Sunday, January 18, 2009


This is a blog which very few, but the intelligent even begin to comprehend what occurs here. Perhaps part of the problem is it is Rush Limbaugh's fault as he has made things appear so easy that everyone thinks they can formulate opinions into ideas.
I have pointed out in his program that there are so many things going on there in manipulation (meaning in a good way the teaching of a subject in an enjoyable manner) to outright psychological operations which are meant to implant ideas in the mind which play over and over again. For those who are not too bright, and think they are Solomon, one hears the term "entertainer" or "Limbaugh is entertaining" as something dismissive.
All that proves is how vacant and vanquished the people making those points are as they could never orchestrate nor accomplish what that gentleman does.

In not any sense do I intend to place myself on the Limbaugh plain. For one thing, I'm not as selfish as he is not dealing with reproducing children as a mandate, instead of playing golf and existing alone.
Nor does Mr. Limbaugh require any defense, but he is but a platform in explaining in his venue what he does, so what is accomplished here is kept for those who only are inspired enough to figure it out.

The reason for the title of this blog in being "Blacklash" is because more and more backlash is coming upon black people daily as this blog predicted would occur. I will also predict the true breaking point for Mr. Obama to look for is when one hears someone like Chris Rock in comedy say, "I ain't takin' credit for Obama bein' no black man. He's a white (N word) with a sun tan".

An idiot would immediately deem that and the above photo as racist, but as Rush Limbaugh would point out, he is not the one creating "get the monkey off your back" advertisements appearing out of New York agencies. The things which are covered are exactly the photographic, media and thoughts of liberals as they churn all these Letterman cocktail crowd jokes out into the manifestations, such as was coming out of AP, which was documented here, in photos depicted Barack Obama as a primate, and a not too intelligent one as that.
Since this blog outed those photos, it has since stopped for the time period.

It just goes to show as this blog championed blacks and minorities for the Obama cabinet making it an issue and Newsbusters, Limbaugh, Fox etc... all remained silent on it for one can deduct their own reasons, and as this blog stuck up for Bill Richardson, Roland Burris and Grandmother Robinson while the left and right were allowing them to be smeared, there is a vast difference in standing alone and being booted off of racist sites, than some doltish liberal not having a clue what goes on here.

In that, I want to point out another major shift mirroring Barack Obama, Charlie Rose, Democrats in Congress, all dumping blacks to the side of the road.
In the past few years, the Rooney family of the National Football League, put in place a doctrine where minorities would have to be interviewed for head coaching jobs. Much was made about this and the media made it a direct part of each story in ticking off how many black people were being interviewed.
The Rooney's hired Mike Tomlin, who I thought was too young for the job and inexperienced, which he was. Mr. Tomlin though, a black man, with the Rooney family, the Pittsburgh front office, fine players and keeping the coaching staff, have all given him an area to flourish in in being successful.

This was all 2 years ago in the black parade of candidates. Last year the same shuffle was occurring, but something has occurred in this season of firing coaches which is the stirring of the billionaire owners of the Obama blacklash.
Cleveland fired a black coach, and as I waited for the drama, they instead just hired a white guy. This ticked off for every team. Some brought in Leslie Frasier, a black defense coach who took over Mike Tomlin's great work, but in the end Mr. Frasier was just window dressing as America now has it's black man in the White House, so America no longer has to be bothered with Affirmative Action.
Coaching situation after coaching situation simply hired white people without a peep about blacks being passed over.

This trend is going to continue and get worse. I will use a crass sexual term to illustrate a coming point, "Once you have black you never go back", which low class fornicators in restroom walls like to prose over. I would turn that around now to, "Once you elect a guy who looks black to the White House, there is never any reason to going back to hiring another black person as all debts have been paid".

The minute Barack Obama got hisself a stolen election, with the media as criminal accomplices, the entire media, Justice Department, government, Democrat and Republican parties and liberal corporations now view just as the NFL as was predicted, have paid the slave reparation bill, the stigma for murdering Martin King and for white boys beating the stuffing out of blacks for fun and for white girls slumming in having blacks around like chia pet.
This is only going to become worse, more pronounced and more deeply embedded as the prime example is Barack Obama doing this very thing to all black people in not hiring them in numbers.

Success has millions of cathartic voters throwing off their racism, but that racism is still flourishing and will become more pronounced as time goes by. They now have a license to be racists as they have a validated Obama in the White House to prove they are not racists.

The minute you start seeing Obama fail is the minute you are going to get these uncomfortable Jimmy Walker comedic lines. Currently, he was on Letterman in his good times making jokes about sending Dave out to pick cotton, which was really not funny and quite reprehensible, but it is the payback these certain groups of rich blacks are looking for.
Soon enough you will hear, "White House is a good name for where Obama lives in the way he acts", "Black is beautiful. Tan is grand, but white is the color of the Obama man", with, "I checked the brown paper bag and Obama is Walmart white".
Just wait until it dawns on blacks that they got the same crapper lives, the same racist remarks, the same failed families and that Barack Obama is in that deluxe apartment in the sky, hiring aristocratic Ashkenaz to run the money and white robber barons to steal the money which is ending up in Obama's pocket.

Then what will black people do? Affirmative Action? Nope, that is done as you have a black guy in the White House.
Media? Nope you got black people all over the media now.

It is a little hard for blacks to complain about slavery and being not in power when their guy has the finger on nuclear bombs and is running the world.

That is when the real break will come in the blacklash as it will be black people lashing out at Obama making note he is not really black.

That is the reasoning behind the above photo. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did not have to seat Roland Burris, because they had a black guy in the White House. The media did not have to champion Burris, because they stole the election for Obama.
It was the biggest of political racist mistakes in sites like Newsbusters in not championing the black cause and for Rush Limbaugh to not have opened his mouth. Mr. Limbaugh in long term strategy was not going to say anything as he was going to let the left implode on itself. I pointed out on Newsbusters all the fallacy going on there and was rudely told to type only what they mandated.
The absent right of freedom of speech once again on these "sites championing the American good".

I have hinted and will not beat about the bush this time. Ronald Reagan would not go on television as he knew people would tire of him, so he stayed in radio. In many ways, Barack Obama has immediately removed black people from sight around him, because deep down he knows America is going to become very bored with black as the novelty will wear off and they will never go back to voting black for generation.
Monkeys on your back, black people selling black cosmetic tones to white women who will try them and be laughed at again, to the epic struggle in the NFL where liberals like Chris Collinsworth still in unction yearns for his Barack Obam of the NFL in Donavan McNabb to win the Super Bowl, instead of as Terrell Owens humorously noted in the last Super Bowl McNabb appeared in McNabb had to "take a nap", because he was tired, all are the Obama erosion which will grow.
Putting black people up as winners doesn't stop you from being a racist.

The mountain has been climbed, the Obama flag planted, Barack babies will be all over the hospitals who are not aborted, and, in 15 years, they will all change their name to Barry, because as each day goes forward and all the problems of the world can no longer be blamed on white folks, Birdie Obama will find an entire nation abandons him, because liberals never voted for him. Liberals voted to gloss over their racism. Europeans wanted him to sully up America as all those racists find it amusing the help is now in charge of the Americans and Conservatives had nothing to work out at all in not wanting a Marxist in the first or last place.

That is the blacklash for Birdie Obama. It is not coming. It is already here and building, leaving black people once again kicked to the curb.
The winners have no idea what they have done as black poor people are still going to be black and poor 4 years from now and white liberal racists are still going to be white liberal racists after January 20th, because the cocktail crowd is where the monkey on the back originated with the electioneering of Barack Obama.
