Saturday, March 7, 2009


The song by the 80's band Foreigner, Urgent, in their last major hit was a completely different sound than what this rock band was known for. It also is probably one of the most interesting of melded sounds in the structure of life in electric guitar, saxophone and things so important and small that most people never hear them.

The song starts off in an amazing riff played off key. People not musical, but who are delighted with what happens is a simple fooling of the ear in the lead guitar, becomes in 6 brackets 3 guitars which sound all different, but are actually playing the same basic note structure.
One might suppose the off key which this blog is played at in infuriating the anal of over control by "mistakes" might find a clue in what one hears or reads in going tone deaf or blind, but when played off key so the brain is forced to deal with something not normal, it retains the information where with others it is lost.


Perhaps in the powerful saxophone of the Drudges, Limbaughs, Fox, Hannity, the listener thinks that the back beats, actually at times which is lost in the Hansens, Sanders and Krauthammers driving the music in their beat, actually forms the powerful sound which starts moving a nation and a world.

You're not shy, you get around
You wanna fly, don't want your feet on the ground
You stay up, you wont come down
You wanna live, you wanna move to the sound

In that urgency though, people will miss the most important of sounds in a song like Urgent, when listening to all the multi millionaires and connected individuals. In the song, there is one sound which prevails, gives the song it's signature and is the one instrument which carries through from the 3rd chord. That hidden little sound is a light cymbal brushed in the percussion. It is urgent and it hisses through the entire song.

It is the "small" voice which makes the biggest of sounds in places like Citizen Wells to the variety of blogs just making not noise, but the beat which filters through the internet.
Their work is often stolen, plagiarized, played off in a different key by millionaires taking credit for "their" new idea, but the single rugged internet individual is the chief driving force in the wilderness of thought, while corporate papers flounder and others fly around in their jets paid for by all the little people buying things from their sponsors.

Got fire in your veins
Burnin hot but you don't feel the pain
Your desire is insane
You cant stop until you do it again

It probably isn't something someone with pride would admit, but I had mine ripped out hard long ago in wearing dead men's clothes and betrayed by the weak to be left for dead. But there are times, I have no full understanding what all God is doing through me. I might write something some way and go back and look at it to have the Holy Spirit point out some artwork or phrase to me so I see the double entendre in it for the first time.
In that I give all credit to God for the Inspiring Ways in which He knows what He is doing even if He is no cluing me in as I don't need to know everything.
Sure I'm blessed in knowing things that only God and some priests of the sacred math know from the ancient formulas to having devices too powerful for mankind to play with, but sometimes ignorance in life is what God intends. Elijah doesn't need to know 7000 knees have not bowed to baal, because it has nothing to do with his job.

You play tricks on my mind
You're everywhere but you're so hard to find
You're not warm or sentimental
You're so extreme, you can be so temperamental

Every one's voice is important though from those who salaries are great in thinking they are on top when it is those who serve the most are the greatest slave to the individuals who really are the force united turning the tide.
Leaders for the most part always think they are leading, when it is God directing the scene and it is the mass of humanity already moving in that direction.

Humanity is moving in a new direction. It has moved wrong in current choices. It will move worse in the next choice, but in the 3rd choice it will be forced to choose correctly in Christ.
It is not the leaders. It is people of the wave doing the leading.

The sound of the frequency is so fast, but people are so conditioned to it that it seems slow........

It gets urgent though.

agtG 261