Friday, February 13, 2009

Queen Pelosi and the royal fool

I sometimes wonder how much even liberal twits will take before they become so embarrassed by Queen Pelosi and her royal fool, Birdie Obama, that they even puke up enough disdain for jester, Harry Reid to mop it up.

A "compromise" kickback scheme is being passed by the House of Representatives of $790,000,000,000, this is after RHINO Susan Collins me Obama and Arlen making a Specter of himself, made cuts.
I thought the original bill was $750 billion, so after making Republican cuts it somehow gained 40 billion.

This entire charade was grabbed by Pelosi since last December as apparently her royal fool, Birdie Obama, was not bright enough with his nation rapists to craft a bill. No the real reason is Nancy Pelosi is so control freak nuts, she is the Eva Peron of America.

No one in the House is going to read this hog trough bill. No one is going to be able to read this pig bill online as Pelosi lied.
In the high drama of bitching about executives flying in on private jets to Washington, DC and Las Vegas trips, "as Birdie Obama chirped about which hurts businesses in Las Vegas already in a crunch", the world now finds out that Queen Nancy Pelosi will be jetting off to Europe for an 8 day junket, where awards will be given and a multi million dollar price tag will be foisted upon the American people.

Where on earth is one liberal who moaned about George Bush "vacation time" in Texas where he was working every day not costing the taxpayer a nickel and now we have Queen Pelosi flying on private jets, costing the taxpayers for worldwide security, hotel bills, food bills and all in a worldwide constriction where Democrats can't make house payments.

This is beyond reprehensible. The United States is running up massive new debt which is about 15% stimulus and 85% pork, great portions of this ham will not even be spent for years to come. The answer Queen Pelosi returns is "laissez-les manger le gâteau", let them eat cake.

In the entire history of the American nation, there has never been anyone like this woman. Just in recent history, no one would imagine Tip O'Neill, Jim Wright, Newt Gingrich or Dennis Hastert, not reading a fricking bill costing a trillion dollars in a Carter type constriction of the economy and then flying off to Europe for taxpayer funded fun time.

For politics, this is wonderful for the Republicans as it makes their spending sprees look like monks living in a cave as Hastert or Trent Lott, you couldn't get off the chairs they were sitting in. It shows the absolute porcine ways the liberals running this nation. It conjures up the worst of the Clintons in grabbing money by the bushel or Hillary and Chelsea taking a last multi million dollar trip to ride elephants in India.
Even Mrs. Clinton gets it this time around about being cash strapped and is not trying to be international princess.

The Republicans have actually put forward a plan finally which according to Obama's own number crunchers will produce twice as many jobs as Obama Pelosi for half the cost.
Wonderfully, one Republican whiz kid from the House was on BBC last night girly man wrestling with the BBC presenter in finally going public that the "economists" who wanted all of those rebates under George Bush have admitted they didn't do a thing.
Sure they did, they put all that money into Warren Buffett's greedy big nation rapists paws as only this blog noted.
So Pelosi Obama's answer is to provide beer money to the masses this year and in 2010, apparently dry the drunks out by cutting the check to only $8 bucks a week.

There is something infinitely wrong with a trillion dollar plan in awarding people who do not pay taxes 400 bucks in a one time payment when investing the time and effort to cash that check, a dope dealer on Chicago's Obama side south will actually be loosing money in doing it, and making more money selling coke to Obama's sodomite friends to snort off of his knee.

The ludicrous has become liberal economics. Pelosi spends millions on a vacation package. Birdie spends millions on keeping his school records sealed and is now threatening to recoup losses on attorneys filing these motions for the Truth. Harry Reid brings up the rear picking up the crumbs falling off of Pelosi's banquet table in offering kickbacks to Las Vegas casinos.
How on earth does a casino which legally steals bushels of money from people end up needing handouts from the government?

That though is Queen Pelosi, royal fool Birdie Obama and court jester, Harry Reid. When the continued overlord economy of the embezzlement banks start to constrict and none of this trillion dollar debt does anything, but make money in shorter supply driving it's price up, which will make this more prolonged, I hope the squeeze cuts off the blood supply to the 70 million Obama voters so the blood clots hurt to drive the message home what absolute Mugabe rapine they have unleashed on America and the world.

Pope Ben, when you meet the Queen, please be a man and put her across your knee and beat her butt red with that wand you carry around and send her home on a slow Iranian boat to Cuba.
Thank Ben as it would be much appreciated as you are always talking about looking out for the womb babies and the poor.
