What is relevant in this is no photo comes from Axelrod without being staged. I highlighted the message which Mr. Axelrod was deliberately sending in featuring the Obama seal with Hebrew underneath.
Now before the Jews start celebrating, I have news for my brothers of denying Christ, that David Axelrod does not work for you. I will remind Jews that Mr. Axelrod in the Trib article states nothing comes out of Obama's or the White House's mouth without his approval.
This includes Obama telling Jews to stand around and get vaporized to which Obama will retaliate for the dead Jews.
Axelrod is deliberate in this message aimed at Jews. He is trying to herd them into thinking the Obama White House is "their's". The problem for Jews though is Obama is Ashkenaz European elitists who are the same people who have been arming the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran for the purpose of murdering Judeaens, Sephardic Jews and the lower ranking religious Ashkenaz Jewish converts, all to get the Holy Land after driving out all the above and exterminating the various peoples there.
For cheering Jews, imagine if you are Iran, Muslims etc... and you have just seen this message Axelrod was sending deliberately. Do you think perhaps it might invigorate your efforts to kill more Jews as Obama will promote the Israeli state's interests or do you think it will comfort the Islamocommunists?
Axelrod is waving a read flag of action in front of these terrorists and he knows it.
David Axelrod though went out of his way to explain how his administration works. He has weekly meetings on Wednesday night. That night has been shown to be party or orgy at the taxpayers expense night.
He calls the meetings and he is in charge of them.
His itinerary published reveals that his first meeting is with Rahm Emanuel in the morning. Emanuel is not listed by his title of Chief of Staff. This is deliberate to mean Emanuel works for and answers to Axelrod.
Two Ashkenaz planning attacks on Rush Limbaugh, the Israeli states best proponent, and two Ashkenaz who appear to be handlers or controllers in managing Barack Obama for the European globalists message.
For Axelrod to be this smug, secure and literally pissing on the White House and mounting Barack Obama in public is a signal from the European cartel just how absolute their management and manipulation is.
Obama if he was more than a 10 year old would be furious over this humiliation and jacking off which he has just been subjected too. He is not that bright to even realize it.
There is a luciferian flaw which gears all of these globalists in satan is second or third fiddle, as it can not even take on Michael, the Archangel in power, to God. That inferiority is in satan and is why it was trying to get Jesus to bow down to it.
These same children of darkness like Axelrod in inferiority and the need for pride just can never help but rubbing people's noses in things or calling attention to all they did. They put television programs on to tell the public about how suave they are as they need the attention. The same type of adoration satan lusts after.
David Axelrod is no adviser, he is a control and Rahm Emanuel is a handler. His appearances on television are marked in profiling of an absolute liar. He is telling America that the policy is one thing, but his body language is stating there is a contrary objective.
Barack Obama being humped by David Axelrod in the International Herald Tribune. Will wonders ever cease.
I guess it really was just raining Birdie in why your pants leg is wet.
agtG 262
Obama's wet leg