Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fixing the Unfixable

In the late 1970's America embarked on the most self destructive of policies under the direction of Jimmy Carter, Vance, Brown and Brzezinski in an exact opposite approach of the cold blooded, hands on murder, of the Kennedy assassination policy.
This Carter policy was one of, "America no longer needed CIA boots on the ground operatives, but could instead glean all there was to know about life and keeping America secure by the use of high technology which included tapping all electronic communications and using birds in the sky to photograph areas of the world.

The net result was the Soviet Union timed movements to when satellites would fly over and America lost a great deal of intelligence as Brzezinski was building his lunatic Muslim militants which started with the murder of Anwar Sadat and have been causing havoc for 35 years.

What needs, and it is a real need, to be done is a reversal of the Carter policy, but not in the "boots on the ground" and interpreters nonsense which was being floated by the dismal experts who led George Bush at times wrong, but a real fix in fixing what is the unfixable.

How blind America and her allies have become was highlighted by the most tragic misstep since Bill Clinton "discovered" that Pakistan had the nuclear bomb, after he gave a the go ahead to build the thing with Saudi finance to counter nuclear Iran.
The misstep was Hafez Assad joining with Iran and North Korea in building a nuclear reactor in Syria. Mosaad and CIA both missed the North Korean ships unloading supplies into Damascus and it was not until according to Hans Rühle, a German official, writing the real tale, that an Iranian, Ali Reza Asghari, defected and started telling Americans that Syria had a nuclear reactor.

Stunned Israeli and American intelligence soon enough had two helo's slinking in with Special Forces taking soil samples and photographic evidence at Syria's, al Kibar nuclear facility.

I realize some anarchist dolts tried to make it sound like Syria never had a nuclear reactor, but the reality is the two teams found the worst of all worlds. Iran was backing the project and North Korea was building the reactor.
America had spent and wasted billions of dollars on spying from the sky on nuclear developments in terrorist nations had been caught flat footed as the project unfolded in 2002.

That date should be of interest as it was the time of bin Laden's flight and numerous, worthless media outlets were informing America's enemies how they were being tracked. As a result, the Muslim world has initiated a dead end drop for all communications.
What this means is, they fully have internal communications and ability to receive outside data, but they will never transmit any messages, except by a courier.

America's Carter trillion dollar super spy system has been thwarted by turban head guys on camels and bikes. One can not hear a call when the call is never made.

I have mentioned previously and will do the same now as President Bush is out of office and the game is in need of change. I will not reveal how I know what I know, but I do know steps were taken by Bush Cheney to initiate certain cause and effect scenarios, but many were thwarted by those traitorous buttocks at the Obama New York Times and Obama New York magazine in publishing operational data.
General Petraeus and his buddy in Iraq are flush with success in bribing Saddam thugs and getting them to talk to them. They are of this attitude to which Richard Holbrooke is literally pink flushed with school girl delight that like methods will work in the Pashtun. The methods will not work, because there have been millions of dollar bounties on the bin Laden groups and no one has yet turned them in.
The terrorists have learned that travel is even a pattern which they will break. There are multiple now dead drops, so the cousin, who knows the man, who saw the guy, who spoke to the courier is about as close as the pattern ever gets to bin Laden hiding in China. The security group is impenetrable as an iron ball now.
The mentioning I have spoke of is the recordings Obama and Zawahiri have made do indeed provide electronic signatures of the lines carrying the electricity. See if someone might have hired a certain blogger who is just entertaining, they might have got the blogger to codify the electric grids with time, day and location signatures which would show up unnoticed on Zawahiri or bin Laden transmissions.
I could have within 6 months found all of al Qaeda by any number of methods and made them all pike stands.

See I'm not the least like Barack Hussein Obama. I know how to do things and get them done correctly every time. I do not have one plan, but numerous plans which I will never relate on public pages. I advance one possibility knowing al Qaeda will look at this and say, "Yes but we use battery power to record"..........touche, but if I know what al Qaeda is thinking and they are using battery power, then maybe I might be several steps ahead in this and it is all part of a strategy.
That though will remain bridged as I do not like America's idiotry in being demonically seduced by Birdie Obama and I do not care for him either as he is base. They want to have the adults solve this then they can step aside and pay the fee adults charge.

This blog though as Birdie Obama and his crew of the most intelligent Axelrod Inc. to ever serve in government since turnips were served in the White House will always be assisted as I find Petraeus tolerable and I'm slightly amazed at this point that Leon Panetta is acting like an adult at CIA and disappearing from view.
For these two children, I will provide a fix for their unfixable situation which will end in disaster for too many American Soldiers and Citizens.

The riddle is, when one does not have the means to know what terrorists or governments are doing, one sets about to give major problems to those terrorists and governments. One makes it costly for them as John Kennedy made it costly for them. That is how one makes up for turban heads running circles around billion dollar satellite systems.
The costs I will not relate in public, but it will require Mr. Obama to dust off his special little pen which he has for acting like George W. Bush in certain times, and to sign off on it to the cheers of creatures Pelosi and Reid.
Obama friends like Assad, Ahmadinejad and whatever else thuggery Obama has chosen to be with when having the problems of running for their lives, loosing things they need and being kept off balance as they do not know what is coming next........then they are not so interested in murdering Americans nor building nuclear bombs.
I could have these I will not reveal that here, but I could really have some fun sowing the seeds of love.

This is how America must overcome the unfixable, by doing the opposite of Obama's idiocy and leaving the Carter junk by the fancy pants tinkerers and actually initiate measures which create a new engine of desire beating in the Islamocommunist heart.
This is a chess game and shah mhet is the objective on all the little sheiks wanting to be gods. One overcomes lack of ability with targeted aggression as the key to any situation is making the enemy begin to react to your attack.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney were supremely successful in their limited gambits and parrying they initiated while being betrayed by this Obama ilk. It is time for the Americans in this American government to go to Queen to Queen's level three and answer with Queen to King's level four.

It is always so much easier if you know the rules and make the enemy play by your rules.

Back to school DC children.

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