As an exclusive here once again, the world is missing the point in the continuing saga of Dickhead Daschle.
Long ago and Newsbusters away, someone, namely moi, predicted certain Obama supporters would be neutralized in the due course of time in a most career ending and stagnating ways. To keep the suspense up, I will note that Chris Matthews for all of his leg tingling is lamenting away with advancement of career. So much so, he wanted run for political office in hick Pennsylvania as he sees if you are crooked and show up in a hilly state, you can Al Franken your way to power.
Then there is the saga of the Caucasian Spaniard with the white guy name of Bill Richardson who had a most promising Obama career wiped out all due to..............
Wait for it...........
Yes you smart readers, for betraying Hillary Hamrod Clinton.
Someone might have noted too that Rod Blagojevich was being submarined by New York connected Rockefeller flunky, Patrick Plamegate Coup Fitzgerald, not so much to get self investigative Birdie Obama, but to embarrass the magik monkey in his pants Barack.
So ask yourself, because you will be going, "Hmmmm, that Lame Cherry is correctomundo again".
Ask yourself, "As I had stated the weak link long ago in the Obama picks and the one person to submarine would be Tom Daschle, could it be that the GOP having no gonads, just who is it in this world who with big kahonahs would have the connections in the left wing press to make sure primate pictures of Obama keep surfacing and just happens to forcing the Daschle tax fraud?"
One has to visit history and herstory in knowing Tom Daschle is from Indian country, nowhere land, land of a majority of simpletons, South Dakota.
Daschle did his utmost in promoting bio fuels in alcohol plants which cut a ton of cash out from the Rockefellers. People do not quite know that back in the early days bio fuels were being promoted and run by farmers, who then were destroyed financially and taken over by...........
Wait for it...........
Yes the oil companies.
So the Rockefellers had this all sewed up in monopoly, but here came Tom Daschle promoting bio fuels for his Chicago second city frankenfood benefactors.
To add to the amazement, it was President Bush 43 in attempting to destroy the communist oil monopoly which started to promote bio fuels in funding them.
Worked pretty good as after the price inflated in the financiers raping economies for US dollars, the price of oil has plummeted and Russia is now having riots to get rid of Putin.
Thanks George W. Bush.
In this mix of time, here came Tom Daschle with much fanfare about him running for President. Well it was covered in South Dakota and I think the parakeet section of the eastern papers had a blurb on it planted by Tom next to the personal ads.
Tom was offering hisself up to the high bidder of the Clintons as he had been such a good water boy for the Clintons doing all their dirty jobs.
Tom though got a surprise in the Clintons laughed at the hick and told him they had no interest in someone with an IQ of a chimp.
Obama though upon seeing the connections Daschle had was quite interested in his little usurpation and that is who Tom ended up in the Obama camp seeking the high job of handing over the United States health system completely to the major pharmaceuticals not controlled by the Rockefellers.
Now this Daschle drama involves his betraying the Clintons in jumping into bed with Obama. So ask yourself in these imploding Democrats as of late, just who is the naughty little girl with cover who has been plucking the feathers from Birdie Obama?
It is in criminal motive of operation to look for motive and ability. Thee only person who would be up to this is Hillary Clinton with her fingerprint all over Tom Daschle.
Daschle is forever tarnished. It matters not what the outcome is as now the dull is rubbing off on Barack Obama weakening him further in the cast of dirty birds.
Who then in the executive becomes more independent and strong, but herself over at State Department who had complete assurance she would have full and independent control.
Too bad Susan Rice, you may be the hottest chocolate babe in government, but you just got out maneuvered by Hillary Clinton. Enjoy your UN stay sweet stuff as Hillary is going to be around for a bit.
If Obama was bright, he would withdraw Daschle as Daschle is going to be a major catastrophe in the health care handover as this continues to degrade Birdie Obama.
Excellent operation Mrs. Clinton, or I should say Bill, this is in your perfect style of being dirty, making people look elsewhere and you standing there grinning smugly as another one bites the dust.
By Inspiration though I spotted your fingerprint right on Tom Daschle smudging him out.
I sincerely hope you succeed in this endeavor, and, might I suggest as an appetizer Al Franken, as he is going to not do you any good in the Senate, with a majority. You know you need a good slow down to slow down Birdie, for your RFK dethroning of Prime Minister Obama as Bobby did LBJ.
Bon apetite.
agtG 266
Tax Cheater Tom Daschle
90% of Americans Don't Like Tax Cheats
Post Script: The Reason Timmy Geithner can cheat on taxes is because he is Rothschild Rockefeller nation rapist sponsored.
Tommy Daschle can not get away with it in being a Clinton enemy, and, that little trillion dollar business of screwing New York finance by assisting second city Chicago finance.
Pass the truffles.