People will recall how he leered at Carla Bruni Sarkozy. From photos it seems that Michelle was quite lathered up and slobbering all over her too numerous times.
That of course is interesting to contemplate if Michelle Obama is bi sexual too like Birdie, or if Birdie turned a straight woman into a lesbian in the way Bill Clinton's repeated zipper disasters had Hillary taking refuge after Vince Foster in young nubile females.

So the lust after Mrs. Sarkozy by Birdie appears not to be an anomaly, but more of a taste in not just European women, but women with tanned skin happening to be in Eurasia.
It is always interesting to see what type of female or male is attractive to individuals as it reveals a great deal of interesting psychopathy occurring inside the person usually fused at early childhood development.
People tend to either marry their parents in early imprint or marry people who look like them. Some choose blondes to dirty them up in perverse sex. Some choose other ethnics to break free from self loathing of their own race. Some choose brunettes to hide in the shadows and some choose beauty to beat them into ugly and some choose strong males to castrate them.
Love is a many splendored thing and there are some really screwed up relationships around the world.
What is interesting in Obama is he apparently is leaning toward an Island Princess type as one would find in Indonesia. It would be most interesting to get Birdie in passing conversation to mention his early childhood memories as it would reveal how he got his jollies off. I found recorded his mention of a magazine once in a story about ethnicity which somehow was either a lie or Diane Sawyer could not find it, but his inclusion seems to indicate little boy Barry in far off Indonesia found a lust in him from looking at some swarthy chica in a magazine.
If I'm looking at the angle of the above feel up fest picture in Iraq, it seems the white male was in a previous photo where Obama was feeling up another female of like swarthy quality. This picture appears to the right of the original photo where Obama passed up black women and descended upon another line up of nubile Peggy Noonan wanna bes. (Note to Pegs, babe you just don't cut it as a bony blonde. You got to dye your hair dark and get some sun sweetie. Maybe Birdie will feel you up then in a White House greeting line then too.
Note to Noel Sheppard and Matthew Sheffield, it appears your vote for Obama has been wasted as he no longer is picking up Lawrence Sinclair type males. So either get a sex change, put on a dress and a wig or you will have to lust at Obama from afar.)
What would be most interesting to watch in this is if some reporters start talking to these Obimbo's and see if they were like in rock star tours, groupies pre screened, which I know is the case.
What this blog would desire to know is how much screening and how much were these Obimbo's herded into sections Obama knew he would be plunging into to feel the crowd.
We are it appears approaching an evolution in Obama that is most interesting. Obama has in a few days gone from leering at Carla Sarkozy at handshake distance to now multiple attacks of molestation on willing women.
If this continues, we have a Monica situation developing, because Axelrod Inc. has in worship of the Kennedy's is prescreening women for conquest.

I have mentioned to a friend in emails a few weeks prior if she remembers finding a Balkan named woman, who is of this swarthy class listed at a White House event next to Axelrod on the guest list who is married.
This woman has no regular tracking data and it makes one wonder what she was doing at a St. Patrick's Day event, not being Irish.
I'm not going to reveal her name, but it are these little glimpses with what Obama is acting out in now as the teenage boy getting cheap feels off of women that makes one wonder if this swarthy European chica lust has been brewing for some time.
I'm not going to post this overtly over the net, but leave it here as I do not desire to alert Axelrod Inc. of a problem in their programmed one getting a hard drive in his floppy disc section. I do though want to see what else turns up if people see this and start noticing other events.
Gentlemen prefer blondes. Obama prefers Obimbos.
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