Besides wasting your money and good tea on bad politicians who are already stealing enough of your money, I will remind each of you this is Carville, Begala, Stephanopoulos and Emanuel, now hyped up with potentate Axelrod.
Apparently, I will have to remind you people of this is the group which politically raped Sarah Palin, attempted to abort her grandchild and dragged her handicapped child through the streets like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I will remind you this is the core group who used poison gas on children in Waco before blowing them up, blew a mother's head off at Ruby Ridge while she held her child, and, that child crawled around from days in their mother's blood and brains, with that little Oklahoma City incident where they were storing heavy explosives in a federal building next to a daycare, which just happened to be what went off that day besides the truck bomb.
Now children, what do you think in the Wednesday night orgy parties called by Axelrod and the morning chat fests, do you conclude they are talking about in tea time?
Do you think they are going to help you?
Do you think they are just going to be humiliated or first strike as they did with Rush Limbaugh?
Do you not see that in your tea time, you are walking into a trap?
How about this conversation:
Begala: Those kooks are going to send in tea bags to protest.
Axelrod: What can we do to turn this around?
Carville: What do you mean?
Axelrod: Turn it around, put the screws to these kooks.
Emanuel: A crisis is a good thing to waste.
Stephanopoulos: You mean create a crisis?
Axelrod: I mean it would be interesting if someone sent in bags dusted with powdered sugar.
Emanuel: Sort of turn the tide on these kooks.
Carville: Homeland could then declare sending tea through the mail a terror act and we could fingerprint and log all the letters. Yeah post offices have cameras, we could mark everyone of these kooks.
Stephanopoulos: ABC can run a lead about how the Boston Tea Party really was a terror event.
Now children, in this one little scenario, which if you were someone like Lawrence Sinclair or perhaps Hillary voters, found out how people would post information about seeing you, perhaps might run into road blocks by the Obama folks before voting or there might even be large black males standing outside polling places, can you not see who the wheels are already turning with Axelrod Inc.
This group used dead babies, is using more dead babies in stem cell and has a long history of lie, deny and vilify, so do you think they are just going to allow a little spouting off turn into a major embarrassment for them if it grows?
Sending tea bags accomplishes nothing, but leaves a political door open to smack each of you in the face, record everyone of you as terrorists and by doing this, allows the Obama clique to smash a growing movement which will take a year and a half to regroup.
This Obama tea is bad to the last drips who are running this and ruining the country.
I told you people, if you want to do something, pull your money out of banks which are going to be receiving Obama pork. Stand outside and protest at those banks, so it gets so hot for them that they tell your greedy government, "We will not cash anything having to do with the stimulus".
Protest the businesses. Stage a summer of marches which will shut down Obama Mexican labor construction projects, so states will say, "We can't use the money as the people are slowing down everything making it impossible for crews to work".
That is how you accomplish something just like the Boston Tea Party. You make it impossible for the government to conduct commerce and for any business to be feeding in the Obama trough.
All this tea bag nonsense shows is how sloven, clueless and woolie the people are. You have no ideas, no direction and are acting like Obama in being groups of children talking about "a neat idea".
Your ideas accomplish not a thing for America, but further advance the Marxist agenda of Barack Hussein Obama.
nuff said.
PS: Want a better idea for each of you? Pool your money and go buy state lottery tickets as it will help fund your pig governments locally and in thousands of people buying tickets, you will win and then can divide up quite a few million dollars in combined winnings.
Living well is the best revenge. Drink your tea and flip Obama the bag.