Sure the girl either got pregnant or saddled forever in love to the guy whose dad runs the garbage business in town, but somehow those years slip back in one's memories at the oddest of times and you wonder about a girl you used to know in school.
That is the way it is with me in Fredric D. Woocher, who is the guy above sandwiched in between Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator of New York and Aaron Burr Biden.
As a digression, I'm fascinated by the handshake as Gillibrand looks like she has been milking cows by hand, since a little girl with that grip and Biden's pointing finger looks in the grip to be reaching for a little big more. Interesting in the original photo, Sen. Gillbrand's husband is standing there like a cuckold.
Fredric D. Woocher though, attorney at law of Strumwasser & Woocher though is the game to play now in wondering about him as it is his firm which Barack Hussein Dunham, Obama, Dunham Soetero, Duhnam, Obama has contacted to spend even more money in attempting to hide who Mr. Obama really is in hiding his Occidental College records in California.
What is interesting concerning lawyer Woocher is be likes a great deal of bluster as he blows into a case. In seeing enough of his statements, he likes tossing his legal weight around to intimidate lawyers of a lesser ilk in the case of Allan Keyes being handled by Gary Kreep concerning Birdie Obama's qualifications or lack thereof.
Lawyer Woocher is a most distinguished individual. I would note that his choice in politicians pales compared to what he through hard work has accomplished. While Bill Clinton finessed his way into the halls of power and Birdie Obama purchased his way onto the plantation of power, Frederic Woocher has actually been special counsel to the California Attorney General on ethics, environmental law, consumer protection and Prop 103.
He has served 7 years on the Center for Law in the Public Interest, litigating a storm of cases.
He is even an expert on the voting process of initiative and referendum, along with campaign finance.
I will not go into his stellar career beyond mentioning being a clerk of US Supreme Court Justice William Brennan and being appointed by Bill Clinton to be a District Court Judge in 1999, but the nomination was allowed to expire in the Senate.
In noting all of the above, Mr. Woocher is a very passionate man, very confident as he has a right to be considering his stellar career and his powerful friends, and, he is a bit of California patriot in a xeno sense in having published a few opinions concerning the Gore Bush 2000 election in how much California could teach Florida and the nation about counting ballots.
This is why the picture has a magnifying glass upon Mr. Woocher' heart. Imagine his qualifications and his apparent honorable dealings focusing on election laws, voting and campaign finance, and then, there appears as his chief client, the acting Prime Minister of the United States in Barack O'Whatever, who Mr. Woocher has chosen to as a Democrat to ignore Mr. Obama's vote fraud in ACORN (apparently Patrick Fitzgerald has too), the money fraud of Mr. Obama's campaign taking in foreign counterfeit funds and the known impersonating of Americans in using their identities to make fraudulent donations and the absolute disregard for election laws in Mr. Obama not providing evidence he is qualified to be President, but instead is hiding it.
That is the strangeness of apparently good people like Kirsten Gillibrand getting her hand felt up by Aaron Burr Biden who threw a gay handicapped man into prison illegally in Lawrence Sinclair, so Biden could choose his post with Obama's administration as Jill Biden has revealed.
Into that walks Fredric D. Woocher, and in one fell sweep, has taken positions in defending client Obama which is the very antithesis of all he has built his life for in protecting Americans from political corruption.
Mr. Woocher should be a District Court Judge at this moment and in reality, he should be the next Supreme Court Justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but yet in client Obama he has now sealed his fate with the tainted odor of usurpation.
All of that matters in political circles and national circles for the days of politicians strolling the golden sunshine of the Hotel California, soon find poll ratings down in the 50's and then the 30's as things just go wrong, wrong, wrong.
It is easy for Bob Barker to have been cheered giving away cars which people really are buying themselves in increased sticker price, when the people are not stopping to figure out nothing is free. Let Bob Barker find terrorists downing planes and sending Soldiers to war zones where people get killed, and that old fool would be lynched and not applauded.
This is the problem in being the not legal face, but the political face of Barack Obama in Mr. Woocher's newest vocation. He has stooped to a new tactic in threatening Mr. Kreep with financial responsibility (this is a signal that Obama must be running out of money to take this new tact in trying to squelch American initiative in determining what Mr. Woocher should be the first in filing motions on in protecting the American people.) and has now taken on the persona of a thug lawyer protecting a crooked politician.
That is the entire problem of Fredric D. Woocher now for the rest of his life. He is now thee lawyer attempting to threaten a black man in Allan Keyes to drop his case. He is now thee who every White House Chief of Staff, every Democratic Chief of Staff in Congress will cringe in his resume as thee lawyer who handled the Barack Obama eligibility case which means every opponent will bring it up in Congressional hearings for confirmation.
Mr. Woocher should be more savvy than this, but he has literally allowed Barack Obama to end his aspirations of serving anywhere in federal government.
Kenneth Starr noted this recently in a speech stating the Republicans are still furious over the way Barack Obama was part of a scheme which kept good judges off the courts. They are looking for a great deal of payback and by Mr. Woocher involved in this case defending Barack Obama, Mr. Woocher has become expendable in no allies on Capitol Hill, no allies in the Obama White House and a pariah to the Conservatives and PUMA voters searching for the Truth considering Barack Obama.
Mr. Woocher has ended his career in advancing to where he is and it is all stagnation from this point as any nomination will be fought and the Democrats will not fight for him.
I honestly pity him as one more in a current series of some accomplished Nancy Killefer types who are running into the political career death nail by rubbing up against Barack Obama.
One never knows if Mr. Woocher was listening to his heart or was listening to his calculated mind. In any event, he ruined himself and what could have been the highest of legal accomplishments of a Justice on the Supreme Court.
He is one of many Obama pawns sacrificed along the way, Senator Roland Burris, Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Tony Rezko, Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer and now Fredric Woocher has joined those ranks as he is a California boy and not New York finance connected. There will be no Tim Geithner passes as he is a pawn, sacrificed to keep the Obama queen safe as so many gambits play out in the idiot play of Birdie Obama.
The seduction of the monkey in his pants apparently keeps going, and going and going and going and going and going...........
PS: Wonder if Jill Biden noticed her Aaron's finger.