Sunday, January 25, 2009


And President Lincoln threw himself down on the couch and was startled to behold a double likeness of himself in the mirror, one being clear and the other pale and removed.
He found it amusing, but his wife perceived in concern it meant he would not survive his second term in office.

President Lincoln was one the most Spiritual of people to ever reside in the White House. His dreams were infamous and most people do not know of that era that everyone believed in signs, omens, dreams and visions. Later in 1876, a young woman whom President Lincoln delighted in, in Elizabeth Bacon Custer, would behold on an early prairie morning the 7th Cavalry of her husband in a strange anomaly, appearing to ride into the heaven while part remained on earth.

The doppelganger of President Lincoln did seem to be a pattern much like the banshee of the Scottish folklore in being a signal that death is about to visit a house upon which the event occurs. It is of debate whether seeing a pale reflection of oneself is more disconcerting or awakening to the shriek of a banshee. I would prefer neither, but the Light of Jesus.

In this, I want to continue to visit the signs of Obama. There has been a very interesting spiritual trend with Barack Obama. Signs in weather, the moon in repeated nature and strange omens have been a shadow over this person's ascension to the Oval Office. There is no coincidence in life and the Spiritual and the spiritual allow signs and wonders to be put before the eyes of mankind to alert, for even the very nature of this world calls out major events to come.

It was not a mistake for the Oath of the Presidency to be stumbled over, taken out of context and having to be such a major thing that a very worried White House rushed to protect itself by having the Oath administered a second time.
Oaths are a most sacred form of giving one's word. It is your pledge of all that one values in oneself to uphold that word.

I would appreciate people reading the following Bible verse:

Genesis 11:7; "Go to, let Us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."

The word confound is only found 4 times in the entire Bible. Twice in Genesis in dealing with God confounding speech to keep people from achieving a usurpation of His position at the Tower of Babel.
Once in a threat to the Prophet Jeremiah for him to do as God commands or God will confound him before the people who are against God, and, in Corinthians, Paul uses the word in a verse twice, to explain God confounds the wise in foolish things and the weak to confound the mighty.

confound: is a verb, which means it is only an action. The definition is: Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly.

Unable to think clearly? That is the exact definition of both Justice Roberts in administering the Oath and exactly what Barack Obama did in reciting lines not yet given.

What I desire to remind people at this point, is to have them focus on the one word which was giving Justice Roberts and Barack Obama such a barrier. The word which confounded them was faithfully.

Faithfully executing the Office of the President of the United States.

Many would say that Justice Roberts and the entire Supreme Court have not in any way upheld their Constitutional duty in protecting the Constitution in not making absolutely certain that Barack Hussein Obama is qualified to be President on natural born citizenship and Mr. Obama's probable holding dual citizenship with Indonesia where he travelled to Pakistan on an Indonesian passport.
Mr. Obama has already admitted he was a dual British subject and American Citizen, but has decided incorrectly that the subject part "expired" when there is no expiration on being a British subject with the only legal way is to renounce it in public documents.

Faithfully is a key word in this dilemma which faces the United States, in Someone either sent an angel or Us, as Genesis notes, the Almighty Father, His Living Thought and His Living Presence in the Holy Spirit came to that inauguration platform in which His Name was being called out to activate His Active Presence there, and God willed to send a very public message that His Name was not about to be in public affirming what was going on that dais.
God was sending a message about faithfully for the entire world to ponder, inquire and comprehend as something is going on with Barack Hussein Obama that had a Lincoln type event take place before millions of people.

Faithfully must be looked at as God is stating faithfully is not being conducted and His Name in "So help me God", is not going to be associated nor linked what happened with that Oath.

God pays attention to all things, especially when His Name is being invoked and linked to things.

Faithfully did not happen by accident and God will in His Perfection will rectify the faithfully part as this is His nation and His people.

That is not going to please numbers of Obama supporters no more than the Bible with "Us" displeases the Muslims, Jews and Atheists and "christian" practitioners who deny Jesus is God. That though they can run against the Wind of God to fight as this is a matter here in witness of faithfully.

Deal with it as you ponder it's meaning from God.

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