Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stick the turkey in the fork is over

"Two percent of the people think; three percent think they think, and 95% would rather die than think". Henry Ford

What a wondrous world we reside in where CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Convention featured as it's star, Newt Gingrich, the same yawning chair occupant at the Republican National Convention sending that stellar message of boredom as he fed off of Republicans and earlier telling the world how wonderful Hillary is.

What I most loved was the CPAC poll, which crowned Mitt Romney as the 3 time winner in a poll by raking in 20% of the vote. Is it not a wonderful thing that a looser rejected by everyone, has Mormon issues which are like a lead weight yet and yet the brainless leaders of CPAC still vote Milk Toast Romney.
It gets so much better though in Bobby Jindal, fresh in the minds of Obama response raked in 14% with Ron Paul gaining 13%.

To refresh Conservatives memories, Ron Paul is the guy who stood with Romney and Huckabee lamenting murderers being executed. Some Conservative there, along with his sabotaging the McCain Palin ticket with is incessant Devvy Kidd rantings of his lunatic terrorist followers, who were chasing Sean Hannity around and appearing all over the internet acting like Obamaniacs.
Ron Paul is not a Conservative. Ron Paul is a 1930's isolationist fossil Republican who died out as their policies were economic disasters as was their foreign policy.
Does the Great Depression and World War II sound familiar? That is the type of policy Ron Paul embraces. Only in this 2000 plus century, Ron Paul's policy would make Russia a gold standard economic superpower and turn the world over to little wars which would involve the United States in the big world war.

Bobby Jindal, I like as he is Conservative. Would prefer it more if he would strap on a Ma Deuce and bark off a few thousand rounds at old Buick's in Lake Charles.

Sarah Palin, who somehow did not show up for the Conservative gathering, nor did Bobby Jindal, garnered 13%.
So for review of the 3 day gathering. They did not make certain the two leading Conservatives did not attend CPAC, but they still gathered 27% of the CPAC crowd vote.
What does Mr. Jindal and Mrs. Palin realize? Yeah exactly what is apparently hiding at CPAC.

Newty received 10% of the poll after his porcine appearance and socialist looser Huckabee gained 7% of the vote.

The also rans were governors, Sanford of South Carolina who might take Obama money by not taking Obama money, Pawlenty of Minnesota who apparently impressed some by being mansexual blah and Crist of Florida who burnt his fingers reaching for Obama money so fast.

9% of the CPAC attendees were undecided. What a wonderful day though that 73% of the CONservatives at CPAC had decided on losers, socialists, kooks, people who look like pork and people who can not get enough Obama pork.

Even Rush Limbaugh showed up for the event on Ann Coulter night. While no comments surfaced from Coulter, el Rushbo weighed in with this gem;

"Barack Obama is one of the most gifted politicians, one of the most gifted men I have ever witnessed. He has extraordinary talent."

Wow Doc Limbaugh, I now know two things.

1. You consider Hillary Clinton taking a dive, the Molotov Mob media handing Obama an election, European patricians sabotaging the American economy, Obama stuttering like a fool being unchallenged, ACORN vote fraud, campaign revenue fraud, as gifted in a politicians.
In other parts of the world, they call it thug criminality.

2. You have been outed as never having sex with Barack Obama as Lawrence Sinclair will attest Birdie is not a gifted man, and, Doc, as I have not seen Birdie walk on water, turn water into wine, heal the sick, raise the dead or himself, I would not term Birdie Obama having extraordinary talent.
Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most ordinary chameleons to ever gain the title of I Claudius.

With that I will repeat myself at this ending as it deserves repeating;

"Two percent of the people think; three percent think they think, and 95% would rather die than think".

Raise your hands CPAC as 73% of you are who Henry Ford was immortalizing.