Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Lesbian Male Liberal CONservative

Rush Limbaugh often warns listeners to not try things at home, because he is a professional and makes things look easy, while they the mere public would utterly fail in attempting the same routine.
He of course is right.

As no one has ever spoken in print that Rush Limbaugh was put forward as a Conservative voice to mirror the fine Conservative voices on radio before World War II, they probably never concluded that Matt Drudge was elevated to a prominent position to drive the media also in a Limbaugh Drudge tandem.
Many are the days Mr. Limbaugh is simply broadcasting the leads Matt Drudge features.

Hillary Clinton might term this the vast right wing conspiracy, but it simply is a very good driving medium.
Into this Mr. Limbaugh helped elevate Newsbusters, not because they are of the same league as Rush Limbaugh, but for the reason that William F. Buckley, who many Conservatives admired despite his big brother patricianisms, was genetically connected to Newsbusters from family member Brent Bozell of MRC which is the overlord of Newsbusters basically.

The reason for explaining the vast right wing conspiracy which is just a few people with money and a few geniuses tagging along a group of amateurs who have no business in the business is a few weeks back lesbian liberal, Camille Paglia was "answering questions" from her readers.
One question dealt with the stupidity of Barack Obama. Ms. Paglia answered that Mr. Obama was not stupid, but instead this impression came from a cleverly edited and aired broadcast by right wing media highlighting Obama stuttering.

Viewers of the Obama press conference which wasted an entire hour of television on Feb. 9th, witnessed not clever editing, but an entire hour of Obama brain dysfunction on display with the textbook, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, of Barack Obama, complete with eye crossing, rapid fire blinking, one word linked together thoughts and rage at times.
Now the question is, how did Rush Limbaugh edit an entire live broadcast to make Barack Obama look stupid?

Gee could it be lesbian guru Camille Paglia is wrong?

Of course it is and it opens the door to why people should not quote liberals or try these things at home if they are an amateur, as Rush Limbaugh when he is quoting or featuring Camille Paglia is doing it with selective fire in knowing what he is accomplishing in the specific instance.

An amateur in a pseudo economist like Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters, and his ace liberal conservative wonderdog, Matthewfred Sheffield, who does not jerk Sheppard's leash for being a parrot of Obama talking points, then think they can start quoting Camille Paglia as they saw Doc Limbaugh doing it.
The problem is Paglia posts a quasi CONservative blog in which a naive Sheppard bites hard on in agreeing that Gov. Sarah Palin was an active enjoyment participant in abuse and political rape of her. Sheppard being apparent virginal and a complete ignorant about sexual abuse, features Paglia and this "recruitment" radical homosexual clique in what they are promoting in undertone that women like being slapped around, abused and raped.
Some might think this subject is covered here too often, but when it comes to key socio subjects, it can not be covered enough as America can not become a nation where the patricians complete the idea that women enjoy being raped.

Noel Sheppard instead of apologizing still blunders on. His stupidity is now being built upon as has been an exclusive to this blog in the under political push to create a law system in the United States where children are legal adults.
No one but here noted John Kerry's daughter at the DNC changed a woman's right to choose to a child's right to choose. The choice is not about infanticide, but about what caused the infant in sex.
These perverts are attempting to build upon the deliberate sexualization of children in America, to make it legal for them to be pedophiles.

Barack Obama's choice as #2 at the Justice Department, a Mr. David Ogden, holding the same leverage post which had his boss, Eric Holder, now Attorney General, to force through the Marc Rich pardon, is part of a legal team which was removing pornography safeguards in parents protecting children from it and a legal requirement that models had to be proven 18 to be involved in pornography.

So this is all serious business of perverts degrading what is left of an entire United States culture. Mr. Limbaugh has warned people not to do what he has accomplished, but then comes along Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters promoting women being abused, because they like it as lesbian Camille Paglia says so when it comes to Conservative Gov. Sarah Palin.
This is an issue which I have been involved with for years being the only person witnessing about it while the "conservatives" would not ever touch it. The problem is some are touching it and are promoting the ideas of sexual degradation and the fallacy of Barack Obama being intelligent.
The same championed lesbian by Mr. Noel Sheppard about women being abused and liking it, then went on to say Obama was made to look stupid by people like Rush Limbaugh, yet at the Obama news conference, Ms. Paglia was outed as an absolute liar in Barack Obama did nothing but stutter for 60 minutes.

I'm moved to accomplish a great number of things on this website. I also have been known to feature Hillary Clinton. I know though what I'm doing as I have tactical, strategic and intricate objectives in it will not be Republicans who gum up the Obama Marxist agenda, but liberal Democrats like Hillary Clinton.
This is chess and by utilizing Mrs. Clinton to stop Mr. Obama, then I do so without promoting one iota of her agenda, because I see the entire board, and not just the profit square at Newsbusters, the corner of fame enjoyed by Noel Sheppard nor the pawn he has suckered into as a feint as Camille Paglia is twice the male force and intellect of Noel Sheppard.
A lesbian leftist got a CONservative to feature her skewed message on a site Rush Limbaugh quotes, and if it was not for the words of this blog, the entire lie would have lived forever there forever one step down degrading all human sexuality to barbarism.

This is all about protecting young males from being drugged and raped in gay recruitment. This is all about young girls being tied up by boyfriends, gotten high and then raped by a lesbian they hire. The human body all responds and these confused teenagers are then "bi sexuals".
A certain Prime Minister in the White House is concluded to have suffered that same attack by Frank Marshall Davis, as Davis records being a pedophile and having sexed in guise Grandpa and Gramma Dunham.

There are too many people in this United States who have been preyed upon from Hugh Hefner to Queer Nation in sexualizing them. The New York Times revealed all the jungle fever women voters for Obama are living their pathetic non existent sex lives through his marriage.
There must be a line in the sand drawn which can not be crossed. People must no long be degraded in defined by sex and it will not be allowed the clever skewed sexual liberalism getting itself posted and featured on CONservative sites.

Is it a good thing that most Conservatives have no idea what these liberal perverts are talking about? Yes, because it shows their sheltered lives have kept them from the worst this world has lurking in it.
God's Spirit though has got to Inspire these Conservatives in mass to stop short and reason out, "Gee that is Sodom and Gomorrah in a modern way. Maybe like Limbaugh says I should not be trying this at home. Maybe I shouldn't be quoting lesbians about sexual situations involving a Christian Conservative Mother in Sarah Palin".

These perverts are coming again in a third wave out of justice and congress with laws they intend to implement. They now have their planks quoted in right wing publications of dolts who bit on it and are too arrogant correct their sinful mistakes.

What goes around has come around. The warning has been sounded with factual examples revealing the agenda, purpose and incorrect thought process of the perverts promoting it.
