Monday, March 9, 2009

Mr. Obama, shut up and listen

Mr. Obama, I have other fringe science to deal with, so I will be brief in assisting you once again by pointing out how ignorant, inept and idiotic you are.

Your friends, the communist Chinese, you remember the Asians you had Hillary Clinton telling it was ok to sell body parts from prisoners and to make prisoners out of Chinese Christians as you so admire their economic communist paper tiger and desire them to buy your binge debt designed to strangle the western economies, recently terrorized a United States surveillance ship, USS Impeccable.

Your response was "to protest" like the third world child you are.

This is the SHUT UP part Mr. Obama, because SHUT UP! Your opening your mouth in protesting has now made you look weak. The Oriental mind never meets with the leader of any nation. They send out some low class bureaucrat to dance around with some dignitary wasting their time.
The only reason a Hillary, a Kissinger or a Nixon ever get to meet with the pretty Peking girl is it shows the Peking girl is the Dominant and the servant American has come to see her.

Your opening your mouth just showed complete weakness. You failed in your Chinese test Mr. Obama and now people will die because of it.

To educate you and your sympathizers in the correct response to Chinese terrorism of United States ships, this is what you do Birdie.

First as this is a series of events in the USS Victorious was terrorized too, you do not "protest" Mr. Obama, you send out a designated Dick Cheney. I realize you have nothing but spineless communist lickers of Tom Daschle ilk, I suggest you trot out Gen. Jones as Hillary Clinton has been making a fool of herself in stupid button jokes in Russian she can not speak and having difficulty in remembering which leaders she is speaking to.

Gen. Jones, simply comes out of the White House for a stage press briefing, somber, walking alone, joined by the chiefs of staff, with the Oval Office in the background.
I realize Birdie you will not have thought of this, but as Gen. Jones is speaking, he has already had a meeting with you, the military heads, and you have launched from Guam several B 1 bombers, flying at flat top level. These bombers have had pinpointed for them by satellite these Chinese terrorist vessels.
At the moment, Gen. Jones is issuing this statement:

The United States Government does not accept the terrorization of it's Military, it's Citizens nor it's territorial space proper nor international in zones surrounding it's Property or Military by al Qaeda, Iran or communist Chinese.

End statement, there will be no questions.

At this time, a briefing paper will be delivered to the Chinese embassy, as the bombers send several hundred pounds of thrust from their 4 engines to blow the Chicom terrorist sailors out of their two o'clock slumber with a sonic boom shock wave.

That is how you send a message Mr. Obama.

I realize you have now presumed incorrectly that this is how one handles this, but this is the first step in the process.
The second step is sending in two aircraft carriers diverting them, so it sends full information to the Chicoms that they send out terror ships, American aircraft follow along with nuclear aircraft carriers.

Message is sent. The Chicoms get said message. The White House is not involved, meaning you are not involved looking weak or dealing with things beneath you which the Oriental mind will grasp.
The military is involved though and this sends the confuse a cat man Chincom message, that they are still dealing with George W. Bush's powerful military presence and not white meat Obama on rye covering a bologna filler.

I would be more than happy to be a slave to the Obama White House advising you Mr. Prime Minister as I'm already servant to the world in serving them. It would mean though, you could ask, "How do I do this?" and then you would shut up and listen, and probably just nod to whoever I tell you to deal with the situation as opening your mouth only gets this nation in trouble.

You do not belong in the White House. Your actions prove you have no adults advising you. That is what the Chinese test has exposed of you as the Chicoms learned how vassal you are.

Someone needs to with facts show you how inept you are Mr. Obama. This blog has once again.

Start listening Mr. Obama, because you just told the North Koreans you are a capon and this means the South Koreans are in jeopardy, Americans there are in jeopardy and the Chinese Free Republic of Taiwan is now in jeopardy from Chicoms.
That means nuclear wars Mr. Prime Minister by your ineptness.

On and by the way, the Russians saw this as did the entire Islamocommunist nuclear regimes.

Biden the buffoon, Hillary bungling, Geithner zombie impersonations and your ineptness.

How long do you think you have Mr. Obama before they now come for America?

Shut up and listen.
