That millions of 5 year old girls could raise their hands and basically run up debt, sell the nation out and abort babies in mass probably more responsibility than Birdie Obama.
As I beheld the Obama rock tour par dux though, I believe this is not just any longer Obama being suicidal or irresponsible. This is no longer a nation of sex perverts wanting black appendages dirtying them up, Mexicans wanting revenge on whitey, blacks wanting a more free ride or liberals pretending they are not racists.
No what is engulfing the entire modern world is a disease, which this blog diagnoses as the Obama Disease.
Consider the reality of Obama in Turkey, talking to Muslims. Obama says the same exact message which George W. Bush was saying about being at war with terrorists and not Islam to wanting Turkey to be in the European Union, and where Bush gets silence from the Edomites and outright hostility in not helping with Iraq Liberation, Obama gets big Edomite grins and applause.
All that reveals is simply that sons of Esau are a bunch of racist bigoted Ameriphobes.
This doesn't just stop in Turkey as if you notice the polling data which was in Pew Research and the columns which appear in the English Guardian.
Pew finds that 26% of the right favor anything about Obama, meaning Christian Conservative Patriots by 75% recognize Obama for the lying, dangerous manipulator he is.
Now look at the 70% to 80% of Independents and Democrats giving Obama carte blanche overwhelming approval.
Examine though these facts. George Bush ended the war in Iraq in 2008 with a win. Obama still has troops there. Obama has actually expanded the Afghanistan War.
Obama allowed North Korea to test a missile. Obama has out spent in debt George Bush already, 8 to 1 in massive debt approaching $200,000 per family they will have to pay.
Obama is going to grow the government to over 30% and this is already in the most massive, expensive and wasteful government in world history.
Obama is installing the extreme version of George W. Bush policies which this group of Independents and Democrats are still hating George W. Bush over.........but yet these Independents and Democrats are cheering Obama.
This is not some psychopathy any more of delusions, this is beyond schizophrenia which this blog predicted would come, this is now a disease like Alzheimer's.........call it Obamaheimers Disease, because it is bigotry, racism, self hatred, jungle lust, suidcidal reactions, murderous self indulgences and obsessive compulsive spending all in one package.
Consider the English Guardian Obama lover who was complaining about those "26%" who see Obama for what he is as some sort of lunatics. Consider this is from the same group of people who thought Napoleon was a swell guy, thinks Putin is a nice guy, thought Hitler was the answer and were just fine with Saddam Hussein.
Oh yes, they are in love with the Islamocommunists in Iran.
Perhaps the Obama lovers should instead be asking themselves instead of slandering the people who do not see the reality, of, "Gee, there was a minority who knew Hitler was band news while we were cheering him, maybe these American Christians see something we don't."
It does get better though as the Guardian's comment section was overflowing as most European and American blogs are with people who are pointing out the reality of Obama the criminal.
Guess though who are the people defending this big strong, most powerful man in the world?
It is European leftists calling Americans "stupid" and making excuses for the guy.
Ask yourself, how many of you reading this felt driven as these Europeans do in setting on blogs, repeatedly posting and screaming at people rudely, just to defend a foreign leader?
Have any of your ever done that in your life? I will bet none of you have on the right of left as it is pure insanity to be so attached to Putin, Brown, Sarkozy, Hu etc... to exhibit that kind of fear and weakness that if Obama goes down, you will too be crushed.
That is the completion of Obamaheimer's Disease. An entire class now of people termed here the "idiotry" like that English twit gentry that seemed more inbred than of breeding. Reality does not matter. If reality comes from a white American, it is foul. If it comes from Obama, it is vunderbah.
I mean personally, I have had opportunities to see Gorbachev, Bill Clinton etc... but meeting them had absolutely no allure for me. I met socialist George McGovern and my only reaction was, "This big shot millionaire dresses in cheap scarecrow suits that looked like bedding".
My one of many infamous quotes has always been, "I prefer my heroes dead as they are no longer around to disappoint".
I do not impress with having sit downs with the puppets of the realm nor their masters.
These Obamaheimers patients then extol the evil of George W. Bush in ruining America, but seem to not notice America was just fine until Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama took over Congress and then food prices went up, oil prices went up and the entire housing mess enveloped America when Obama was stopping John McCain and the GOP from fixing it.
The current mess the world is in, is by Obama, from Obama, with Obama and of Obama. It ceased being George W. Bush's problem which he had fixed already in 2001 when in 2006, there middle of the road and leftist Americans who are still clinging like burrs to Obama voted for all these liberal Democrats in Congress.
Obamaheimers, you made the mess with your mahdi, Birdie, this was not George W. Bush's policy. You did it all. You are to blame.
So here we have Prague, 40,000 Obamaheimers gathered to either see a carnival freak show in the mermaid, bearded lady, dwarf with 3 legs or they gathered to see Obama who can do nothing for them, will do nothing for them but get them invaded by Russia and nuclear bombed and this mob stands there and cheers the guy.
At least, the French, Brits and Germans had it right in rioting and driving Michelle Antoinette Obama to the palace gates again.
I mean George W. Bush has Putin intelligence throwing a grenade at him, and the best Obama can stir up is a Syrian with a knife. That is the surest sign that Medvedev has exactly the patsy he wants with all these American enemies.
Examine it, Pope John Paul gets a guy with a gun trained by Gorbachev and Putin and all Obama gets is the Saudi's manufacturing some Syrian who probably thinks Obama is George Bush with a Texas sun tan.
Well, I guess that is about it for diagnosing the world plague, Obamaheimers, that I guess is The Tan Death of Europe and the venereal syphilis of American road kill middle voters and those creatures who one sees on the left side of the road bloated with the vultures pecking on them.
Time to go, waiting on a call from Hefner to do a hot tub counsel with centerfolds from 1984 to 1987.
The physician of phroar is out.