That stated I just was listening to Charlie Rose and his cast of Obama sycophants in his coming up with this question in this bizarre continuing way that liberals are attempting to prop up Obama no matter what. It has gotten so bad that if Obama has a stroke, Keith Olbermann will sing to the world, "Isn't this great we have a vegetable brain president as now he understands health care".
That is how bad this has sunk to.
Charlie Rose cornered Doris Goodwin, the most strange looking woman in America for not having plastic surgery, the following question;
"Is America better off now that we have someone in the White House who can speak as the White House has not had someone in there for years who could?"
Now mind you, this is stutterin' Birdie we are talking about. The guy who can't function without a teleprompter. The guy whose intelligence has shown to be appointing criminals, dolts like Tim Geithner and sending out Richard Holbrooke to start a big war in the Near East, and, lest we forget this is the Obama who has to have things explained to him he just read because he doesn't comprehend them.
Goodwin simply gushed an, Oh yes in a democracy it is so much better that someone is there who can communicate".
In democracy, the communication is by yelling and guns. In a Republic which America is supposed to be, the communication is well thought out policy.
This propping up of Obama in it's urgency is reflected by Katie Couric stating exactly what this blog predicted last year. Birdie has 90 days to get things done. After that nothing will be done.
So there is this bizarre media pampering of Obama so they save face in not looking like idiots for electing the black moron, they were all either masturbating to or in catharsis with in proving they are not racists.
None of this is doing the United States any good in propping this guy up. I was listening to a CBS poll in people now stating they understood and agreed on Obama's "plan". I would defy any of them to name one thing Obama spoke of like exposing America to nuclear strikes by dismantling our nuclear triad as he said in code in this speech and explain how incinerated Americans are a good thing.
The majority of Americans are not that bright and reflections of Obama in this current Obamanation.
The Obama policy is to borrow more massive debt, pay the Chinese communists more in interest and put the American worker to work for foreigners.
That is what his policy is. It is further enslavement in making health care as mandatory as education that no one will be working for wages and only benefits of belonging to the community.
That is called communism and it destroys nations and people.
When this breaks down and it will break down, I do hope that a real Conservative and not the piss ant type like David Brookes is in nippling on Obama's sugary syrup, is in place with a real Justice Department prosecution team, as I desire to see these enabling prostitutes in the press all indicted on lying to the American public and be put to hard labor for 20 years for the damage they are achieving against the United States.
It was the most disgusting thing to watch the chorus of Democrats in Congress leaping to their feet like some French mob just overthrowing the government and cheering in glee at anything while ridiculing and debasing the Republicans. That is the type of conduct one finds all through the 3rd world. It is low day when the American Congress is out shown by the Russian Parliament for class.
Obama is trounced in 3 debates by John McCain and it doesn't matter to the press. Obama makes promises to terrorists as America's new friends and it doesn't matter that America is sullied by this disgraceful association. Obama just Mao of China tells American children they are all going to education camps and the press comes up with the Charlie Rose question, "Is America better off because Obama can read a teleprompter?"
That is now the new standard in America. If a black man who is more Arab than black can read a teleprompter, he is now qualified to lead America into the abyss and a dictatorship with the full blessing of the press as they have their reputation to protect in not letting the idiot Obama be exposed.
These people are guilty of sedition and may God raise up an Andrew Jackson type to hound this traitorous lot into financial ruin and public prisons for the rest of their fossil existences.
Barack Obama is an embarrassment. The United States Congress is an embarrassment. Those 2 Marines cuddling with Michelle Obama are an embarrassment. The entire media in this nation is an embarrassment and the majority in the United States of her Citizens are an embarrassments as they can not figure out being incinerated by nuclear bombs is a bad thing and that it is a bad thing their Birdie has sold them to Chinese merchants to work for interest payments on the cloning Obama stimulus packages.
I will not disgrace the Office of the President by terming a usurper in Obama by that name no more than giving Biden anything but the Aaron Burr Biden treatment for his role in this theft of the White House, but it has come to the point I can no longer term these people who support Obama as Americans as they are not Americans any longer. They have a British subject leading them and are cheering Obama's plans of making America completely communist and selling American workers as chattel to Chicom interest payments.
I will refer to them as "those people" as they are not Americans any longer and probably never were. They will have that title until they are defined by a new term as "those ash piles" when Obama's policy gets them nuclear incinerated in their Obama enclaves.
Did you notice Sec. of War Robert Gates not wanting any part of this Obama cage in being slow to rise and looking completely uncomfortable stuck between Obama groupies and being the photo op of "Obama really knows about war".
It doesn't matter how nice of suit the press dresses Birdie Obama in as he is still a chameleon and in shedding his skin he is showing he has the brain of a newt and the press has no confidence in him by their enabling.
I guess that makes him the artificially limbed pressborg.
Happy Day.