the one may rule
by dominance to bring
but who really is slave or king
when the king serves all
and the slave serves self
the riddle of wisdom to fool
ah to be a slave or a king
Slavery has really been given a bad reputation by humans, because in the current world initiated crisis by satan and his minions as they grab for absolute rule and power, the entire way out of the economic plight is slavery.
It will probably puzzle Christians and astound faithless to know that the greatest complete slave to all humans is none other than the Son of God, Jesus the Christ. Every moment of every day He has a mandate to serve people in doing the things they pray for, all for the Father's Glory.
God in Spiritual terms saves humanity by slavery and in physical terms, slavery is how God deals with ending poverty.
For those who bother to read the World of God, the answer to pure slavery and servitude is found in Deuteronomy in the 15th chapter.
It is really all quite simple. Poor people are to be looked after generously by those who have when they are requested assistance.
Those destitute are offered to sell themselves to people with money in order to serve them.
The solution in this is God's 7 year cycles and the 50 year Jubilee. People serve their master until the 7th year, meaning it might be 1 year or 6 years, but at the end of the service, they are set free.
The way they are set free though is with a generous supply from their master in food, commodities and goods.
Verse 14 explains all: "Thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy winepress: of that wherewith the LORD thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him."
See slavery was meant by God to take care of the impoverished, teach them the meaning of work in rewards and when the short education was completed where the slave was exposed to the Wisdom, education, intelligence and successful methods of the the wealthy person, the slave then could go on to be successful.
I once told Bill Gates to stop wasting his foundation money and instead employ people as a program for indentured servants and apprentices to deal with the catastrophic costs of education in America.........he instead chose to listen to nation rapist Warren Buffett.......more's the pity.
The Sabbath year or 7th, ended all indebtedness, but what is interesting is God provided for people who wanted to remain slaves.
Huh want to remain slaves??????? Yes pretty hard to believe that even American slaves in numbers wanted to remain slaves to their masters even after emancipation, and here is the reason why.
Ok, imagine you are Bunta Obamakee or how about someone who is a real slave in Lame Cherry. You are sitting destitute and along drives Donald Trump. You jump out and say, "Mr. Trump, I'm scared. I don't know where my next meal is coming from. I got all this debt. Can I sell myself to you as your slave to serve you?"
Donald looks at you and looks at your credit card and mortgage debt and says, "Ok Cherry, you will be my slave".
Now get your mind off of the word slave which the devil has so deceived the world on as he wants everyone to be king Obama.
Instead consider Mr. Trump's daughter, Ivanka, the hottie. Imagine every day you get up to work for the Donald wearing a nice suit, you work hard, you run his errands, you gain his trust and he teaches you how to be successful.
You become more astute, and pretty soon Mr. Trump being the generous teacher he is has you driving his car like it is your own, you get to go on vacation........you as a faithful servant get treated just like his daughter.
Now the Sabbath year shows up and you look around and say, "Man I don't want to go back to being me. I want this lifestyle serving Mr. Trump as I'm living like Donald Trump without any of the headaches he has."
The Bible remedy is a bit severe, but it has to be as the mark was only for people who were serious in Mr. Trump would take an awl and puncture your earlobe to his door. That was the mark of the contract which was agreed upon and no one was forced into it.
The Jubilee year was very special as if you recall your house you lost, your parents property you lost, well in the Jubilee year, it all came back to you and after serving Mr. Trump and learning how to deal with finances, you now had your old estate back and your children would inherit a better future that would enrich the entire nation.
The Jubilee year was designed to keep nation rapists like liberal democrat Warren Buffett from amassing more wealth as poor Conservatives kept getting poorer.
Kind of get why the financiers have tried to keep this once very American way of life in covenants from being completely put into practice?
There never would have had to have been a Civil War if Christians had simply read the Bible and did what God mandated as Law and not become abolitionists violating the Law of God.
As African and Indian slaves became Christians and took on American attributes, under God's Law they automatically became Israelites or in this case Americans.
Plantation owners could have planned for the loss of slaves in 7 year periods and would have yielded to God's will, instead of succumbing to war.
The same slaves could have then become missionaries in returning to Africa to progress that slave trade tribal clique into all the successes which they had learned in America as the first black American President attempted in Joseph Jenkins Roberts, epitomized here and celebrated for his courage and abilities.
See you don't make illegals as Americans as Obama is doing to buy votes for Democrats. In God's Law that right is earned after proving you are an American by first submitting to honoring God and taking on the ways of Americans and leaving the hyphens behind.
God's slave network worked extremely well. The domestic and foreign slaves never wanted to leave Abraham. Joseph when sold into Egypt immediately rose to rule Egyptian houses, prisons to finally rule the entire nation of Egypt which was the superpower of the day.
Slavery though became corrupted in masters being selfish in looking at people as creatures to dominate instead of creations by God to improve, so the entire nation would improve in their wealth.
The last great test God gave the children of Judah before the Babylonians destroyed the people God divorced as a nation was an order for them to set their servants free.
These people did set them free, but after like 9 11 the danger passed, they were soon hauling these liberated people back into being slaves by illegal man made decrees.
Once these Obama types enslave the free people again, God made certain to enslave them to the Chaldeans in utter ruin.
People never dream that God has an entire national financial plan to fix problems on the financial scales if they would just behave and obey His rules.
Too many though all want the crown on their head and the easy way of scheming to get ahead.
I choose to be a slave to the entire world in serving it as my Master does every moment. I do not suffer fools who mistake self assured mission with the reflection of their arrogance in naming this person 'arrogant'.
I serve and therefore dominate while others attempt to subjugate and end up slaves to their own gods while Christ performs victory unto victory for the Father.
I need no recognition as Christ will see fit where this witness will serve. I serve Him and walk through the fires unharmed.
I chose slavery as it is the only answer I will grow to be all I will be to honor God, and by this, here am I of the royal priesthood, crowned in the mystery of my fathers who played the prophetic harp and will in time and when time passes away be as the signet.
This corrupt government of Obama will not reform to the change necessary and now only through Christ will it be accomplished. The children do not understand for they are destroyed for lack of knowledge for they are not reading their Bible instruction manual in the Spirit of Truth.
la leçon est complète
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