Sunday, January 25, 2009

Barack Obama War Criminal

In a continuing effort to assist Prime Minister B. H. Obama from adding to his pile of colossal blunders, this author has evidence equal and surpassing to the charges leveled at one, George W. Bush of being a war criminal, by Huffington Post writers, Keith Olbermann, DailyKos and other liberal friends.
This is a most serious thing as the last thing America needs is the ACLU filing charges on behalf of the over dozen Pakistani dead now with blood on the hands Obama, along with the millions of children who will be aborted across the globe and others who will be cannibalized due to Mr. Obama signing executive orders.
Birdie has been made our personal B. H. by a majority of voters both living and dead, along with mafia money, so we must protect our B. H. and not allow him to become the personal B. H. of the entire world.

In that, it is noted that Barack Obama had to take the oath of office twice. As the oath was administered, it is legal precedent that he was not President nor Prime Minister. The seriousness of this in legal court challenges is the fact when he then sat down and signed 3 executive orders as has been done since Ronald Reagan, he was not President nor Prime Minister of the United States.
Those official papers are null and void and as they have not been resigned before the public, Mr. Obama concerning those executive orders is operating not in the full authority of the Office of the President of the United States.
At the very least in legalities, Mr. Obama committed fraud as he signed those papers as President when he was not. The event was recorded and witnessed by millions of people. This is a legal matter which along with other legal matters has made Barack Hussein Obama an international war criminal, surpassing the charges leveled at George W. Bush.

Following, Barack H. Obama, also has no authority to conduct any war operations anywhere across the globe. If one examines the Congressional mandate given President Bush in a full vote of Congress, it was President Bush who was given authority to conduct the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars.
This authority does not transfer and in certainty without the 3 signed executive orders and no Congressional Declaration of War on Afghanistan nor Pakistan, Mr. Obama in using a Predator to murder over a dozen people in Pakistan indeed murdered them as it was not an act of war, not an act of a President nor Prime Minister, but an act of a British subject or American Citizen.
If anyone reading this started signing papers as President and launching bombs into another nation which was murdering people, they would be arrested by the FBI as a terrorist.

This is the situation Mr. Obama has found himself involved in and the ACLU has a certain case in this to protect native peoples from Mr. Obama using military forces he has no authority to draw upon as the protocols are not in place.
Mr. Obama is conducting acts of war upon a nuclear armed nation of Pakistan. This is serious and considered absolute war crimes by the international courts as reprehensible as Russia invading South Ossetia and blowing the Jews out of Georgia.

Barack Obama is a war criminal according to ACLU law and William Ayers teachings. It should be noted that for people who have had to dig holes in the ground to bury the dead that after the first one dug in frozen earth with picks and shovels that at the 3 foot line one starts concluding 6 feet is a bit too deep. There are over a dozen graves in Pakistan being dug and over 1 person is a mass grave in these people's eyes and is a mass murder which the Office of the President has now conducted.

Some might use the argument that these Pashtun people were terrorists and therefore should be killed. Killed yes, under George W. Bush presidential authority, but as the change of the Barack Obama record reveals an entire different scenario is involved.

Mr. Obama has shut down Gitmo, for only perceived vigorous questioning of terrorists. That precedent far exceeds the mass murdering of Pashtun peoples from a British subject who has no authority to be invading other nations and dropping bombs on their citizens.

These Pashtun people under Barack Obama executive order, the executive order he did have authority in being re sworn in and will have it until disqualified by the courts, states that these murdered Pashtun people have full United States Citizen rights under the Geneva Convention as these people were soldiers in a foreign military according to Barack Obama mandate.

In this, Mr. Obama can not be dropping bombs on them. He must instead as Mr. Clinton was prosecuting the war on terror in the Justice Department sense and not the Pentagon Military sense, first, must notify a federal judge to obtain a warrant for the arrest of these people.

Only then can the FBI and not the CIA nor military go in and serve papers on these Pashtun people as they announce they are federal police there to arrest them.
Only then if justifiable resistance is offered by the Pashtun people can the FBI then in using only small arms and in no way ever use bombs, tanks, planes or other massive weapons, arrest and deport the said terrorists back to towns like Cleveland, Miami, Albany, Denver, where these people will be given a taxpayer paid attorney, food, clothing, housing and medical care in all conditions, as they are innocent until proven guilty.

Mr. Obama can not drop bombs on innocent people even after they are proven guilty, so he can not do it before they are even arrested.

Barack Obama is in violation of international law, federal law, Pakistani law, Muslim law and worst of all, Barack Obama is in complete violation of the very laws he just signed by federal dictate.

Attorney General Eric Holder must notify the White House Counsel of this criminal activity and immediately file charges before a federal grand jury for the arrest of Barack Obama for violating his own executive orders.

This is very serious business as if Mr. Holder does not follow his protocols in protecting and defending the Constitution, then the ACLU,, America First or other groups will file civil cases challenging Barack Obama on his authority which he does not have.
Once that occurs, he will be arrested and Congress will have to move to impeach with a full Senate trial.

While that would be shameful, the worst problem is in this Mr. Obama will be exposed as a British subject, and under British mandate, he will then have to be arrested by Scotland Yard, deported by Great Britain to former colonial land, Pakistan, where he will be put on trial for mass murder shackled in chains like a slave.
America does not need that in any case as liberals went crazy over Gov. Blagojevich selling the Illinois Senate seat, so what will they do when they see B. H. Obama in slave chains in Pakistan?

The entire sordid Obama affair will then come out in full circle. It will be revealed Mr. Obama is an Arab of 38% along with 50% European. These peoples are the colonial powers who inflicted so much suffering on peoples like in Pakistan.
The court will bring out that Mr. Obama's great great grandfather being of the Yemeni slave trader packets in good Muslim law too an enslaved woman, raped her and out came the Obama line of the Luo tribe which later plunged into Kenya and ran other native black people off their land by murdering them.

This entire nasty history of the Obama family being repeated in Pakistan will certainly bring a conviction to Mr. Obama. It should be noted in this that as Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden and Mrs. Clinton all believe in international prosecutions as they did in Serbians, that these other two people will be deported for trial with Mr. Obama, under Mr. Obama's own orders for their assenting to the criminal acts of mass murder of the people of the Pashtun.

Mr. Obama can not even pardon hisself in this vicious circle he has started. It may come down to it with the thousands of sycophants cheering Mrs. Clinton at the State Department and with the GOP in Washington silently assenting to Mr. Obama's crimes that who will end up as President might be some two term Republican Governor from some flyover state like South Dakota, because the tie breaker might be who was in office the longest.

It is a sad day that it took George W. Bush several years to be incorrectly labeled a war criminal and it only took 3 days for Barack H. Obama to become a war criminal according to his own executive orders.

America's personal B. H. has really poked his missile in the wrong hole this time without permission.
We await the criminal complaint to be filed of ACLU vs. Barack Hussein Obama, protocol Prime Minister of the United States of America.
