Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Obama Coons

I love real Americans from the reality of life and Drudge had a link to Glemie Dean Beasley, a coon hunter in Detroit, Michigan of all places.
For those who do not know what coons are, just remember Forest Gump talkin' about his Mama takin' a broom and sweepin' those coons right off her porch, and those are the raccoons which Mr. Beasley is hunting, killing, skinning out and selling for meat to Motor City Madmen.

The tale of Detroit is telling in this in it has lost over a million people and the entire city is turning into a coon haven. I have never had the pleasure of eating coon as I have indeed shot them, trapped them, skinned them and sold them, and, in doing so, I have found them to be dirty, greasy and full of worms in their intestines like most cats are.
Not exactly something which has an appeal to me, and this is coming from someone who has been larded up with genuine rendered skunk grease as a cure for influenza and eaten quite a few things as Col. Townsend Whelen stated, "It is all good and all edible".

That is what always baffles in me green Africa to see starving people, when there is grass, tree leaves and other assorted weeds to boil up in a pot to get you through the long hunger. There are always things to eat and if you don't know any better it all tastes pretty good in stew or over a hardwood fire.

Coons though are a walking chef cafe if one stays away from their intestinal tract. They usually have 2 inches of fat on their meat which one has to cut off, but it makes great John Wayne True Grit corn dodgers in you render it out.
Rendering is simply for those who do not know, slowly heating fat from hogs, bears or coons until it melts and one is left with the cracklings. Lower grade fats like deer and cattle produce a suet or tallow which is not conducive to cooking with. Some like sheep have a horrid taste. Some like skunks, whales and humans produce an ultra high quality oil that is quite translucent and pure.

The reason it is so noted is in the worst of Obama times, people might just have to be like Glemie Dean Beasley and not like Obama turning his nose up at what flew over or crawled by that day.

I actually read a journal from an English explorer in Africa who roomed with cannibals there. He said he tried human from the buttocks region and found it well marbled and quite delicious.
I guess Obama's kindred didn't sell all they captured, but some ended up on the table too.

G. Gordon Liddy once killed, roasted and ate a rat, because he said he was afraid of them and that cured him. I have been told that Jews in work camps would swallow whole rats on a string and then pull them up to fool their body into thinking they had eaten.
Liddy's story is believable, but the rat story in knowing how large the esophagus is in a human and how big a rat is, makes the Jewish story a bit more difficult to swallow as the first person doing it would get the rat and the next people would get the flavor of vomit as the rat was exposed to digestive fluids.

Sort of makes eating old Glemie Dean Beasley's coons more appetizing doesn't it.

We now though return you to the Obama's eating 100 dollar a pound Japanese beef while a real black American is hunting coons in Detroit, firing his .22 rifle off in a city which seems to have anti gun laws and is skinning, selling and eating coons to his delight.

The two Americas of Barack Obama. He eats Japanese beef and Glemie Beasley eats American coon.

I guess the bright side is Mr. Beasley if Obama had been a Detroit communist organizer, would have disarmed him, took his hounds, put him in jail for being American and the coons would have been eating Glemie.

bon appetite


Glemie Dean Beasley