Saturday, January 17, 2009

The pity of B. H. Obama

In a very short time, it is going to be very hard not to pity Birdie Obama. I realize when one spends a billion dollars of other people's money to buy a job, hundreds of millions of it is fraudulent, vote fraud, political rape, savaging of a handicapped child, putting pregnant teenagers in harms stress, making of political prisoners like Lawrence Sinclair and usurping the office of the President of the United States, it is hard right now to think of pitying a white Arab American with a minority of black blood, but when one considers the hammer coming on Birdie, it will indeed be pity for him.

For those uninformed enough to know, Congressional Democrats have not in the past 50 years ever been helpful to any President. Lyndon Johnson scared them into place, but Democrats just have a thing for eating up and humiliating Presidents. Jimmy Carter was literally shredded by Tip O'Neil, one of the last great Speakers of the House to ever rule there.

Want to know who is writing the Obama Stimulus Bailout? It is not Barack Obama. It is not Rahm Emanuel. It is not the greatest of the Democratic House leadership. That bill is being written, "because it is too important", all behind closed doors of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office.

The published accounts all relate that House Democrats are furious at being shoved aside. Committee chairmen have absolutely been stripped of all of their powers. There is one Black Widow on Capitol Hill, and her name is Nancy Pelosi. She has mated with her gavel, spun her web of control, sunk her fangs of a venomous castration drug into House Democrats, and, is ruling that place of the people as her personal dictatorship.

This is the same woman who screwed over the Cindy Sheehan voters who wanted out of Iraq. Gee still in Iraq and Obama is keeping troops there. This is the same woman who led the House to even lower numbers than President Bush in approval. This is the same bungler who has passed no legislation, but showed up in Syria telling the Syrians things the Israeli's never said.

Birdie Obama is about to stroll into this Pelosi dictatorship. He has already run into the female version of a chainsaw in Sen. Diane Feinstein in the Senate. Nothing though has prepared him nor Rahm Emanuel of the Executive Branch for what is awaiting them from Nancy Pelosi's Legislative Branch.
Nancy will tell Birdie how high to jump and he had better jump every time, when she says, how she says and why she orders or she is going to use that gavel on Barack Hussein Obama.

People have been so focused on what the Democrats on a super majority can do to the Republicans in pushing anything through they dictate. People should be more focused on just what a contemptuous Congress will do to Prime Minister Obama in passing anything they want, any way they want, and any how they want, where Birdie vetoes it, and they simply with a few Republicans willing to humiliate their Birdie, will make Birdie inconsequential.

Rahm Emanuel might stroll into Congress and Barack Obama might think he rules his land as Valerie Jarrett blurted out, but it is Nancy Pelosi who is queen and she has let it be known in no uncertain terms, she is ruling.
The Republicans in the House have not even seen the "stimulus" bill. That is how much control Pelosi is ruling by.
She is defacto President of the United States and in the next 2 years has one mission. That mission is not to make Barack Obama look good nor to get him re elected in 2012. That mission is to do four things:

1. Payback all of the Democratic elite political cronies with all the money they can legally spend.

2. Smash the Republicans further.

3. Set the stage for an even broader majority for Democrats to rule from.

4. Rule the United States of America from the US Congress.

This is what every Democratic Speaker from the last 40 years has accomplished, including Newt Gingrich, with the exception of the few years Ronald Reagan used people contacting Congress to scare them.

Mr. Obama has no base to unleash on Congress. If he plays the race card, he will loose the liberal press as they will be so Blagojevich hurt that their illusion of not being racists is broken, that it will be Jimmy Carter all over again blaming America for all his ineptness.

Birdie can sign all legislation in silence to appease Congress, but then in the coming elections he will be branded the father of every failure which there are numbers of going to be.

Nancy Pelosi will not take credit for any failures, but pass the blame onto Mr. Obama.

Let Mr. Obama pass the problem of foreign policy on Hillary Clinton and he will find alienation and real problems as the Clinton's are the equals of Mrs. Pelosi.

I really do not know if there are enough cigarettes in the world to deal with the cage Birdie will be smoking in to get some relief.

If the GOP is intelligent, they will just stand back and let Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Obama take full credit for all they are passing, because all of their economic and foreign policy will not fix the constriction of the world economy nor the aggression of the furious masses about to explode in war.
There was just too much money, too much money buying things at inflated prices and too many 3rd worlders shifting to the work force taking American jobs, which now all is going to require 2 years to stabilize under Keynesian economics. Under Pelosi and Obamanomics it will take like Franklin Roosevelt's horrid meddling 7 years, which is exactly what is planned to keep all these Democrats in office, including Mr. Obama if he does not look to girly with Nancy doing all the driving for him wearing his pants.

I can not fathom why Democrats in Congress have chosen the two most inept leaders in Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to lead them into the Obama abyss. Stenny Hoyer is an excellent legislator and leader. Byron Dorgan would never have made the insane move of barring Roland Burris from the Senate chamber.

This is the fringe which fringe mahdi Birdie Obama has jumped out from in the magic lamp of electioneering and is about to find his magic carpet ride looks allot like being on his knees in Nancy Pelosi's office begging for her help.

That is one picture I would like to see. It would be then I would pity Birdie Obama, but as he sold himself for this job to the slave owners, that pity would fade in time and be replaced with the contempt one has for Jimmy Carter.

Democrats once said Jimmy Carter was the smartest President ever. Democrats once said the Clintons were the brightest couple ever in the White House. Democrats in Charlie Rose are now saying that the Obama Administration is the brightest group ever assembled.

They said that too about the disaster of John Kennedy's bright bunch of Dr. Strangelove McNamara and DWI Bill Moyers.

A money man who forgets to pay his taxes, a guy whose wife gets people killed at the FAA now running Daschle care reforms who knows nothing about health care, Panetta CIA and various intelligence leaders who have no experience in intelligence and this is the group to change the world.
I believe the only change coming is Nancy Pelosi dictating terms with 435 other Presidents in Congress when everything Birdie Obama does implodes in 3 month intervals.

All hail the Commanderette in Chief, Dame Nancy Pelosi, holder of the gavel and Queen of the Plantation of Change to Believe in.

Maybe the pity should be for America.
