Sunday, March 29, 2009

Aaron Burr Biden should resign

I was recalling an era of class in Spiro Agnew and Richard Nixon, when faced with the public humiliation of the office of Vice President and President, actually resigned to save the American nation a trauma which Bill and Hillary Clinton later dragged a weary nation through.

In that considering what Ashley Biden is reported to have engaged in, this blog calls for the resignation of Aaron Burr Biden. Some would challenge that this blog would never call for the resignation of Dick Cheney if his daughters had engaged in this type of criminal behavior, stating a parent can not be held responsible for a child.
"Some" would be right considering Mr. Cheney in his children do not have a pattern of being reckless crooks. Joe Biden's children have a pattern of being crooks and that is why he must resign.

The story is already recorded in how Beau Biden terrorized Lawrence Sinclair so the old Joe could have his pick of Vice President or Sec. of State in one of the most loathsome political actions in American history.
Added to this is the foul mouthed Ashley Biden, who was arrested in September of 2008 at the height of the political season, but somehow the press missed this story too, along with all the other Obama Biden crimes.

In September in Chicago, Ashley Biden was in a mob who threw a booze bottle at a police officer who was probably hard at work looking for Donald Young's murderer.
When the officer sought to arrest the jerk, Ashley Biden interfered with the arrest and threatened the police officer in she was Joe Biden's little girl.
The charges were later dropped by the Chicago Democratic machine, but all this did was allow Ms. Biden to continue to do illegal narcotics.

This type of Biden thumbing their nose at the law is what Joe Biden is all about. I broke the story he plagiarized the Iraq canton plan as his own, lying to the entire Senate in claiming it was his plan when it originated at the Washington Times.
Any Gentleman with character would have withdrawn from the race, but Biden pressed on and put this feral group into the White House, with is alley cat children polluting the American atmosphere of decency.

Of course, Eric Holder will once again in his pattern break the law in covering this up when this is a federal case and Ms. Biden should face prison time. Of course the media will cover this up as nothing, as they are all snorting their dime bags nightly while having dreams of naked Obama running through them.

This though is the issue that Americans will not forget this event on the right. There has been criminal Daschle, Geithner, Richardson, Obama, Biden, Napolitano and no one is being indicted nor going to jail.
In that a log is being made in the the American mind, that things are going to be rectified if not in public outcry this year, but in a new election in 2012, Americans will seek a President like Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt who will turn the Justice Department on a mission to prosecute these criminals for their crimes.

Mr. Biden thinks the situation is in his grasp now, but just let Obama's inflation which is coming run prices up and destroy what is left of American's savings. Those Americans are being educated by this blog and a growing chorus pointing to the criminal actions of Axelrod Inc. When Americans cry out for justice in the next President, the next President is going to for the good of America see to it that all Mr. Biden has had a hand in will have him in handcuffs.

If Mr. Biden was intelligent in this season of his position, he could resign now and gain American sympathy for his daughter being a coke whore (any creature who is selling her name for intimidating the police in exchange for cocaine in a sex mate supplier is the definition of a coke whore.) and simply push that old fool Dan Rooney of the Steelers out of the way and be appointed as Ambassador to Ireland and live in exile.

There are a host of people when the Obama syndicate melts down are going to rue the day they ever became contaminated with this usurper. That is God's Office and the murder of babies, sexual perversion, looting of the public treasury and the using of thug Homeland to terrorize Citizens is an abomination to God.
God will stand for His Name as these feral wretches put His Name on all they are doing.

This can not stand and God will balance the scales. Justice will be accomplished for His Namesake.

The Biden family is disgusting, low class eastern seaboard ferality. They have put Vice into Vice President and for their crimes Aaron Burr Biden should resign.

But instead Obama will be blowing smoke in Jill Biden's ear, wondering if he can get some dime bag hit freebies from the ho on the end of the row, as Michelle grins like something which crawled out of a south side Kenya hut and Joe Biden sits in the middle pretending he is a man in charge of a family, when he is a pansy reflecting the corner cutting any alley cat does.

The idiotry of the Obama classless has now hooked up with the ferality of the Biden syndicate.

Resign Mr. Biden, before some other photographer shows your daughter's kitty as she cries out, "Oh Barack do me like a ho".

Not one doper, not one arrest, not one video, not one problem with the Bush and Cheney children in 8 years worth noting beyond Keith Olbermann ranting.

Cat scratch fever and daddy just got clawed by his pussy.

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