Monday, March 30, 2009

How would you like your testicles Mr. Obama

Sec. of Defense, Robert Gates needs to change his title to Sec. of Ferality, the defining word of Obama in being a feral, wild and lawless creature who spreads chaos everywhere he trods.

I once had a passing admiration for Robert Gates, but after seeing him put a right wing face on the dismantling of the United States military and his latest idiocy in the absolute mishandling of the North Korean situation, I hope like Keifer Sutherland of that liberal enclave, 24, that both of them just retire, soonerest.

For those who have not kept track of Obama dipidiocy, (wow another created word as nothing in English can mark the ineptness of Obama diplomacy.) he first dispatched Hillary Clinton to squawk, rant, threaten and call attention to North Korea, all the while telling communist Chinese to go torture Christians and sell their body parts as long as they sign the checks to America.
This then has been followed up by the absolute failure of duty by another Obama dunce in Admiral Timothy Keating, telling the press very loudly this past week, that America was going to shoot down the North Korean missile which is being prepared to be launched.

Admirals like children should be seen seldom and never heard from. For this dunce Keating to make this public, opens up doors which run from millions of South Koreans actually being dead, America being forced to a nuclear attack on North Korea and the worst of worst situations in if American missiles miss this North Korean missile, America's entire shield is exposed as weak and a fraud.
(Add that little message to Poland and the Czech Republic who went out on a limb for missile defense and Obama just told them to go die as Russia was more important than they are.)

There is a reason one walks softly and carries a big stick as when Robert Gates then goes out in public following this liberal bravado and tells the world that America can not do a thing to stop this test, he shows the world that Kim has castrated American power and Obama is weak as water.
Gates should resign as he is a disgrace to the right who appears to be suffering from Colin Powell Syndrome of being a feminine kitty.

Gates has told the North Koreans that America will not go to war to stop nuclear proliferation under Obama. The regional powers like Japan just heard America is castrated. The Chicoms just learned that US missile shields are not that effective and they are warming up their own launches now on Taiwan, who now hears the death nails for their freedom as Obama and Gates have just abandoned them.

I have explained the correct North Korea diplomatic plan in enterprise zones, South Korean investment and as Kim has a religious background of Christianity and allows Christian Churches in North Korean, one utilizes that route that Christians make good Citizens.
The net result is a Kim who will have a well fed and docile population and Kim being able to join the world stage as an economic power and not a nuclear power.

This is all so easy and yet Obama, Biden, Clinton and Gates have made this the next horrendous disaster in the Jimmy Carter and Madelyn Albright blunderings which brought America in another theater on the vista of nuclear war.

For those who do not know North Korea, Kim and his father were brilliant. His weapon systems are not technical. He uses the oldest form of weapons in long range artillery. Kim has so much of the stuff which is bore sighted on the south, that North Korea can walk artillery down through Seoul and kill every man, woman, child, dog, American and kimchi pot.
It doesn't matter if Obama nuked North Korea as those thousands of artillery pieces are there and will operate, snow or monsoon, and nuclear blasts or Robert Gates lifting his skirt and showing the North Koreans he is a pretty Peking girl too.

This is pure incompetence and Robert Gates, Adm. Keating, Hillary Clinton, Aaron Burr Biden and Birdie Obama should all be arrested by the JAG and tried on some frigate named COLE for endangering the United States, revealing to an enemy American intentions and acting like Jimmy Carter.
(Oh by the way FOX television, I did catch your little Sarah Connor Chronicles whose star is a wacko animal rights worshipper, writing into the script that the USS Jimmy Carter, a nuclear sub was on a mission to save the world.
Thank you for reminding real Americans that Carter got a sub and Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush got carriers. Thank you also for in your attempt to glorify Carter that what you did instead was show the Jimmy Carter was sold to the Australians and they sunk her.
A fitting tribute to the bungler Carter of North Korean bungling.)

There is no excuse for any administration being this far off the page as Gates ran this operation under Bush 43 when the mobs removed Don Rumsfeld who was doing just fine killing terrorists in Colin Powell's occupation of Iraq.
For anyone to make this an issue in public for weeks and then the punch line is, "Kim cut Obama's balls off and is feeding them to him", is dereliction of duty or worse yet an Obama seeking to foment a Joe Biden warned nuclear challenge within the first 6 months of 2009.

I have a fond affection for the North and South Koreans. The people up north are quite nice, providing one does not run into a commie wacko who starts every statement with, "Dear Leader is our light" and ends with, "American imperialist swine we will crush you."
Both peoples deserve a great deal better than to be pawns in Obama castration techniques which terrorists around the world get quite fond of as it inspires them to carry out nuclear 9 11 attacks on America. I do not want to see millions of dead South Koreans, North Koreans with the littered bodies of American Soldiers stationed there, because Obama calculated a new attempt at being Obama.

This is the where the real problems are in the world and Obama is failing miserably except at succeeding at making America appear weak, undependable, a partner to repression and stoking up the fires of nuclear war.
Japan is now in the same straights which the Czech's and Poles are in, in finding an Obama shadow for an American presence.

People dying needlessly bothers this blog a great deal and people being placed in jeopardy, because of blundering Obama policy meant to initiate situations where he can prove he is a George W. Bush in acting with force, is beyond reprehensible.

It is the saddest state of affairs when Kim of North Korea is the leader making all the right moves for his nation and Obama is making all the wrong moves for America.
Kim Jong Ill is not crazy nor is he a novice. He can be dangerous if allowed to be dangerous and currently he is being pushed by Obama to be very dangerous.

If the Kim minders do indeed spider crawl the internet, this blog has some heartfelt advice in the North Koreans not progressing where they think they want to go, when it just as easily can be a set up by globalists where they are being goaded into actions like bin Laden was.
Become economic powers based in a Christian populace who will not revolt, because as the world has seen Mr. Kim, the financiers can loot the world and get away with it.

Become a financial power Mr. Kim and then America sells you the missiles they Obama protest about now.

With that advice, there is this bit of advice to Obama, Biden, Clinton, Gates and Keating to each take a number, one, two, three, four and five. In front of it, you can just sign your new names of;

Neville Chamberlain.
