It is not the idea that the Italians could not afford a thing or need a penny from America. It is the idea that Obama blows $9,000,000,000,000, that is trillions and when Italy, an American ally of sorts, who literally enthroned Obama in their Babylonian economic attack on America.........that Obama comes with the cheap seats for the concert.
I mean this is like your inviting someone over for lobster and steak, Italian wine, caviar, French bread with imported mousse and in return you get a pork and beans with stale beer.
How inept is Barack Obama, a day after a horrendous event in Italy which literally killed people and destroyed ancient buildings which were priceless, can Obama come out and offer lip service and his Axelrod Inc. slap around Italians worse than Obama did the British.
Goodness this is like Obama showing up at Princess Diana's funeral and Michelle asking if the dress Diana was wearing was available as the Princess wouldn't need it.
This is embarrassing as Obama couldn't even fly in 100 of this staff of the 500 plus to help Italy or spare a few of the US Air Force cargo planes he stole from the Afghanistan war for aid to the Italians.
No Obama offers chump change like the cheap thrill he is.
This is too much and I must immerse this blog in a purification right as it must be cleansed of this Obama embarrASSment.
I though am hesitant as it involves putting the spotlight on a pristine, beautiful, lovely, good Lady named Lidia Bastianich. People if they watch Create television might recognize her as the motherly cook with her dear Grandma making appearances for the vintage of what an American family is.
Lidia though is all things that person in the White House is not.
Her entire family suffered the Nazi invasion of what would be Yugoslavia in World War II. They then literally as Italian Bosnians (she is Slav of this Balkan region I speak of often in the "ich" at the end of her name.), her family had to flee those Obama communists and be housed in a camp.
There Lidia worked in a school kitchen as a child just like Ronald Reagan did to attend college.
It was then that President Eisenhower and Catholic Charities brought Lidia and her family to America, finding her a place here and a job for her dad.
In that hardship and family of love, Ms. Bastianich, became through very hard work a wonderful wife, mother and American success story in opening restaurants, writing books and having her own commercial venture online and on PBS.
She is the perfect example of American immigrants, building America and loving their native Italy with a passion so that two nations claim her instead of Indonesia not even being able to sell Obama snacks and Americans polarized in disgust over the mahdi.
Lidia Bastianich cooked for Pope Ben and I find her and Grandma the most sensual of interesting women in being intelligent, strong and with hearts of gold.
I have no idea if Lidia is an Obama voter or would despise this blob. I doubt on the first and the second she would probably deem me not her taste, but the point is in her virtue she impresses this blog as all an American should be..........
while Barack Hussein Obama depresses this blog in all an American should not be.
As I'm chewing on a bread recipe I was Inspired to create this morning which is fabulous as Grandma, I will place it here honestly if Hugh Hefner had eaten this bread, my universe exclusive, found only here, he would have come up with PlayOven, instead.
Heavenly LC Bread
1 1/4 cups warm water
Dissolve in it 1 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon yeast
Meanwhile back at the ranch, in a large bowl mix 2 cups all purpose flour and 2 cups rye flour.
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt (canning salt)
2 teaspoons olive oil
1/4 cup molasses
This will be a sticky mess, so flour your hand and your bread board to knead it up to behave itself for a few minutes.
Butter a bread tin and leave this heavyweight raise to double. Mine took in a warm place 5 hours almost as it is a dense bread.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or until done.
This goes well with beef, a red wine, earthy garden veggies like rutabagas, and probably a future spouse as if you make this for them they will never leave you alone and you will be stuck with them.