Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Axelrod Inc.

Was Barack Hussein Obama on the Grassy Knoll in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963? Some might state the obvious that he was still the unwanted stretch marks on Stanley Ann Obama then, but I found something interesting in the British press which has me pondering the continued effects of the Obamagon.
The Obamagon is a pentagon of nature, a cause and effect, a manipulation of the resonant forces of life which cause other events to occur.
A shadow echo, if you will, Barack Obama is plucked on the light strings of this dimension in such a sharp resonance that dull echoes appear of him, the person who has a twin, becomes the despot of a thousand faces spread across the globe in little tyrants, and one big anti christ soon to appear.

So was Barack Obama there in Dallas at the Kennedy execution?

My reason for asking is the Telegraph UK was running a series on the JFK assassination (Now that I consider that, it seems odd, unless the Europeans are intending to send the message that another Lincoln in America is about to assume the Ford Theater position, as the Bismark noted, it was the Europeans behind Lincoln's death as one could always find some lunatic to do be a patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald), and one of the photos showed a person in the crowd whose head is cropped off from the lips above, which by "coincidence" if someone placed the remaining head of Barack Obama, fits rather nicely.
So the question is, can a force such as Obama actually have a pre echo presence?

The Bible does indicate such things are part of this light resonance. Antiochos Epiphanes was the precursor event for the anti christ. King David was the precursor event for Jesus the Christ.
It appears that Barack Hussein Obama is an event which is sounding in this dulcimer of resonance an echo of echoes creating new echoes.

I will state plainly again, that I want no harm to come to Mr. Obama. It is bad for America if anything happens to him. That is why I strongly notice when Wes Clark's company has leaked Marine One plans to "Iran" in pointing fingers at Iran.
Barack Obama belongs before the courts and no matter his crimes, I will always stand for the security of this British subject as America does not need some Lincoln event to scar us for a generation and most likely would start a nuclear war, as the maniacs following Obama was burn the White House down with Aaron Burr Biden in it, if he did not nuke bushels of brown skinned peoples.
Remember who was calling for Bush to go to war, it was David Letterman's clique. They supported Bush in doing it, and they will be the ones telling Biden to nuke Muslims or if this is a "near miss" of Mr. Obama, they will tell him to stick in the Tomahawk nukes as the Muslim turkey needs to be zapped.
The people who voted for the Kennedy's have still not recovered from their staged endings at the hands of these globalist leftist priests.

This all goes back though in the uniqueness of the echo signature of Barack Obama, because the situations this blog was moved to predict are coming to fruition. One notes the wave receding away from Obama as his clout is sinking as rapidly as it washed over the world.
When an Obama type event is so staged, it induces the natural forces to reply in an opposite reaction. This is what is occurring in a sort of dull sick hangover eclipsing the world.
The world is abandoning Obama and will find a new dear leader to follow as the Obama echo fades.

As David Axelrod bragged in the planted piece about hisself, there is nothing genuine coming out of the Obama camp. It is all staged, scripted and manipulated. People are seeing it for a show and are not taking it for real anymore as it dawns on them how fake this all is.
Axelrod is simply a manifestation of the faux resonance of Barack Obama. He is the duck call which sounds fake to the flock compared to the real English caller duck. People decoyed to look at his spread, but in the end they are beginning to flare and look for the real deal.

In this, I have no specifics beyond what is posted here in what I know Obama's future will be beyond utter ruin of America. I really do not care to know from God what is Birdie's future as I have enough conversation with government monitors here.
I will though law out a piece of this resonance which no one has been Inspired to share, but has been eluded to here.
Guess that makes it another world exclusive.

Abraham Lincoln noted that the Civil War was a great purpose being worked out in America. It was in part retribution for the sin of slavery. In ancient Israel, there was slavery, but there were redemptions to it and it was never considered a perpetual condition. This is one of the last things the Israelites were told to do was to let their servants go.........they did and in a short time enslaved them again.
God saw to it that the Israelites were enslaved in echo judgment.

America has been on a very bloody path in butchering our children. Barack Obama is unique in possessing at his core an obsession that he wanted to be aborted as if he had not been, then he would not have had any abandonment.
His choices of the most brutal and heinous of infanticide in pulling a babies head from a mother's womb with steel clamps, driving a huge needle into the brain and sucking it out as the living child feels all of this, is a marker of the depths of this man's personal pain. People choose the most vicious forms of death when they are in jagged chaos inside.
In noting this, this blog has stated that Barack Obama has every intention of aborting the United States. All of his policies in foreign and domestic are even sending red flags up among liberals as they make no sense, unless one is in the process of aborting America.

Barack Obama intends to scrape, salt, vacuum and poison the womb of America just the way he dreams of his mother's womb should have been. This is the transference, Stanley Ann abandons him, he abandons her in death, she makes him Pip's Great Expectations Obama of the White House, and Obama transfers his womb scraping mandate in his "therapy programming" onto the United States.

God, just like in giving the Israelites as was noted here first, King Saul, has allowed the American people to have their Obama lust. One of the key components of God's judgment is aborticide. God has allowed Americans to choose a butcher of their choice in implementing the Americide of the United States.
Obama demands no clones, as like Caligula, there is only one fairy god allowed. He though mandates the butchery of children and is by the knife of his executive orders ripping the placenta of the American womb in leaving this people barren.

The echoes of Barack Obama are tied to Dallas in usurpation as Joseph Kennedy instigated. He watched Jack's brains blown out. He watched Bobby shot by his own security. He watched Teddy drown a girl in a river, all from a vegetative degrading state.
Amazing as the Kennedy's grabbing for power is ending, Teddy's brain is in atrophy in a cancer eating up the mind which engineered all of this as he sits and watches the crown of their glory put on the swine of pork politics.
The transfer is complete in the mayhem the Kennedy's brought to America will now be the coup de grace of Barack Obama administrating the White House as the American aborticide clinic.

Obama leads the children of wrath and by their own hand they will consume themselves. I do not know the details, but it is fascinating to watch this symphony play out in that which they have sown will be the sciccle which reaps them.

America's Founding Father, a British subject who threw off the tyranny and America's aborticider, a British subject leading America back into tyranny.

Jesse Jackson did not know the prophecy he was uttering in the race is complete for blacks with the election of Barack Obama.

The strings of the sacred instrument are being played by Axelrod Inc. This instrument though corrects the false notes and brings echoes back upon those who strum her wrong. She is God's blessed symphony and will not be turned into a whore's song.

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