Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pfluffy, Poofer Floofer Geithner

As Birdie Obama peeks over the shoulder of Timmy Geithner, the question in this magikal mystery tour of south Asian boys making it big in the first world is WHY, WHY, WHY, Charles Krauthammer why, why, why (even Mr. Krauthammer was perplexed and used the term "smart assed concerning the Obama courtesans) why is it in these economic strangulation is Tim the tax man Geithner, unable to
find any deputy who will work at Treasury.

For that matter Mr. Krauthammer asks why has it been a month and half and counting and Obama has not come up with a banking bill, nor has Queen Pelosi, to fix the strangulation America is in?

I take the track in this that one follows the currency and one bit of wisdom from Hogan's Heroes in, "When you steal from a thief, you can be he ain't going to all the cops".

In that light, more people every day are figuring out that Obama is not into fixing anything, but instead in creating more turmoil for his other projects to get steam rolled through Congress. As I pointed out and Warren Buffett confirmed, this situation could have been settled already as it would only take 6 months.
So as this strangulation now engulfing the world is deliberate, does it not make sense to put a rather DUH Geithner in charge of Treasury as he isn't fixing a thing, but is instead raiding the vaults.
How hard is it to sign blank checks?

I mean ask yourself, "Does Obama Geithner want some moral person who is liberal (yes a few exist as long as your teenage daughter is locked away) looking at the books he is cooking to come out and blow the whistle on this plundering scheme?"
Would that not make sense as to why he isn't hiring anyone?

Remember Obama's use of Warren Buffett's phrase of "hiding money under the mattress", means there are all kinds of economic big shots Volckering around, but somehow no one is getting into the Treasury.
As stated, when you are robbing a place, you don't invite other people in to watch the show as they become witnesses at your trial.

If one notices something, the only deputy dollar chica who Geithner wanted, went fleeing like a cat hearing the hounds barking. She had jumped through hoops, been investigated, been hammered with questions and just needed a vote.........and poofy floofer poofer, she tosses it all aside and runs away.
The Surgeon General in charge of future aborting the United States even headed back to the hills.

People who are close to this are showing Judd Gregg signs of knowing something and not wanting any part of this as it is going to soil with wet sticky calf poop smelling line Limburger cheese them if they stick around monkey magik man Obama.

Geithner is not that inept. Geithner is deliberately not hiring witnesses to the plundering he is taking a part in.

I was talking to a business leader today and his exact words were, "We pulled out everything from the Stock Market. Should have done it months ago. We are sitting on the cash."

He was not pleased in the least with what Obama is up to in deliberately ruining the over economy of the United States in the international finances. Another business retiree made a comment how they had been ruined now and were a bit more graphic in their feelings about our Prime Minister.

Obama Geithner is robbing America and leaving a multiplying trillion dollar bill with American children slave tattoos on it with title being held in communist China.

I'm telling you people that the biggest thieves in history are Obama and Geithner with their financier backers, who happen to back most pundits right and left.
I'm not interested in the financiers as they are a mountain my little shovel does not dig into, but I'm interested in the financiers having enough interest put on them, so America can have some nice show trials for Obama and Geithner.
Would make great television in Obama looking all pale, fainting for the camera and Geithner screaming out like a banshee, "Obama made me do it. It was his Mommy's fault!"

Obama sweating and Geithner crying. That is a deal the financiers could live with, along with their masterfully moved funds restoring the western economies so all can prosper till Jesus comes back.

It only takes one robber to rob the house. It takes a group to guard the bank.

What do you think the evidence is pointing to?

agtG 315