The facts though are Mitchell has run for his typical ego centric protecting his reputation closet as all those little Jews have been plotting against Obama pax, Obama peace for those who were smoking dope when world history was being taught in high school.
It seems not only Netanyahu but Barak, the Ehud Barak, Labor leader along with my favorite Jew, ultra-nationalist Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman have been going like gangbusters in building up an area in E 1 of the British Mandate called Mevasseret Adumim.
To cut through all the bull which now has the globalists smacking about Lieberman in attempting to make an Olmert scandal, Netanyahu has agreed to this "city on a hill" which will effectively cut off the two state solution, divide Jerusalem and bring about a cherry war.
Before people think this is all those right wingers doing this, Barack is leftwing Labor and the people in Kadima who were Olmert while promising the neo Syrians and Philistines all the cookies on the plate, had Jews building like gophers on numerous sites in the "West Bank".
While 10,000 Jewish kids leave the West Bank settlements which is a typical Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz, "do as I want in a Jewish homeland, but I don't want to live there, but still call me a Jew", these Jewish orthodox settlers are breeding like the Pope's every Catholic should have a dozen kids to take over the world doctrine.
With Mitchell doing his best always to protect Mitchell's butt, this means a great and nasty war is brewing to erupt as Obama Pax is going to be Obama Bellum. (War for the dope smokers.)
Fatah or the Palestinian Authority will collapse once this issue comes to fruition which means violence.
This entire thing has been mismanaged. Jews are paying horrendous prices for housing from 1000 dollars a month for an apartment to a half million dollars for a house, because of the idiot "no construction" mandate for this idiot peace.
Philistines are having just as bad a deal as in Gaza they look like they live in a terminte mound.
People deserve better than this.
So the solution will be war..........what kind of war though?
It honestly appears that Netanyahu will look to cement power as he deliberately brought in left, right and center, so as to weather a coming strike against Iran.
Obama puttering about with his buddy Islamocommunists in the hinterlands for a summer of slow bleeding appears to have left Iran to the Jews who are not listening in the least to Obama or Tom Friedman the resident kosher spud brain minus the potatoe for brains in the New York Times.
Netanyahu has had the IDF making strikes on Iranian convoys coming out of African Sudan arming Hamas. That is a shooting war in which the Jews simply need to shift east.
This blog is all for decaptitating the entire Al Quds, Persian communist and nuclear operations.
As this was outlined before in detail, it suffices it to say that the Jews should from the Kurdish and Arabian Sea infiltrate the Persian nerve center with the necessary 50 suitcase nuclear devices and detonate them in coordination.
The operation is designed to not leave any Persian communists alive to launch from their arsenal of around 40 nuclear warheads they have created.
The Jews are going to be going this alone and they might as well save their military resources when Obama shuts them off. Flying F 16 heavies that far is ridiculous and the nuclear option is all the IDF has been left with as the Bush administration refused the munitions which the Jews need to carry this off.
The old John Wayne line to bank robbers who were complaining he had shot them and their wounds hurt is fitting, "If you don't like the justice, don't rob the bank".
If these Muslims do not want nuclear responses, then they should be building solar power and not lying about nuclear is a peaceful energy production by them.
The Persians chose nuclear, so use nuclear to settle the issue.
The message will forever send the message worldwide for odd regimes that there are no tomorrow results for playing with radioactive material or helping terrorists get the bombs for a proxy war against the west.
President Bush made a horrific mistake in allowing Iran to get away with trying to nuclear arm FARC narco communists in South America. Bush43 instead of assassinating FARC should have vaporized the Persian areas of Iran and ended this 2 years ago.
The residents of the coming Mevasseret Adumim though living on a hill should survive quite well as any nuclear, biological or chemical attack doesn't work very well on hill communities.
As they are on the eastern corridore too, they will not have Armageddon to contend with as that is north of Jerusalem and the valley which leads north is on the west side.
So as the coming war is a precursor war for establishing Obama's buddies in Europe in the driver's seat, this blog is all for the coming of Christ and it sees dusting Persian communists a fair solution in preserving Philistines, Lebanese, Afghani, Pashtun and Pakistani peoples, the last of which Obama has been slobbering over to nuke.
Oh by they way, it has been months and Rambo Obama still has not assassinated bin Laden. I recall his promise that Obama knew how to get bin Laden as George Bush did not.
Apparently Sheik bin Laden is lost as Obama can not find him.
That settles it though as we are going to have another Obama War and Obama will blame it on right wing Jews who are left wing too. The most certain sign is George Mitchell not doing a tampon impersonation.
We of the Axelrod Inc. must keep track of this for Obama travel plans involve now a summer trip to Russia. It would then be so good for Pax Obama to be with Pax Medvedev to scold Jews, mourn commie Persians and say "never again" and take credit for peace.
pax obamus