Sunday, February 8, 2009

Without benefit of God's clergy

a might fortress is our God
a trusting shield and weapon

In the absence of a majority of clergy preaching God's Word, and a majority instead of clergy who have this feel good God, beat on Jesus, God's loves sin message, it is past time the shepherds of the American and Israelite flock in majority start communicating the Word of God and not words about feeling good about some god and all of your sin.

One of the most annoying of groups that attempt to hound any site speaking the Truth with left in mistakes for the droll mind to pick at are those idiots who think they are as intelligent as the Inspiration of God. They have no original thoughts and then attempt to teach the teacher with some deliberately placed propaganda from satan and expect you to waste your time with such moronic things which God settled long ago.
This is the condition of the vast majority of American and western Europeans, with Canada and Australia in they are in a time of the Judges of the Bible in everyone doing what they thinks is right.

America at it's founding actually had Founders Inspired by God. Of course they sinned and were in perpetual search and questioning of God, but in the realm of ideas, they had the benefit of clergy, had the benefit of communities with absolute morals and practiced a code of life which day by day gave them chaste and pleasing lives as a whole.
I often hear of liberals touting, "Well Abraham Lincoln wasn't going to Church or believed in God", and missing the point that Lincoln did believe in God, was converted on the road to the Civil War and while he did not understand all of they mysteries of God, certainly knew a Higher Purpose was being worked out here and through him.

Theodore Roosevelt recorded in his hunting books how while running hounds in Colorado, he rode tens of miles one Sunday morning just to go to Church with the array of settlers who had rode horses and driven buggies as many miles just to hear the Word of God.
This was the practice of Americans up until so many decades ago where the complete advice was "keep your mouth shut because the preacher is preaching".

America does have too many mouths flapping on important issues who have no solutions and no understanding by Inspiration from God in the matters they are spewing nonsense about. Debate is a beautiful thing in a Republic even with millions of fools, but in matters of direction and answers, the children should be silent and be humiliated if they dare speak when the adults are discussing the course of issues.
America currently has too many fools, too many foolish people in power and too many words clogging up the moral code which mean absolutely nothing to those attending buildings where the Body of Christ meets.

There are oft quoted verses in "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" to "The shepherds have scattered My sheep upon the hills", in the judgment of the Israelite clergy in mass doing vast harm to the free western peoples by not declaring the Absolute Foundation of what our nations are built upon for empowerment (blessing).

Our leaders are not whipped by the Word upon their calloused souls when attending Church if they go and they certainly do not keep company with people who have the lash upon their hearts still stinging, so the people in power will hear things like "God declares that 10% in taxes or tithes is all He requires, so why does the government think they should be raping 60% in taxes from poor people?"

America is in short supply of good directional Pastors. Rick Warren whoring the Christian Nation of God's America with demon entities and deniers of God's Christ is an abomination to God and all who are God's recoil from such blasphemy instead of cheering it.
There is a way that seems right to a person, but the end thereof leads to destruction.

Prime Minister Obama can not be expected to be any more than he is, no more than Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, because they operate without the benefit of clergy or the benefit of peers who operate within a moral code. America has very little of that in it, and absolutely none of it associated with the the halls of power.
One can not have the Light unto one's feet when it is a burglar's flashlight and when the Breath of God in people is a person's soul searching the darkness of a person inside reporting that darkness to God, there can not be the flow of Inspiration from God's Wisdom.
In darkness, you get dark thoughts and that is where the devil does dwell.

While it is distasteful to the clergy, they are going to have to stand up in involving themselves with good government in the moral codes and the moral practice of the law of the Torah and the Tanakh, The Old Testament.
Even if Jewish people deny Christ, the Law is still there to guide and when Catholics are putting too much inclusion on worshipping dead people and having the Pope get in the way, there is still the Law to guide.
The koran is more corrupted than the Vulgate, but when all are Talmudic in nature in being a human uninspired discourse about Books of Wisdom and what Muhammed mumbled or self righteous scribes were herding Jews about, it is all a devil's playground of hate, arousal of human government and barriers to God's Grace.

America used to be a nation of historical wilderness priests equal to Elisha. They lived in the thick of battle for their nation and there was no hiding on the sidelines. If a rowdy needed to be pummelled, the Pastor of the Church rolled up his sleeves and pounded the lout with his fists.
When the Indians, British, French or Mexicans attacked, the Pastors loaded their guns and shot the enemy. When the time came for hanging, they threw the rope over the limb, said a prayer for the criminal and told them to repent and then slapped the horse on the rear and hung the refuse of society.
There was no decent burials in those days either. There was hanging a rapist, thief or murderer from the main street pole and leaving them hang there until they rotted from the neck and fell down on their own.
America used to be a nation of High Priests carrying out Law and Grace and has become a nation of low lawyers of rich freedom and poor enslavement.

American clergy have had it too good for too long, along with American politicians in they all think they can ignore God's Word and be seditious to God and His Nation.
I know I pound right and left here in force as it is my job, but whenever I hear people say there is no real difference between Republicans and Democrats, I will always relate there is a big difference between God's struggling child to work with in George W. Bush and a person who calls hisself the Messiah refusing to listen to Wisdom in Barack H. Obama.

The clergy must benefit the United States and our brother tribes and end the license and abomination which they have allowed to eject it's Spiritual bastard seed across the lands God has sown His people.
There must be a return and a clarion call for it.

America must obey the Word of God, walk softly, carry a big stick and use it judiciously.

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