I focus as the poster boy on David Letterman, as the Letterman Cocktail crowd. They are a group of sexist, narcissistic, racist, leftist rapists. I do not use that term lightly, because there are many forms of rape from physical to psychological in the intelligence to the marriage venues which are inflicted upon millions of people daily.
I attempted to explain this on Newsbusters in 2008, when Gov. Sarah Palin was suffering through the abusive political rape savaged upon her. For that is what it was exactly, a savage rape upon a free woman meant to inflict as much damage to her psyche so she would quit.
Barack Obama was not the director of this, but was the beneficiary of the many rapists who carried out these repeated assaults upon Gov. Palin, her pregnant daughter and her handicapped child.
This was putrid and vile in the lowest form warfare employed only by the brute.
The reason for visiting this at this juncture of history is a story surfaced of a woman in Iraq by the name of Samira Jassim, who organized the rape of 80 women in Iraq for the specific purpose of later talking them into becoming suicide bombers.
History is filled with this type of warfare in the Russian literally raped everything in East Germany after World War II as a political tool to psychologically crush an entire people. Rape when used in this means is no different than the rape of the self loathing thug breaking into a woman's home, because the rape is designed to humiliate, isolate psychologically, produce the fear of impregnation, risk of disease and traumatize the woman, so she no longer will fight back.
On the male side, the husband or boyfriend is in Rush Limbaugh's terms, the inflicted person of the castrati or the savages who castrate males so they will not fight back as their women being defiled, are then gossiped about in "liking it".
The end result is a nation of bastards who the mothers are reminded of being vanquished and the men left to raise them are reminded of in being conquered.
The affinity I have with John McCain is having suffered the same psychological, physical and soul rape which he endured, but on a much longer term and a much more adept adversary. Mr. McCain always had his nation to fall back upon as his fictional savior. I did not have that luxury as the rape of the soul knows no nationalism to hide in.
So I take rape personally and recognize it's adversarial tokens who practice it as an artform. I also loathe these people as David Letterman who relish it and despise those who stand around advancing that people enjoy being raped.
This is what exactly got this blog into the banning phase at Newsbusters, when it outed Noel Sheppard in the most respectful way that he was absolutely wrong in taking the side of Camille Paglia who was stating that Gov. Sarah Palin was an active participant in the ravaging she and her family were having heaped upon her.
There is nothing willing about rape and that is what Gov. Palin and her family endured by David Letterman and those types. When making that point and stating Mr. Sheppard was probably too nice of a boy from Nebraska to know the difference, this little snot Noel Sheppard wrote me a letter a political rapist would type up.
In it, he first attempted to isolate this blog as "me" and "Noel Sheppard and others at Newsbusters". As I never had any complaints from anyone at Newsbusters that means that they are either cowards or Sheppard is a liar. In any case, Noel Sheppard is a coward as he had to assemble a gang and isolate this blog.
He then lied about this blog, attacked me personally without any merit and then after the abuse, called us "friends".
Gee Lame Cherry, you liked the rape didn't you?
The problem is Noel Sheppard was accusing me of exactly the exact things he and all but one person at Newsbusters was guilty of in ignoring emails and messages. I never ignored any contact from anyone at that site and always sought to explain fully to all who asked anything, even the suspected little lesbian who was writing to me about wearing her tight little t shirt to work.
So in reality, Noel Sheppard graduated from the erectophile who stands on the street corner as Camille Paglia says Sarah Palin loves political rape, and, then he employed the very same techniques which are those of the people he "busts" daily.
The plains Indians were of this ilk. They would raid a settlement of Indians, whites or Mexicans, carry off the women and children they wanted, and then along the way they would gang rape the women.
The squaws would either help hold down the women or wander about watching and making comments to the braves in how to improve the rape. If the children cried too much, they would have their brains bashed in and the mothers and siblings could lay by the fire next to the drying scalps of those they loved.
In psychological or physical rape, there is no difference in experience nor technique as the results always produce the same outcome. So when certain poster boys and girls of the thug right and left appear in this blog, that is the undercurrent of what is occurring as these types are rapists with clear intent on savaging and dominating to silence those who are challenging their position.
Lawrence Sinclair was raped by Joe Biden this past summer. He was isolated, slandered, cast off and then hounded by the Obamanaics in accusations he enjoyed the whole thing. None of this is by accident and is why I termed him a political prisoner of Barack Obama.
John Edwards was set up in the same way. That little GOP gal with the black eye, no one but here ventured to ask for a deeper story when black eyes days old just do not happen, even if Michelle Malkin is standing on the street corner questioning the girl's story, were all things that keep adding up to the political rape and the onlooking crowd saying she must have enjoyed it.
Hillary Clinton had her share of political rape from the Obamanaics as did her supporters this past election season. Dame Hillary though is a bit like Hannie Caulder as currently Hillary was gang raped, but she has cut off the testicles of Bill Richardson, Chris Matthews, Tom Daschle and the list is not done with yet as she has Barack Obama's and Joe Biden's in an apparent vice twisting it slowly closed.
Even Rod Blagojevich was inflicted with this political rape by the Letterman cocktail crowd of racists. Frankly after the smear and slander which David Letterman carried out on his program on the night of February 3rd, 2009, Rod Blagojevich's attorney should ask for a dismissal as Letterman's promo of Blagojevich and then Letterman with wide eyes sweeping his hand across his head, as in, "This guy is a loon", literally tainted the entire national jury pool, and those people who do not know Barack Obama is in the White House, or what Gov. Blagojevich is accused of are so non citizen, they could not be counted on to know the difference between plain and bbq chips.
In reality, Rod Blagojevich was sodomized by David Letterman in the exact way the Obama Biden camp sodomized psychologically in rape, Lawrence Sinclair in 2008.
There is no longer culture, nor society when this type of savagism is employed in nations to not govern, but rule. There is absolutely no difference in what Samira Jassim carried out, than what Russians and Japanese carried out in World War II, what plains Indians carried out in the mid 1800's, to what John McCain endured in Vietnam and what Sarah Palin endured in 2008.
When one knows these psychological operations in experience and studying their methods by enemies of responsible liberty, there is a clarion call to alert the people with half a soul left in this world to the savagery being employed with deliberate results, as these attacks just do not happen by chance. They are carried out by groups of people who naturally are drawn to each other and do get aroused in carrying out the attacks.
One of Barack Obama's main supporters attempted such an attack upon me with what one person in seeing the letter after I was tracked down, feared for my life in the threats made.
Psychological and physical rapists are weak, that is why they employ the basest of techniques as they can not compete with facts nor have a point to refute the truths held therein.
There is nothing consenting about anyone being isolated, attempted rapine and then cast off. It is a criminal act and those people do not deserve political offices, websites, people quoting them nor television programs.
You can witness it in their eyes.
Gov. Blagojevich, you don't need a book deal to secure your family, just have one of the New York attorneys sue David Letterman, CBS and their parent company for a billion dollars, as you are no longer a public official, but a private one who is under the full legal protection against those who employ political rape.
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Post Script: Lies, slander, isolation, arrest or banishment, followed by an exile or death, that is exactly what Jesus the Christ had established against him in political rape. The tools of the devil are old and fit exactly into some savages motive of operation.
It doesn't matter if one is innocent as Sarah Palin or not looking innocent in Rod Blagojevich, everyone deserves protection from political rape as when it becomes wholesale, a nation ceases to exist as a people and becomes instead animals on the globalist farm.