I detest liberals for many reasons from their being loosers at life, terrified of life, being idiots whose mind is emotion and not fact and because they never have one fact to back up their rantings.
As Joseph McCarthy is pulled out by liberals as their murderous sword to slaughter debate, I concluded it was time to whet the edge of this blog to explain to these liberal twits just who they are attacking.
First off, I will ask liberals if they know who the biggest supporters of Joe McCarthy were?
The answer is shockingly, Joseph Kennedy, Jack Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. The Kennedy family loved Joe McCarthy, had him to their compound an Hyannis Port and Maria Schriver's mother, Eunice along with her sister, actually dated Joseph McCarthy.
Bobby Kennedy would serve on his staff in the Senate in hunting down communists and exposing them.
The Kennedy family would never utter one thing but praise on Joseph McCarthy, because in their judgment he was an American hero.
So for liberals pulling out McCarthyism, perhaps their Camelot icon should instead by Kennedyism as the Kennedy family was equally death on the communist menace as Joe McCarthy was.
What first got my attention on Joe McCarthy was a now scrubbed interview with glasnost communist Michael Gorbachev on his first trip to America. Leftists had hailed him the savior of the world and were just ready to have Gorbachev tell the facts to the world about dunce Reagan, dunce Conservatives and dunce America.
Liberals though made the Marcia Clark mistake at the OJ trial in not knowing the answer before they asked the questions.
See for people who know history, the Rosenbergs were a notorious traitors to America in assisting the Soviet's in getting the atomic bomb. There had been much propaganda in the press by their pathetic offspring and willing leftists in the media about their being "innocent".
So the Gorbachev day arrived and the left was all set up to slap America around in having Michael give the facts on the case.
The question was like, "Mr. Gorbachev, the Rosenbergs have been accused all these years of being communist spies. What really is the truth?"
Gorbie without hesitating from his KGB file knowledge replied, "Of course they were working for Russia."
You could have heard the gasp to Moscow as leftists ran for the woods in having Gorbachev confirm what they had been trying to spin away for decades.
Next some dolt leftist threw another sure fire question at Gorbachev concerning the ever evil Joseph McCarthy in, "Mr. President, Joseph McCarthy hounded American citizens for being reds. Could you please explain the facts."
Gorbachev again without missing a beat replied, "Joseph McCarthy was so effective in his work that he set back Russian KGB plans by a decade in overthrowing America".
That little gem has been so scrubbed that only people who were there and heard it are the ones who are still pointing out what Michael Gorbachev stated as fact about American Hero Joseph McCarthy.
Bobby Kennedy would give the press hell for what they did in smearing Joe McCarthy as he stood by this man.
McCarthy literally saved America long enough for Ronald Reagan to implode the Soviet system. In that reality, the 20th century produced only 3 great Americans, Theodore Roosevelt, Joseph McCarthy and Ronald Reagan.
Still though the left is attempting to smear Joseph McCarthy as they are terrified his real story will be told and in this age of Obama treasonous Marxism in the same system which murdered Joseph McCarthy will rise up and free America one last time.
Yes Joseph McCarthy was murdered as he was recovering from a bout with hepatitis when on May 1st, 1957 he was given the poison carbon tetrachloride.
Defense Secretary James Forrestal doing the same work in exposing the treason in the Truman White House would be assassinated at Bethesda too.
If one cares to really deal with historical Truth, the same globalist syndicate which murdered Joe McCarthy, murdered his good friends in Jack and Bobby Kennedy, murdered J. Edgar Hoover and have been smearing him as a queer with the same venom which they attacked McCarthy, are the same syndicate who murdered Gen. George Patton, removed Gen. Douglas MacArthur and turned free China over to Maoist communist China.
I have been informed that the very astute journalist Sol Sanders will have a book coming out exposing how, who, what, where and when in the United States government turned China over to the communists in the Truman White House. The reason being important is China today would be a billion person Republic, allied to America, instead of plotting to destroy America.
This is how deep this all goes in smearing Joseph McCarthy, American Hero. It is the same ilk like 60 Minutes Andy Rooney whose mentor in college was a communist and as Rooney was like minded and in sympathy with him, went on to despise Patton and every other true American Patriot who Rooney could not measure up to.
Ronald Reagan would write of his Hollywood days at leading the Screen Actor's Guild in being threatened he would be murdered by these "innocent fellow travelers" who Joe McCarthy was exposing. Reagan answered the threats by buying a handgun to protect himself and his family.
So this blog smiles every time some pathetic uneducated liberal tries tossing out the McCarthy card or comes across some asinine column in the New York Times or liberal pages with smarmy attacks on this American Hero, because if one reviews the wording used to smear Joe McCarthy, it is the same phraseology being used by this same ilk to go after the people exposing Barack Hussein Obama.
Yes children, this same murderous pinko of the 1950's is now thrashing about as Axelrod Inc. raping America.
Joseph McCarthy will always be an American Hero and it is amusing when liberals thinking they have a nuclear issue like racism or homophobia they hide behind, come upon the facts smacked across their faces and they scurry away in shock as their propaganda never programmed them with that reality.
Senator Joseph McCarthy is as time goes by, top secret FBI files are released and those who know the story in writing it, being proven the vanguard of the American Republic.
His spirit is still athirst for the Truth and will prove once again in exposing the traitors to America for the preservation of the American Republic.
So throw out your McCarthyism smears you liberal twits, for it is a badge of honor just like the slur Yankee once was upon real Americans.
Here here! saluting Joseph McCarthy, American Hero and American Patriot.
May God bless the Good in America. In His Name. Amen
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Hero Joseph McCarthy