Saturday, February 28, 2009

Michelle Obama 120 volts on AAA batteries

I honestly conclude Michelle Obama is not all there. She is a case in the lights are on, but only a dim bulb is home.

In the beginning, based upon published reports, the assessment was she was a mirror image of Stanley Ann Dunham, meaning she is a ruthless bitch run by jungle fever.
This came from various public events from humiliating her husband in calling him "stinky" to work at the law firm which awarded her a job that termed her difficult.

The people though issuing those observations of Michelle Obama had not factored in the reality that Barack Obama had singled out this well connected Chicago South Side black female as a stepping stone to the political connections her bloodline offered. She was Obama's political maul who she was infatuated with in the exotic boy wonder.
Remember their first "date" in Obama took her not someplace nice, but took this woman to a community organizer meeting where he could go on stage and show his "power" which is the key element to Michelle Robinson's character. She is a rather naive, inept and low self esteem female with an attitude who responds to power the way Stanley Ann did to dark meat.

So Michelle Robinson in being difficult at work was not being a bitch, but was like any 8 year old child stuck too long at work waiting for recess. She was being cranky and not a bitch as all children do.
Her "stinky" episode was not an act of adult revenge, but one of juvenile tit for tat. It was little 8 year old sister embarrassing 10 year old brother in public.

In the Obama Mile High Mountain speech, Michelle Robinson exhibited a pattern behavior on her thrill o meter. She gets off on the success and power which Barack Obama climbs on his stareway to oblivion, and I do mean stare.
There is no Barry with her. This is Barack and Barack in name for a reason of power.
She simply glowed at her husband being in the spotlight. This same schoolgirl infatuation repeats itself the times they are in public.
If one notices on the inauguration day, she didn't allow Barack to kiss her on the lips, but turned her cheek to him. There is an odd mix going on in this woman with her Obama appendage doll.

It is nothing like the adoration Nancy Reagan had with her love affair Ronald, nothing like the adult relationship George and Laura Bush have and nothing like the business arrangement Bill and Hillary Clinton are united it.
Michelle Obama is a 8 year old girl being played by her 10 year old brother who she has to get back at, but simply beams in ecstasy when he gets the spotlight to shine on him as that is her teen angel party doll.

Further proof of this was upon entering the White House, she had to have her mother come and handle arrangements and deal with the children. Considering the entire staff and entourage a First Lady or Prime Minster's wife has, there is no reason to have to deal with anything but make decision.
By this Michelle Obama apparently can not make adult decisions. Mother has to though for her.

If one notices, considering this is the most historic event in history every time Birdie uses toilet paper in the White House as it is a historic event, no one has been promoting Michelle Obama in her historic journey.
Should not she have had at least a dozen appearances by now and the media has been kept at bay. Notice too the clamour from the media is absolutely silent in not leveraging for interviews by going public. That seems a logical point that the leftists in the press know full well Michelle Obama should be seen and not interviewed alone or the entire child will start rolling out.

The Congressional Swine and Pork Speech in Birdie's debut once again revealed a strange childlike occurrence in normal first ladies, knowing February in Washington, DC is winter and their dress is not to overshadow the President, instead had Michelle Obama show up like a child in a summer dress, sleeveless in that same odd canvas type like she is going out to clean houses later.
This is from the woman living in the Orchid White House which is so hot now in Birdie playing with the thermostat one can grow tropical plants there. Apparently Michelle never leaves the greenhouse as she thinks it is African jungle summer outside as it is inside.
Those are the types of things a child pulls in trying to wear shorts in the wintertime. Adults know better and Michelle Obama shows her mind is not functioning as an adult.

Finally in this escapade comes the Stevie Wonder White House performance where Michelle was in the front row with Birdie.
The exchange between them was revealing in this 10 year old 8 year old trend.

Obama takes the stage and out of the blue he says, "Michelle asked me, "Why do you always have a podium? Why do you always have to have a podium to do anything?"

Big brother Birdie was darting his head back and forth in command of the situation, doing his typical Karl Rove analogy response, of the smug prick at the golf course.

To this the camera flashed to Michelle who literally was glowing in Obama bliss, but was looking down blushing, flushed, embarrassed at what Birdie had just done.
There was no anger, no adult questioning of, "What on earth did you just humiliate me for?"

There was only a little girl reacting just like the 8 year old she is fused at mentally.

Obama explained to all who already knew the answer, except Michelle, "It is protocol and the White House staff rules by protocols which must be obeyed".

The crowed laughed, but one notices Obama's still angst at having to obey adult rules of coloring in between the lines and Michelle in a relationship with her big brother.

I honestly conclude that Barack Obama could tell his wife, "Hey baby, Lawrence Sinclair is a liar and Donald Young's underwear in my backseat was just boys wrestling," and she will believe it as she is an infatuated child.
Her exasperation in, "Why are these people trying to destroy us," is textbook juvenile helplessness in not being able to deal with the reality of life.
If Barack Obama had not been reprogrammed and Michelle Robinson had not been handed her law job, he would be Birdie O selling crack out of his hot dog cart at 47th and Vine, while Mama Michelle was running a daycare operation with the children telling her what to do.

Children are these two Obama's peers. Recall when Birdie had his worst day, how both of them Michelle and Barack, fled to who? Yes a group of 7 and 8 year old children, so Michelle could have comfort in her peers and so Birdie could be the adult 10 year old in the classroom.

This entire sham which globalist elite and liberals have foisted upon America becomes more of a terror as each page turns to show a more horrifying revelation. America has 4 children in the White House and I'm beginning to conclude the two little girls are more adult than the parents.

It is getting to the point I cringe in profiling and seeing more information popping up as I'm to the point of not wanting to know any more, as the last piece in the puzzle was me thinking,
"OH NO!"

These two are both operating a 120 volt system on AAA batteries.
