There are absolutely no excuses in Barack Obama attempting to pass the buck on the Somali staged pirate attacks as they were well known and under control with President Bush and other leaders.
There are even less excuses to outright dereliction of duty and outright reprehensible behavior by Obama concerning this entire needless jeopardy for American Citizens on the high seas.
Barack Obama has now become the pirate's hostage and Obama has made all of America a hostage, exactly as that blundering fool Jimmy Carter did with Iranian communists.
Obama now looks completely weak by not doing anything, by staying silent he looks cowardly and if does speak, now he looks prodded to do so by the pirates.
Obama has blundered the entire situation.
This matters intensely as al Qaeda and terrorists around the world have noticed all of this publicity and how if they just take an American hostage or dozen that Obama just sits there looking pathetic and that patheticness rubs off on the US military as it did with Jimmy Carter when he sent Soldiers into harms way and an Iranian ended up pissing on the charred remains of a US Hero.
Fully expect al Qaeda now to grab some high profile Americans in numbers, bait the situation, humiliate Obama and then end it all in a blood fest.
See if Obama moves now on rescuing the hostage, people will ask, "Why did he wait?"
If God forbid this American hostage dies, then Obama is guilty of getting an innocent American dead for not acting soon enough.
This compounds as this American crew are heroic, exactly like Flight 93 which went down over Pennsylvania when the passengers attacked the hijackers.
This crew fought back against the pirates and succeeded in taking their own prisoner.
Now though it gets worse as Obama has the the USS Bainbridge on site monitoring the situation.
The USS Halyburton is on site with helos, and, into all of this heroic Captain Richard Phillip, actually escaped the pirates, plunged into the water risking his life, expecting some Navy Seals to be available, and all he got for it was the swabbies sitting around with their fingers up there Obama anals, and the pirates recaptured this American.
Whoever and ALL EVER, is in command of the Bainbridge and Halyburton should face court martial, along with whatever ever Dunsel is in command of this theater (Vice Admiral William Gortney). IT is without remedy that any American risks their life in an escape with billions of dollars of naval hardware and personnel there and they mirror Obama in not doing a thing.
This should have ended with Captain Phillip's daring escape, 3 SEALS with 50 caliber sniper rifles shooting the pirates who jumped into the water after Phillip and a TOW type missile blowing the lifeboat out of the water.
USS Halyburton "is on site, in the vicinity" of the small lifeboat where pirates are holding Captain Richard Phillip.
To not have this operation at the ready is not doing one's duty. These worthless commanders should be removed immediately and thrown out of the military.
As always, before 5000 pirates start littering the waters off Somalia for this freak show of Obama weakness, this blog will put forth an immediate solution, instead of this castrated "negotiating" which Obama is law un enforcement undertaking to the humiliation of the United States.
America has a host of black sailors. Dress them up as Somali along with a few Somali allies which America does have and put them in cigar boats and have them bob along with the hostage boat just out of distance.
Next, at approximately 1 hour before daylight, a Navy seal team anchors the hostage boat to the ocean floor so it stops drifting, and then proceeds to open holes in the craft, whereby a winch starts pulling the craft down in a controlled sinking operation.
The pirates will then need assistance, which will be provided by the American sailors undercover. (If the pirates have other vessels in the area, it is not that difficult to weed those cigar boats out during the night in sinking them.)
Once the pirates evacuate in a 4 to 1 American superiority, the American swabbies simply shoot the pirates and end the situation.
The rest of the pirates simply are strafed with a 50 caliber helo and the situation ends.
If Obama pays the money, then he is a pariah in rewarding more terrorists and taking American hostages.
If Obama does not pay the money, then he is a pariah for risking the hostage's life.
If Obama drags this out, he is a pariah and Carter jr. for making America look weak.
If the hostage dies, Obama is to absolute blame as this should never have happened in the first place and in the second place, this should have been ended within the first hours with an above like plan.
This is Obama policy in release terrorists, reward terrorists, negotiate with terrorists and embolden terrorists.
This is a complete failure as much as his protesting China, whining about North Korea, rewarding Syria and now looking like Jimmy Carter's actually more inept twin, Obama Carter.
This is Obama if he does and Obama if he doesn't. This is the utter incompetence of Barack Obama now tarnishing the United States military.