Sunday, January 11, 2009

Area Code 676 dial Stanley Ann Obama

It seems odd in this age of death certificates floating about the internet that no one has solved the Birdie Obama citizenship puzzle by simply and legally obtaining the records of Mama Obama, Stanley Ann.

In viewing the federal government's website at the archives the following information is available to the public in application records:

Third-Party Requests
Third party requests must include one of the following:
  1. Notarized consent from the owner of the passport records,
  2. Proof of guardianship,
  3. Death certificate, or
  4. Court order signed by a judge of competent jurisdiction requesting the Department of State to release passport records.

This has been the entire point in searching for Stanley Ann's records for where she doth go, her womb baby would follow in Obama jr.
Having seen posted numerous death certificates online, a death certificate is not exactly that difficult to obtain in legal measure.

Therefore, a dead woman, really has tales to tell and is not covered by the privacy act.

Granted, the research in this would mean not the actual passport of Stanley Ann, but the application would provide a wealth of data.
It would narrow the scope to proving if she went to Kenya as an American in the summer of 1961. If she had no intentions of going to Africa, there would not be any American application. Of course, this does not rule out her flying out of Canada as a British subject's wife which would hide her travels. It would though expose if an application was found Mrs. Obama's intentions in 1961 as she certainly would not be planning to have a passport if she had no intentions of using it.

Those types of tracks all have psychological revelations on what was going on in the mind of Stanley Ann Obama.
Furthermore, if there were other applications, it would keyhole Ms. Dunham in her exact name and other familiar information, including photo used in the passport.

* family, marital status
* birth place and date
* name of spouse
* residence
* father's name and place of birth
* naturalization year
* name of ship, port and date of entry (after 1900)
* photograph of ancestor

The point in this which seems lost on Phil Berg, Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi is the old Star Trek line of Capt. Kirk in, "Mr. Spoc, if you can not tell me what it is then tell me what it isn't."

Every piece of evidence obtained, even if it would be possible to legally access Canadian travel records in checking if a Stanley Ann Obama or Dunham flew out of Canada in 1961 for Kenya as she is deceased, all builds the credibility factor. DailyKos can argue birth certificates and people can scoff at Gramma Odinga's admissions, but actual passport history is something which has standing in a court of law.
There have to be records in Canada or America, or both, for Stanley Ann Dunham in her various manifestations as she lived, she travelled, so she had to have a passport.

These are the things which hold up in court and Mr. Berg or any of the other non listening lawyers placing under a judge's nose, an application showing "intent" that travel was planned by a pregnant woman by a passport or if a Canadian record would show she did indeed fly out of Canada as the wife of a British subject, which meant she was legally a British subject with rights and her baby was covered by British law, shows a judge that there is a connecting dot scenario where evidence of Gramma Odinga stating Barack was born in Kenya is now backed by federal documents proving an intent to travel was there.
It just might lead to Madelyn Dunham too as 18 was not an adult age in 1961 and the legal age was 21 for numerous situations.

In mining for gems, one picks the stones one finds on top and by them finds a venue to dig to greater wealth. Pick the stone available on Stanley Ann in her applications of various forms and once that pile is high enough, a judge will start to see merit in the gems covered by legal privacy in Barack Hussein Obama in issuing a court order.

Passport Application Copy

Passport History

Passport Records