in looking at Birdie Obama, there is nothing but a slough of stinky creepy crawly things coming out of that muck hole each day.
The above photo I found amusing as it reminded me of a prediction in of quarterback Donovan McNabb getting tired and needing to take a nap a the Super Bowl. It appears Birdie has reached that point in after a week of being Prime Minister, he needs a nap.
Who better though to watch over this comedy than Alfred E. Newman of MAD magazine. In doing a search for Alfred, I noticed how the left has pasted pictures of George W. Bush as him, so in honor of that leftist hate, a little bit of forever internet is created in Alfred E. Newman Obama for all the spiders to crawl over and record for Google search.
In reviewing, Birdie Obama, I wanted to look at his sea of change.
Here it is, the Obama Dirty Birds.
Tim Geithner, never paid income taxes and had trouble with hiring illegals.
Carolyn Kennedy, liked playing hide the hot dog with someone other than her husband, has financial problems and has nanny employment problems, plus in being dumb as a post.
Rahm Emanuel, tried to buy the Illinois Senate seat for Obama.
Valerie Jarret, tried to put her robotic fanny into the Illinois Senate Seat.
Rod Blagojevich, my favorite crooked politician in trying to sell the Illinois Senate Seat.
Janet Napolitano, her big break in life was trying to lynch a black man in Clarence Thomas.
Tom Daschle, my oh my Daschle fish pie, seems Tom like Geithner forgot to pay almost a hundred thousand dollars in taxes on a car and driver. Of course, Tom's blonde hottie wife who needs a good spanking to make her whimper like a poodle, on got 3 people killed when she was at FAA.
Bill Richardson, probably the cleanest of the dirty birds, got caught in pay and play only because Hillary Clinton was taking revenge.
Hillary Clinton, people seem to forget about her Peter Paul campaign fraud and criminal acts.
Richard Holbrooke, kill em in Kosovo Holbrooke is now the bird man theme for Pakistan. I guess Obama needs a war started there and children's hospitals need bombing.
Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence, as Admiral in the Asian theater he was involved in the political cleansing by murder and mace of the people seeking freedom in East Timor.
Joe Biden, the little matter of making a political prisoner out of Lawrence Sinclair in trying to silence Sinclair to which Biden was given the Aaron Burr post in Prime Minister's office.
That is a dozen and worth stopping there for the worst known of the dirty birds to come to mind.
If one wants to toss in Zbigniew Brzezinski who wants to start World War III, wants to bring al Qaeda home to be allahfather to them again, international nation rapists of George Soros making war on Jews and international nation rapist, Warren Buffett the best buddy the Chicoms have ever had in fleecing America with a stage appearance by Stanley Ann Dunham who financed the entire first act in money embezzled out of Ford Foundation, it is quite the motley crew.
Not even 2 weeks as Prime Minister and Birdie Obama has had more drama and crime combined Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The words are deluded and foolish for those who put this usurper into the Oval Office.
The word is fool for those still defending him and his Robert Mugabe looting of the United States.