Tuesday, February 10, 2009
While the world at large operates on various times from Obamatude seasons of arousal, BCE Christ denials, Gregorian, Muslim and those who get caught up if Christians should be remembering Peace Goodwill toward all men on December 25th as some sort of heaven and hell judgment compared to the real judgment if people on December 25th behave themselves one day a year and practice Peace Goodwill toward all men, some people are just on filly time which is shorter than solar time and longer than lunar time.
The lack of knowledge in the mass of humanity is one of the great voids which continues to grow into an abyss for all mankind. December 25th is such a void as some point to correctly the day as a Catholic or Universal Mass for Christ which was intended to include the solar death day of December to incorporate all the pagans into the birth of Christ, yet they miss so many points as pointing fingers of judgment at others.
While most of this condemnation comes during the Christmas season, there is a reason in this lull to breach the subject in the none season to make an explanation of real events yet to come.
December 25, 165 BC.
That sounds allot like 165 years before the birth of Christ. It also is recorded in an interesting verse in the Gospels in which Jesus actually was recorded in observing this date.
That might have a few of the finger pointers doing an anxiety gut check and fumbling now as their brains go into an Obama eye cross of new data not computing in the neurons. It has nothing though to do in calling for a Christ mass, but it highlights that far too many people worship a God they do not know and are either observing dates or not observing dates with equal neglect and responsibility.
The date of December 25th, 165 BC is actually linked to the anti chirst, the first prototype of the anti christ. Antiochos Epiphanes.
As the illustrious one, was having problems in governing and conquering, he took out his fury on the Jews at Jerusalem. It was this abomination of desolation which Daniel spoke of to come during this time and the same abomination which makes desolate which Jesus would speak of occurring gain in a dual prophecy of two different eras, and two different anti chirst types.
The original event was Antiochos Epiphanes built an altar in the Second Temple and sacrificed upon it to demons. A revolt ensued by Judas of Maccabees and in the against all odds fight, God had the Jews prevail and modern Jews still celebrate this day of the re dedication of the Temple, Hanukkah.
Jesus observed this High Day as He did all the High Days to the letter of the Law of God. It might seem obscure, but this High Day was prophesied by Daniel and Angel in the closing books of the book of Daniel.
Jesus would fulfill the Legal High Days of Passover in what is termed Easter now after the fertility goddess in the rites of spring. The next major High Day, First Fruits would be fulfilled as Jesus prayed the Father for a Comforter to come in Pentecost, the Holy Spirit of God poured out upon all faithful.
There is one major High Day and two minor High Days yet to be fulfilled. Atonement or Yom Kippur will become Armageddon on the minor High Day. After which Trumpets, Harvest of the Saints or Boothes, (The indwelling of Christ with us in His return) occurs at the Second Coming.
1290 days in Daniel are prophesied from the time of the second desecration of the Third Temple about to be built, desecrated sometime in the Easter Passover season by the coming anti christ, to the time of Christ's return at Trumpets.
At the 1335th day, another High Day, the last to be fulfilled by Christ comes to fruition in December, a blessed (empowered day) for the Saints, when our True High Priest rededicates the Temple in Jerusalem and she is purified.
12 25, a blessed day, a High Day, the Last Day to be fulfilled in all of the Law of God.
Jesus is Thee Temple and it is the season that all subjects of the Word start honoring the Day in honor of Him in it's complete meaning.
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