Sunday, January 11, 2009

Codename Amabo

Have you noticed the quiet?

The quiet of Hezbollah not opening a second front against the Israeli state over Gaza? The quiet of Iran now forbidding it's citizens to join suicide attacks aimed at the Israeli state? The quiet of Europe no longer blaming America? The quiet of Putin in Russia and the quiet of Hu in China?

Have you noticed the herding operation in the Stock Markets to get people to put their money into cash instead of stocks? Have you noticed the drop in interest rates so people do not have their money in banks?

Have you noticed the quiet in Bush not allowing Israel to attack Iran, but the quiet stories in the liberal press pointing fingers at Iran with Sec. Perry of the Clinton years now stating that Birdie Obama will have to confront a nuclear Iran in 2009?

Have you noticed the quiet of all, including Joe Biden, who just happened before the election to point to a nuclear confrontation within 6 months in 2009?

Have you noticed the quiet of the financiers and the unions all getting a trillion and a half dollars with not a whimper from anyone except Kent Conrad of North Dakota?

Bill Ayers quiet. Muslims quiet. Marxist liberals quiet. The GOP quiet and the only person not quiet being Diane Feinstein.

The Rockefeller's quiet. The Clinton's quiet. The Kennedy's quiet and the only person mentioning a thing is Henry Kissinger on the new world order.

When one installs an intelligence operative in running an intelligence operation, one is always quiet, even when one is the elite. It is a human trait they even can not break the mode of. It is that self satisfaction they do deserve like having mounted the virgin daughter of America, injected their manhood and post euphoria bask in the after glow of remembering and pondering all of the delicious manipulations to come.

This blog was the first to note that Birdie Obama was an intelligence operative of the mole order. It seems gophers run in his family from his grandparents to his mother, and their combined sex initiated guru of Frank Marshall Davis.
All of the doors were opened via intelligence links and funded by what appears embezzled funds by Stanley Ann Dunham.
This is the tip of the iceberg of the international narco, gem, counterfeiting, weaponry and human traffic revenue generating system which is the operational arm of the financiers who control and move the world.

There once was a man named Obama who was the vision of his Mama.
It took the world view in all he might do
With his old brain to refrain it is possible in a new one to train
Who leaves tracks as a stuttering and twitching Obama.

Ponder that if you care in the possibilities of a drifting child getting "therapy" after a key visit from his mother and the child emerges Barack Hussein Obama, community organizer driven and connected to be meteoric Prime Minister to the world.

"They" should be pleased with their results in wiping a lethargic slate clean and installing a driven purpose, based upon childhood anxiety of no self esteem, that the White House would be his self esteem, and, serving the purpose of tearing down the American mother who abandoned him in replacement therapy to the American Stanley Ann who abandoned him is quite genius psychiatric conditioning on the simplest of psychosis.

Obama becomes codename Amabo, the reflection of hisself, the new improved version with certain ticks built in as apparent stress reducers so the reconditioning holds.

It will be most interesting if Hillary Clinton is destined to be President in the Supreme Court nullifying both the Prime Minister and Aaron Burr. Perhaps then the nation would see Birdie wading around in the reflecting pool, reflecting on his programming as he reflects on hisself.

That twitty English king seemed to do ok in France with Wallace Simpson in exile, so perhaps British subject Birdie might enjoy surrounded by the stalwarts of Karl Marx.

I do believe it is tea time. Darjeeling please as there is something about that sweet mountain cure of high tanic elixir from the abode of Obama's monkey in his pants as one beholds the initators of the game putting their former experiments on stage to perform their tasks. It makes it all more pallatable to enjoy.

my compliments to Dr. Walter Bishop

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