Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama Hangover

In the Obasma of January 20th, Obasma is being defined of millions of racists and aroused men and women who thought that by voting for Obama, they could atone for treating blacks as subhuman or thinking by pulling the voting lever that they were pulling one for Obama in their own orgasm, this blog feels compassion, for the impending Birdie Obama hangover which is about to wash over Obamaniacs like the person who wakes up with the greasy, tattoo infested stink pot after drinking too much, and finding a wedding ring on their finger, and in a pounding headache groans out, "My Obama what have I done!".

In knowing many liberals are about to awake to this, and then attempt to consume large volumes of prescription medication, spew David Letterman hate on mentally retarded children or simply commit suicide, we offer some helpful suggestions to get over the Obama hangover which will progressively dawn on people more and more each day.

First, Oprah. We love you Oprah even though we have found you a sap, a user of the dregs of humanity for profit, a high priestess of false religion and had compassion on you for the horrid rapes which occurred to you as a child.
Oprah, you though are not alone. This blog has noted numbers of women who were involved with Birdie Obama who immediately became fat. Cynthia McFadden, she got fat for Obama. Peggy Noonan, her jowls filled out piglet nicely. The female liberals of the View also rounded out rotundress roundly.
Oprah, we will not delve into your psychology nor these other women, but as you are now a plumper, you apparently have not identified the problem as Barack Obama. Therefore Oprah, we ask you please back away from the deli counter in the suet sausage section, back away from consuming enough chocolate that Hershey's profits rose 20% in the last quarter and to put your fork down after the 3rd cheesecake.

Cynthia McFadden, we love you. We are though going to inform you that after your Obamasm, you will awake the same rather canine looking female caked with makeup, the woman who led the sneering political rape of Gov. Sarah Palin and you still have your Obama weight problem.
Please Cyns, do not in your post Obasmic distress do not transfer your rage and start raping other women. We ask you like Oprah to please put down the 4th cheesecake and refrain from opening your mouth as only venom will come pouring out.

Peggy Noonan, we love you. We though see a foul mouthed, lying manipulative, jungle fever sufferer who hates Americans, all for profit.
Pegs, it seems you stop after the first cheesecake, so we would ask you to come to terms with the fact that while you made primate love eyes at the CONservative gathering with Birdie, the man with the monkey in his pants did not feel his primate stirring in jungle love, even though he was driving you Steve Miller crazy.
Pegs, Birdie did not take you home that night and he is not going to phone. He is not going to dump Michelle and his children and flee with you to the land of Noonerland which you swing from his vine and he enjoys your mangoes.
Take down all your photoshop pictures of you and Barack off your bedroom walls, your computer and yes even your cell phone. Barack only loves himself and unless you are a gay male you ain't goin' to get that daddy.

Bill Moyers, we love you. We realize you are a stricken, self hating, self loathing scrooge, but we love you Bill.
Bill, Barack Obama is not John Kennedy. He is not going to blow up Cuba, but he will probably incinerate a bunch of Muslims as he waits for Jews to be vaporized. Birdie is not going to invite you out for drinks so you both can drive home in DUI and scream at police officers who stop you for driving drunk.
There is not going to be any cartoon of you and Obama starring in. Bill you had one glamour puss event in your life in John Kennedy and have milked it for almost 50 years off of sympathy for a dead JFK.
Bill you will awake and find you are still miserable you, but please put back the 2nd bottle of peppermint schnapps tonight, at least before 5 pm.

Chris Matthews, we love you. We are sorry to inform you though that tingling legs are no more and they might have been a manifestation that you have some neuro brain disease.
Chris, NBC doesn't need you. I know you think that now as Obama has stolen an election that you can too in being a Governor. Please Chris, note that Donovan McNabb of the Philadelphia Eagles had all kinds of media types in unction, yearning, genitals of need, for him to win the Super Bowl to just prove all those white liberals they were right and Rush Limbaugh was wrong, but the fact is Donovan took a nap in the first half, played only crappy Minnesota, lethargic New York and just do not have what it takes.
Chris, when you had the big Democrats carrying you, then you could make it, but Chris you are no Birdie Obama, no one is going to steal an election nor cover up the theft.
Please Chris, back away from the ballot box and delude yourself that you matter on NBC where you can do no harm except to the 3 dolts who watch that channel.

Finally covering all the psychopathy types, we come to Nancy Pelosi. Nancy we love you, we really do in your leather vixen suit. The problem is babe, you are not Queen. You are not Dr. Frankenstein in creating Obama in your lab. You are just a rather old haggard looking babe now with a contemptuous House over you and a burgeoning Obama erosion problem.
Please Nance, when the Democratic party melts down, please Nance do not attempt to blame the black guy by his being a white Arab. Please do not throw Birdie to the curb and please do not attempt to grab the wheel of the crashing Obama train and attempt to steer it.
Just please Nance, back away, back away from that 5th chocolate eclair you are getting free from the Congressional dining room as it is packing on your hips in this Obama ovalation office cycle. Please back away from thinking you are Queen and attempting an Obama coup.

This blog does realize there are many foreigners from African Grammama Odinga, Brother George to those drunken Germans, soused out French and tipsy English who are going through their own Obama hangovers, but as these people gave up on God long ago, they seem to have a wonderland of Obama legal illegal dope, socialist programs to whine about and sexual intoxication linked to children to deal with their hangovers, just as Birdie Obama intends to implement into the United States.
Birdie Obama, to legalize marijuana.
Birdie Obama, to expand government.
Birdie Obama, Democratic platform plank from John Kerry and the Clinton era to make children as legal adults. (easy for pedophiles to legally molest kids).

We love all of you Obamaniacs here and have full compassion, but want you to know there is no divorcing Birdie and you are stuck with him, his ineptness, his Marxism and his not ever going to call you up for a date, sex, a chat or even in a wrong number off of his Blackberry.

We know a hangover is not the time you want to hear how much puke you have to clean up, but you do have that doctor's appointment to Obama supporters for venereal disease and that several trillion dollar bill you will have to pay, so please just don't think today is the worst day of your hangover as it is going to go on, and on and on.

The worst part is you will awake each day as you, live each day as you and go to fitful sleep each day as you. You being people who politically raped a woman, abused her children, put a baby in harm's way, lied, cheated, stole an election and did it all to prove you weren't a racist when you are and that you vote with your panties instead of your mind.
None of that is going away, and we are honestly sorry for each of you in the perpetual burden you have, because the reality is, the memory of the horrid people you are is forever embedded now in history reminding you daily in Barack Obama of all the lack of humanity which seeps out of your Obamasic weeping souls.

Tom Daschle will probably have to set up an entire new department of Obamacaid and Obamacare to pay for all the addicts withdrawing from the powers of the guy who has a monkey in his pants seducing them and then telling them all what whores they are in the morning, as he goes back to his wife and his gay playmate, Rafsta.

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PS: I just noticed that Google has negro in it's dictionary as words acceptable by Google to use. Interesting advancement we have in the Obama supporters realm of new political correctness.