Birdie Obama has eclipsed all of this though in bringing American foreign policy to utter ruin in less than 2 months.
This blog predicted just yesterday that more hostages would be taken in considering al Qaeda would join the fray, but no it was Somalia now taking additional hostages. (I had assumed that the US military would have taken measures to guard sailors in the Somali theater, but under Obama, America instead waits to be shot like fish in a barrel.)
The worst of this is the absolute lame statements and inaction coming out of the White House. Axelrod Inc., does not define violence, kidnapping, weapons being shot, hostages at terrorism. No Axelrod Inc. has instead in the Washington Post floated this as "potential terrorism" which Obama is looking at in how to deal with it.
This is terrorism. These are terrorists.
I will go further to submit that this IS a staged event meant to escalate and probably get Americans murdered, so UN expert Susan Rice who is of this African rapine plan meant to make Africa a pseudo colony again to be plundered can initiate the Brzezinski and Obama globalist plan of America having to "invade" Africa.
Africa as noted has oil, raw minerals and the bread fields of Kenya and Rhodesia, all to plunder by the cartels. They will install Odinga type Marxists to run this for them and make Africa a colony as Obama commits genocide on black Africans.
None of this is good for Obama as either he is incompetent or genocidal in wagging the dog to not waste a good crisis to implement his agenda.
It would be nice if Americans actually would get upset over this as Americans are now being used as literal pawns in Obama policy to further his agenda. Gee, he did it by strangling the US economy to get his bribery packages passed and now he is having Americans taken as hostages to further his agenda...........and after he murders a few Somalis like had the US military murdering rival al Qaeda leaders, he can declare victory, thump his chest, cross his legs and go back to being a closet girl again sitting with Hillary Clinton on the swings at the playground.
This is only going to get worse as fringe groups will see how much attention, power, humiliation for America and potential monetary reward there is in taking Americans across the globe. It only is logical to conclude that some little Tim Geithner short pants school for American children for these globalist executives will have a limo load of people kidnapped and held for hostages.
One would suspect perhaps 25 would be a manageable number Islamocommunists would desire in their planning, because in that number they could chop off body parts and hang them on road signs for "Lara Logan journalists to find" while other parts like heads could be directly mailed to the New York Times for effect of front page news.
See children, this is nasty. I warned you people this would happen and much worse while Newsbusters was prancing about like Obama tutu wearing confused bi sexuals covering stories about...........how sexy Michelle Obama is.
This blogs concern is Americans and has always been Americans. It gets quite upset when Americans get used for political globalism and being brutalized by a bunch of Obama sponsored thugs for a much more expansive agenda.
The most certain sign this is bogus is the military has been told to stand down and is just standing around allowing events to occur as Obama "negotiates".
As the perfect stage in this to set, let us reflect on an American now using salty ocean water to wipe his butt, which is chafing it as they have no toilet paper. AK 47's full auto rifles are being aimed at them.
There is an American woman being held hostage in Iran as a "spy" and two Americans held in North Korea for being "spies" all under the Obama tenure.
They are being threatened, not given enough water or food and not having a very good day or night as Obama lets this all play out.
In noting that, Barack Hussein Obama flew in Chris Sommers, 850 miles from Missouri, because Birdie likes Sommer's pizza.
Sommers brought 20 pounds of dough and 3 gallons of pizza sauce to which Birdie Obama had another party at taxpayers expense while Americans are being brutalized off the coast of Somalia.
If Sommers was flown in on private jet, the pizza's probably cost $250,000 a piece. If one adds up the costs of the Somali "negotiations" the pizza's probably cost over a million dollars a piece.
Taken on average, Birdie Obama was eating $500,000 dollar pizza's for a party while Americans were being held hostage by terrorists.
This blog seems to use "reprehensible" a great deal lately, but that is what all of this is IS reprehensible misbehavior.
..........and it is only going to get worse kiddies.
What cha gonna do Obama supporters when Birdie needs a bump in the polls for his agenda and he chooses to allow these non terrorists to take you hostage in New York?
You Obamaniacs accused George W. Bush of all of this, but the difference is Obama is actually doing it.
Enjoy your pizza........oh that's right none of you were invited like Peggy Noonan is still waiting on her slice.
agtG 257
Obama's five hundred thousand dollar pizza
Obama's non terrorists terrorists