Friday, January 30, 2009

Too Mrs. Peggy Noonan Obama Delicious

This is absolutely too delicious to not take note of as it confirms another prediction of this blog about the Obama erosion sweeping America.

God always gets it right and it is amusing that Birdie Obama's chief wet pantie girl in Peggy Noonan actually tapped out with both hands on her sticky keyboard that there is just now too much Barack Obama on her computer screen and her television screen. (No mention of the 3 life size posters and the blow up Obama doll she cuddles with at night.)
Talk about the Jungle Fever going from sultry to just "that uncomfortable wetness one needs to wear Depends for".

It was here first and exclusive which predicted those hot pantie chics, the disillusioned blacks, the Hispanics and the racists would all slowly start to get fed up with the Obamanazation of everything from blacks in almost every commercial from ad agencies to soap operas all reminding the world of the 24 / 7 Barack Obama coverage.

Noonan's Obama orgasm lasted longer than the black people who woke up at the Mall and figured out this guy was an empty suit in promising them no deluxe apartment in the sky or a free turkey dinner. It though is the coming blacklash of these women who think with their panties of what a horrendous mistake they made.

What is astounding though is the drunken stupor which Noonan is still operating in in denial. In her Obama Street Journal rag piece, she still can not bring herself to believe that Obama is no different than the pigs in Congress led by oinker Pelosi and Reid. Noonan can not fathom that her Obama who sold out hisself from day one in cutting a million dollar book deal when elected to the Senate is the same guy hog troughing his buddies as payback.
Noonan actually deluded herself into thinking that "her hopeful new Obama" was going to change Washington and all would be follow the yellow brick road.

It is beyond pathetic what Peggy Noonan is. She is the Miss Tavisham dressed in her 50 year old wedding gown still seated before her cobweb covered wedding cake now a dust pile, looking out the window for her prince to come when everyone knows she got dumped at the alter and the jerk married the girl with the trillion dollar stimulus package.
This is Pip's Great Expectations and Noonan is still waiting for wedding cake.

I just feel sorry for Peggy Noonan and that is the worst anyone can ever feel for someone who rode the Reagan juggernaut to fame and has been milking it as a CONservative. She is beyond a joke now like David Brooks and it says a great deal about the Wall Street Journal payback as the editor there should never have allowed her whimsy to ever be posted as she comes off deluded, degranged and distraught over the entire Obama orgy in her life.

Peggy Noonan is the poster girl now for the Obama world, a white Jungle Fever slummer, who thinks the entire world is New York and is in orbit around this economic constriction as all these appendage people loose their jobs doing Peggy Noonan jobs that have been a drag on economic growth.
She thinks this is about guilt in America being prosperous and that somehow Gov. Rod Blagojevich is the worst person in America for using the hair dryer on her wet dream.

What is not though delicious is her final spin in this Jungle racial Fever is to in of all places in the Wall Street Journal, speak of the "condition" like it is an illness by naming it Goldman Sachs Head.
Yes the term is bed head and what goes on in bed. Yes the term is Goldman Sachs as in Jewish Goldman and Sachs, who just happen to be rich Jews, who just happen to fit nicely in with skinhead and Nazi propaganda.

This is why I find it hard to believe that the Wall Street Journal allowed Peggy Noonan to post that literally being a rich Jew was an illness which has infected the entire world with an orgy condition so everyone knows what you were doing in bed.

Was it Noonan's woman's scorn spewing out in David Axelrod has more of her beau's time than her after the dine and not eat out party Noonan attended? Was it the powers that be at the Wall Street Journal who are Americans who deliberately printed this for all Jews to see, and, they did see it?
That is the point this blog made early last year when Bill Clinton was talking "black". I knew immediately what he was doing was a message to black people. It was weeks before any of the white CONservatives or liberals ever figured it out. Blacks heard it though and it was not long before all racism broke loose.

I doubt the Ashkenaz will make a public fuss over this for Obama reasons, but it is a gaurantee as Rush Limbaugh says, "If you saw it, 10,000 other people saw it and are thinking the same thing".
I do not have any information that Peggy Noonan is anti semite or racist, except against the current Israelite Americans who it is fashionable in Letterman cocktail crowds to pour hate on. It is though evident that in the Obama stupor Noonan has rambled around long enough to make her own "oreo" moment as when Lt. Gov. Michael Steele had oreos thrown at him by Democrats.

It is reprehensible to feed into a stereotype about Jews even if one is drunk from lusting after Obama and feeling the psychopathy of being jilted.

To think of someone who when around Ronald Reagan crafted memorable speeches has now sunk in Obamanation to prattling on like doped up crack whore. That is never a legacy I would ever want for Peggy Noonan.

What is America going to do with almost 70 million of these disillusioned creatures all melding into some schizophrenic episodes all chanting, "I'm ready for my closeup now Mr. Obama".

It is like looking at old high school prom photos of those dork years fast forwarded and compressed into Peggy Noonan with millions of others bad date with Obama they are beginning to wake up too.


Peggy Noonan embarrasses herself over hisself