Friday, April 10, 2009

There comes a time

There comes a time in every politicians political existence when either an outright drowning of a pregnant woman he is responsible for should have them resign or an accumulative affect of fraud, lies and criminality should force a politician to resign.

Joe Biden, aka, Aaron Burr Biden, by his traitorous assistance in aiding the fraud of Barack Obama has reached this point that he must be made to resign, not only on immoral and illegal reasons, but there are now questions about this person's mental state.
America can not have the back up to the office of the Presidency exhibiting delusional tendencies which are no longer a laughing matter by Barack Obama, but a clinical matter.

There is a long list beyond Biden's plagiarism of an Irish politician and his law school intellectual theft which should have ended a moral man's political future.

There is the exclusive of this blog in Joe Biden plagiarizing two Washington Times journalists in their Iraq solution being a series of 3 cantons like Switzerland. Biden stole this plan and then presented it before the entire United States Senate and American people as his own. This is reprehensible and like all things Obama, this blog is still astounded in breaking the biggest series of stories which should have awarded it Pulitzers and even the right wing press ignored the gravity of Biden's fraud.

Then there is the Biden Syndicate of Delaware criminally using Federal and State agencies and law enforcement to illegally arrest Lawrence Sinclair and turn him into a political prisoner.
Mr. Sinclair was harassed, isolated, deprived of legal counsel, deprived of medical counsel, deprived of medications and later had his disability benefits rescinded by this mafia of Delaware and demanded he repay thousands of dollars in benefits.
Charges were later dropped after Biden's group threatened to imprison Mr. Sinclair for life. Mr. Sinclair's "crime" was daring to use Freedom of Speech in outing Obama as a bi sexual predator.

Added to this is the fact now that in pay and play, Joe Biden was awarded for this criminal misbehavior his choice from Obama of Vice President or Sec. of State.
Rod Blagojevich is indicted on far less pay and play and yet Joe Biden goes around free.

Then there is the disgusting matter of his sleazy daughter, being recorded snorting cocaine and using foul language.
The worst of this is the fact that the sleaze was complaining in it not being enough coke and the fact that the person recording her had attempted this before, so Ms. Biden is a regular recreational coke user.
Biden's answer is to claim this sleaze was "set up". His sleazy daughter was not forced by anyone to snort coke she was complaining about in greed there not being enough of in foul F word language.
Biden "headed"drug enforcement and is no example to be anywhere near this issue.

Lastly, and foremost to this issue, is Aaron Burr Biden, now being outed by Andy Card to Karl Rove in absolute lies which reveal delusion and with Mr. Biden's medical brain conditions, it does set up a Constitutional competency hearing.
Biden has now twice in public come up with a story where he states he was "alone with Bush for hours" and in these fictional meetings, Biden would castigate President Bush in the most bizarre of ways.
The Bush White House staff are on record stating that Biden was never alone with President Bush in the Oval Office for hours and that if he were, it was only for moments as staff was moving about.
There is not in any form a way for Joe Biden to have any semblance of these events he is coming up with to have occurred. Biden's own staff when pressed for exact times and date when these Biden Muhammed on the Mount revelations occurred went silent on the matter.

Joe Biden is a liar. What needs to be examined in medical tests and a cabinet meeting led by Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is if Biden is competent.
Barack Obama has made laughing comments about Biden not exactly being all there. There are the public brain dysfunctions of Biden not getting satirical attacks like on Chief Justice Roberts which all point to an immediate need for Mr. Biden to be admitted for psychiatric evaluation.

Considering Mr. Obama's myriad of legal, political and mental problems, the United States government can not have a pending Obama crisis and his replacement running around talking to the pictures on the wall.
As it has come to this, there have got to be at least several self interested Democrats of authority and standing, such as George Mitchell who must initiated a sit down meeting with Mr. Biden unaware, like the coup led by Howard Baker accomplished with Ronald Reagan to ascertain if this Vice President is of a 100% clear mind. It must be 100% clarity and not 99% when the 1% might have to do with using nuclear weapons in a terrorist response.

President Reagan was cleared and no further steps were necessary for medical tests, but we now know that the "dirty water prions" which seem to be the bacterial type inflammation which caused Mr. Reagan's condition were what people were noticing. This was compounded by his being bucked off a horse in Mexico.
Mr. Biden has already had his "buck off" in the brain trauma he has suffered and medical tests must be run to ascertain his mental stability.

As stated, moral gentlemen caught in difficult situations resign. Richard Nixon when John Kennedy stole the Presidency, simply did not contest it for the good of America. When a coup was staged against Mr. Nixon, he resigned saving America from the horrendous problems Mr. Clinton suffered America through.
Fittingly, Spiro Agnew in having criminal legal problems which all politicians on the Democratic side were not being indicted on, simply resigned as Vice President to save America from turmoil and to save his honor by doing what was best for the office of Vice President.
As it has come to this point, that there is a call for a psychiatric evaluation of Mr. Biden, it has come to the time that Joe Biden should on his accumulation of misdeeds, crimes and delusions, simply resign as it is not his mouth, but his brain which is making the decisions which are getting him into trouble or not being astute enough to know his own daughter is involved in criminal drug use.

Mr. Obama will face a Constitutional crisis before his tenure is over. He will face nuclear crisis's. He has proven already incompetent to do the job and exhibits a leering growth for women of tan skin color to unleash is unbridled power on. If an affair has begun or is about to be initiated by Obama, this means America certainly will need someone of sound mind in the office of Vice President.

I do not know what goes on with Democrats in the Office of Vice President these past years as Al Gore was inventing the internet, committing fraud in taking foreign money and went nuts on global warming.
It took Gore 8 years to achieve delusional status, Biden has reached that in months.

Joe Biden does not have it in him to do what is correct. It is time that Hillary Clinton and George Mitchell initiate the first step in their Constitutional responsibility in protecting America.

I do not have much hope in this as these are the same people who stood around and believed Bill Clinton in his crisis and then fed him such ridiculous advice that he literally ruined himself.


Biden the Liar