Oh the joy of life, just when the memories of Billy Carter and Roger Clinton begin to fade, here comes George Obama getting hisself arrested for being a doper, clear around the world in Birdie Obama's world Prime Ministership.
Logical odds would dictate that a bro who has only seen his brother Birdie, about 3 times in his life would have not had the Democratic curse rub off on him, but then apparently the moon demon and monkey demon in Obama's pants just has too much mojo for Barack to contain.
Make your wishes Birdie and people's lives become payment for all the goodies you grab.
The amusing part in this is the AP propagandist, one, Tom Odula, posted on ABC did everything, but George Stephanopoulos scrub George Obama's linkage to Birdie Obama.
The key piece lists George as a Kenyan relative with the added barely knows the Prime Minister, so I guess that is why he has on an Obama campaign hat which cost a bundle, shipping them cost a fortune overseas, and, apparently that is George's inheritance, and no stimulus condom delivers from big bro Baracks pork politics.
George also is cleansed in alleged possession, so I guess that is why he was arrested with a joint and has a court date.
George though is not a drug peddler, so that makes it all alright for this distant Kenyan relative as related as that distant Hawaiian relative Birdie allowed to walk his Grandmother Madelyn like a dog after dark.
None of this is new for Democrats. There was Billy Carter for absolute down home brewery cool. Billy was the original porker. There wasn't a deal that Billy wouldn't jump into from Billy Beer to his big dollar deal with terrorist Libyan, Khaddffi.
There was nothing like those big Carter teeth all yellow on Billy compared to Jimmy's fortune dollar white smile in making one wonder if you had a rich peanut dealing brother who was in the White House, would it have hurt Jimmy to have got the brother into something stable to keep him busy and funded, so he didn't look like Jethro Bodine's dumb cousin.
When you are President and you leave your brother scratch for it as a redneck, it looks plain bad Jimmy.
Then there was the recent Roger Clinton who seemed a bit short fused and hardwired. Probably was because of all the coke, Bill and him were snorting in Little Rock hotels with all the choice whores from blacks, orientals, Indians, whites, blondes, brunettes and redheads.
Roger had a rock band and a foul mouth which actually made one feel sorry for Bill, and Bill was nothing to bring home to Mother or Church.
What one notices in the pictures though is even Jimmy and Bill did get it right in they never abandoned their goofy brothers. Sure they were Gomer and Goober Pyle, but Andy and Barney never stopped having a hug and a beer with them because there is something special about being brothers.
Of course, the Carters probably shared their first peanut together and the Clinton's probably shared their first Arkansas prostitute, but it is a brother thing and you have to give them credit for it.
Richard Nixon had a brother, but he seemed to find ways to behave himself as did Reagan's and the Bush boys.
There just seems to be a curse on Democrats, especially ones who make wishes on monkey demons, because there is always some brother popping up to embarrass you.
No problem though for Barack Hussein Obama, as he only has a Kenyan relative who he barely knows, that makes it alright.
Birdie has a brother. He exists in poverty in a hut. He barely knows his brother and wonder of wonders, the liberal press has booted the guy off the family tree and Barack Obama's basketball shoe footprint is on George's butt.