It is beyond disgraceful the entire career of Tom Daschle of that state of ineptness known as South Dakota which elects a baby butcher in Stephie Herseth, who then had the audacity to have a baby and not abort the thang.
Added to that is bubble head Tim Johnson, who South Dakotans voted into the Senate again when he can't debate, can't do the job and never have voted for anything other than spending more money to send fliers to tell South Dakotans how vunderbah Tim Johnson is.
Daschle set up the original vote fraud scam in paying people to vote. His votes were generated on Indian reservations along with Tim Johnson, but it was Steve Hildebrand of the Obama campaign who initiated this fraud on a national scale in ACORN which Daschle was a part of.
Now our dear friend Tom Daschle like Obama and tax crook Tim Geithner have all started paying back bills once they get close to DC power which means they are all plugging into the trillion dollar money train.
The Senate of the United States has been reprehensible in voting in Geither and not doing one thing to examine Obama's disqualifications, but has gone over the top in excusing the murderous career of Tom Daschle and his money whoring ways.
As has been mentioned before here, Tom when a acne faced dwarf in South Dakota thought a short fat broad to mother his children was fine. Once in DC though, he dumped his frumper wife and got himself a tall blonde who hated South Dakotans for the flyover trash they are.
Tom though loved his new bimbo who got herself a job somehow (Shall we say Rod Blagojevich tried to get his wife an exact job but is called naughty for doing it.) where at the Federal Aviation Administration her work got people killed in a plane wreck.
60 Minutes exposed it all, but when you are leader of the Senate nothing is done, and, when you are Obama's mouse in his pants, you get a free ride in the Senate hearings too with that old dufus Bob Dole sitting next to Tom and bubble head Johnson on the other.
Should not that send out warning signs that the only two people who will stand up for you have 1000 year old brains.
Tom though has been busy when he was not paying his taxes over a car and driver, which no one has yet explained why Daschle needed that perk as he was earning over two years 5.2 million dollars............
Wait for it in who he was dealing with?
The health care giants who Obama now wants him to oversee.
Oh yeah no corruption there Mr. Transparent Obama.
It even gets better though for fascist Daschle in mixing his little leftist ways with the government making bigger bucks for and industry it controls in our friend Tom, who was earning 5.2 million already greasing the way for the absolute complete gang rape of the American medical system, was paid two hundred thousand dollars in "speaking fees".
As Daschle mumbles in such low tones you can't tell what he is ever saying, apparently medical giants got to listen to twenty minutes of "hmmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmm" in a Tom speech which sounds a great deal like a loud speaker electric hum.
The United States Senate has no business allowing Tom Daschle anywhere near health care, not unless Obama's other choices are Charles Manson for family services.
Tom Daschle belongs nowhere near any health reforms as he is so filthy with the corpse pile of the cut, burn and poison trillion dollar medical establishment creating a holocaust in America, he is not going to be doing a thing for Americans, but instead international ghouls.
Barack Obama in his choices for cabinet appointments and the United States Senate in appointing this band of dirty bird crooks is one of the darkest chapters of United States history.
Goodness people, Bill Clinton had women withdrawn for hiring illegals, and in much worse scenarios, there are people whizzing through the Senate who have genocide on their hands, dead babies in their policies, economic rape of nations and this Tom Daschle creature who is running around like Nazi melding private medical into a government system of dispatching citizens to death more efficiently for profit.
Tom Daschle for even accepting this appointment should be indicted on conspiracy charges as what difference is there in hiring Tom Daschle to hiring Jonathan Pollard to run the CIA interest section for Israel. Pollard is in prison for the exact same things Tom Daschle was earning over 2 million dollars for.
One is called a spy, the other is called a legal lobbyist.
If the Senate had any morals it would stand up and stop Tom Daschle and say, "ENOUGH" or as this has a German theme, "HALT!"
Wesley Snipes was convicted on the very things Tom Daschle did.
Mrs. Daschle has never been charged with negligent homicide, but yet a Hooter's Mother, Ashly Duchene was charged with negligent for having her baby die in a hot car while she worked.
Mrs. Daschle can work and 3 people die in plane crash and the big dollars continue to roll in.
This Obama change is for thee absolute worse and instead of Vince Foster dead and dumped in Ft. Marcy Park, it is going to be millions of Americans dead and dumped from the Tom Daschle death care system run for state profits, or national socialism, as that is what Nazi party stands for.
Daschle the crook
Negligent Homicide
Post script, while the Nazi flag photo is photoshopped, this blog did not pick the Obama photo as it was once again an Associated Press feature photo by Charles Dharapak.
As noted here before, the photos AP have been featuring have Mr. Obama looking primate unintelligent. This photo is of that same staged digital edit to deliberately make Birdie Obama look like the lights are on and no one's home as he waits for the organ grinder to feed a peanut so he can play a tune.
For these pictures to continually keep showing up even after being outed here, exposes a deep problem percolating at AP in not all is Obama luv over there.
It is one thing to get one photo of an alone Barack, but to have to find both Daschle in his expression and Obama in his witless expression requires a huge investment of time and micro second digital freeze edits. This just does not happen on it's own.
The Associated Press. AP Photo/Charles Dharapak