This apparently is new as Obama only had a foreign eye, but it seems now he just like any white women who are not on American soil.
In knowing the problems American military women have had in Iraq with some of the cheap seat weekend warriors being laid by more than 3o men as cum dumps, it really is something this blog frowns on in Obama hugging women in uniform.
It makes it harder for real Soldiers to serve as base males see it as a license to hound and molest unwilling women and unwilling women seeing the President maul women in uniform makes it harder for them to report crimes.
All of this leads to the point, as George W. Bush ended the war in Iraq with a victory in 2008, what is Obama doing there when his war is in Afghanistan?
What no old gay white guys to fawn over you in Iraq as the Soldiers are in Afghanistan?
In any case, it appears Obama is shunning gay men in favor of tarty white chicas suffering from jungle fever.
Except for shopping Obama to kiss the gay guys hand, the above photo is real and people notice in Iraq the same photo shoot set up which Obama and Axelrod ran in their 1939 Reich's films of 2008. Meaning the blacks get the cheap seats for background photos while it is once again the balding looser white folks who get the photo ops.
All of this is quite interesting as people might have missed another thing Obama brought to the middle east and that was beating up on the Special Olympics kids again.
Yes if you missed it, while in Turkey, Obama had published by the Saudi intelligence (remember Obama was bent to the waist of the Saudi King) that an assassination attempt was planned by a Syrian with a knife.
As this blog noted it was bogus as "assassins" over there end up with real rifles and grenades from the Bolsheviks as the Pope and Bush 43 found out. Well it appears Obama's assassin was a mentally handicapped guy, who was set up by a bogus email.
Hmmm, a Muslim leader, using mentally retarded people to con them into suicide attacks. Gee that sounds exactly like the Islamcommunist Hamas and al Qaeda jihad does it not?
Obama appears on his home Islamic turf, he is implementing the same jihad tactics as his buddy terrorists.
The only mistake in Obama's plan is he never invested the bucks in a soccer ball and told the Special Olympics guy he was going to a soccer game where he could present the ball and a ceremonial knife to a black Saladin.
Add the rat at tat tat of the Secret Service guns in dead Special Olympics people tell no tales, and Obama could have milked this all the way to communist health care. Michelle wouldn't have to be wasted trying to use dying French cancer patients.
Obama went with this story for a purpose and his people used a mentally handicapped person for the purpose of they tell no tales. It appears this person was supposed to die and did not, so the Truth came out.
But we fly on that big old jet airliner, not carrying Obama too far away.
Fly on that big old jet airliner, because it is retards and Americans who have to pay.
Don't ask, just kiss, Steve Miller, enjoy your jungle love, driving you mad, driving you crazy.
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
- Charles Dickens